

hey my name is Ava I'm 21, I got my own house & I'm from Florida . I'm here to tell y'all how I was used by my so called bestfriends 💔💔 .

so I was up at 2:00 at night bored so I started flexing with my mama rent money or whatever 😂 . But I noticed this boy was watching my story every second so yk me I posted stop watching my every move 🤣 . then I got a message from him saying "wassup" sis when I tell you this boy was cuteee !!! so I said hey or whatever. He asked me for my number for iMessage games so I gave it to him, then we started talking & we became Bestfriends .


so me & him was on FaceTime or whatever so he asked me "can I borrow some money my daughter need some stuff " I said yeah cause the little girl was cute so I cash app him 300 dollars he did say thank you .


so I haven't heard from him at all today so I texted him "wassup lil boy 🤣" I noticed that my message wouldn't send so I got mad & I went on Instagram to text him but then when I clicked on his name it said user not found I'm like whatttttttt this dude blocked me. so the next day I go to my girl bestfriend Asia house & got her phone & started looking up his ig so I found him or whatever .

so I pressed message & guessssss what ? I see messages of them so I started reading them because she was in the bathroom. so tell me why she told him to text me so he can use me for my money & that they was gone split the money . so I seen she had 200 on cash app I sent that money to my cash app & threw her phone to the wall .


I decided to go shopping with my lil sister because whatever she wanted she got it . so we walk in target to get some toys remind you my sister & his daughter friends, ok so we going by the toys I see my sister running by a lil girl so I went to go see where my sister went tell me why I see him with ANOTHER GIRL all I could do is laugh & say sis he gone use you like he used me . So she looking at me crazy & stuff this boy gone say who you idk you I couldn't even do nun cause if I would've hit him he was gone hit me back 😂 .


so I get back home & decided to do my makeup but when I was half way done I got a called from Asia I didn't answer it cause ion mess with ha so after the 5th time of her calling I answered I was like whattttttt ? she say "bestfriend I'm so sorry I just needed money " me: girl bye .

So I started checking my messages & I see a message from him saying " I'm so sorry " I said ima text you later when I leave the funeral. "Awww who died sorry for yo lost -dj" I said my feelings for you 😂 !!!