
3 Unknown Aunty

according to my mother when my father's died. My mother called Aunty Cynthia multiple times she didn't picked.

And when it's was time for my father's burial my mother still call her again and she happen to pick and then she apologized to my mother for not returning her calls and that it wasn't intentional, my mother forgave her.

And she said she was surprised by my mother called and she hopes that everything was okay. And that is when my mother opens up to her about my father's death, Aunty Cynthia was in shock and she kept on crying and screaming on the phone non stop.

She told my mother to forgive her for been a very bad and wick sister. Anita I am very for not been there when you needed me the most. My mother told her that she hold no grudge against her for that.

My Aunt apologized and then console my mother for her lost. After everything my mother tells her the date set for the burial and she promise to come to the burial, but never show up.

Few years later Aunty Cynthia decided to come to the village on a Christmas period knowing fully well that people will be shining teeh on her arrival base on the occasion.

And to be honest alot of people were very happy to see her, expect me Annabelle. They hugged her and gave her warm smile, some even offered to carry her lockage.

I don't care about where she is coming from city or not that is her business. And the most annoying part is that some of this people treat her as if she was returning from London. But not knowing she was returning from the same part of this Nigeria .

Aunty Cynthia became very nice to me all of sudden. She started telling me the story behind the reason she doesn't like coming to the village as often as possible.

Annabelle my dear please don't hate me, I have a reason for not coming to the village all this while." Aunty am sorry to interrupt you but what could be the reason because the last I checked I am sixteen years old, so if am correct that simply means you haven't come to this village for more than sixteen years now.

Annabelle my dear you are correct the Iast time I came to this village was two years before you were born." What Aunty please tell me you are joking, am telling you the truth Anna."

What." so you mean for the past eighteen years you have not visit this village for once.

Annabelle it's not eighteen years yet. So We still have someday left before this year is round of.

Aunty abeg dey fear God.(Nigerian slangs).

So you mean to say that, you coming to this village nine days before this year is over is something to be proud of.

After staying In a strange man Land for decades. I am ashamed on your behalf Aunty.

Annabelle please believe me I know you are a grown up, but you are not up to the age am supposed to telling this kind of thing.

Aunty I don't care about your reason,so to hell with it.

Annabelle was about to out of her Aunty, but she called her back.

Annabelle my dear I understand how you feel and I am not angry by behavior, because I know that I deserve it.

I was not there when you needed me the most and I haven't been a good Aunt to you most especially, but I hope you find a place in your heart to forgive me one day.

Aunty I am sorry to disappoint you but I hope that day never comes. With anger Annabelle work out her.

To days to Christmas my Aunty became very nice to me all of a sudden. Annabelle my dear I over heard you and your mother discussing about you wearing your previous Christmas clothes again this year." Yes Aunt you heard us correctly, so what is it and why do ask.

Annabelle instead wearing your old outfit why don't you take this twenty thousand naira and buy your self a new clothes and shoes for this Christmas." Thank you very much Aunty but I don't need your money.

Annabelle I am your Aunt so anything that belongs to me automatically is also your.

Aunty I am sorry but I can accept it, my Aunty felt very sad as I refuse to collect the money.

Christmas day arrived my mother plan on cooking rice and stew, but my Aunt said that rice and stew is very common food.

Then she suggested for for fry rice and chicken, but my mother said she doesn't know how to prepare it, then she over to cook for the Christmas.

Although the fry rice was very sweet and most especially the chicken, oh my God I eat as if I never eaten in my entire life before.