
Fake Boyfriend

~You fall in love with the most unexpected person and at the most unexpected time~ Taehyung a web novelist approaches Jungkook(a new transfer guy) to be his fake date in order to complete his BL fiction and win the prize . But he is soon rejected by jungkook as jungkook dislikes gays as he has seen his mother being brutally tortured by his gay father because his father was forcefully married to his mother . At the end we see that both have developed feelings for one another but will the society accept them ? Above all will they accept themselves as this ? Will jungkook agree to do this ? will they really keep on hating gays ? If agreed will they be able to only be a fake dating couple ? . .. & a much more questions will be answered with each part .. keep reading this and ignore if I made a spelling error or any grammatical error ..! P.s : it's just a fanfiction

Natsu123 · Prominente
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12 Chs

Chapter 5

It is a scientific fact that your body will not absorb cholesterol if you take it from another person's plate." Yeonjun muttered, taking a piece of cake from Taehyung's plate.

"I hardly eat and I still can't lose weight! " Wonwoo sighed, taking a big bite of burger, which again belonged to Taehyung.

Both giggled at their own theory. They looked over at Taehyung who was immersed in an assignment on his laptop and had a frown over his face.

See, Taehyung was actually busy completing his history assignment which has already passed the due date. The heaviness of yesterday's event was already replaced by the burden of assignment today.

"If you don't submit your assignment by today evening I'll make sure to give you detention for the next two weeks' ' Mr. Won had practically yelled at him in front of the entire class.

Two weeks detention? Mr won was still being lenient towards the brunette as he knew he was a sincere student, must have been caught up in some work that he forgot the due date.

" Bro, did you hear about the Italian chef with a terminal illness? " Now this seems serious. Taehyung stopped typing and looked over at Yeonjun, waiting for him to continue.

"He pastaway" With that Yeonjun and Wonwoo burst into laughter. Fuck! He could have written nine more words! 'I really need to make new friends'.

The weather was beyond scorching and sultry today and yeonjun's lame puns weren't helping, like always. "No doubt why you are ageing this fast taehyung! For God's sake stop typing ! Yeonjun whined as he flopped over his chair, dramatically pouting at his best friend.

"why so?" Taehyung continued typing hastily. He didn't even bother to look over. No more glances were given. He was already nine words behind!

"I regret befriend-"

"Oh Jimin messaged, he is asking about your whereabouts " Wonwoo showed his phone to Taehyung.

"But why? Taehyung eyed him before typing again.

"Did you forget tae? He is going to introduce you to your dream boy Jungkook today" Wonwoo teased. Yes, Taehyung hasn't informed them about yesterday's event yet. Nor does he plan to.

Dream boy? Yeah that explains why I wasn't able to sleep yesterday!

"Oh damn! Even I forgot about him!'' Thank god you did! Yeonjun huffed, the dramatical pout was still there.

"umm well I have decided to withdraw from the competition '' Taehyung said in a very low voice as he still was convinced with his decision. What exactly did he do to miss such a golden opportunity ! Maybe hating gays?

On hearing this, Yeonjun and Wonwoo were beyond shocked. Both looked at each other in disbelief. The playful environment was long gone.

"what? Why ? Are you crazy? Isn't writing your favorite thing?" seriousness lacing in each and every word spoken by the yeonjun. He knew when to be a jerk and when serious.

"Yes, are you crazy?" Wonwoo exclaimed as he leaned on the table, resting his palms on them. Maybe he hasn't known Taehyung as long as Yeonjun did, but he knows how much writing means to him.

With the awkwardness of the atmosphere, Taehyung already regretted telling them about his decision. He hated this. He hated being eyed until he gave an answer.

"I'll tell you guys later, please?'' Taehyung whispered. Still immersed into his laptop. But his friends knew the vulnerability of his words and didn't bother to make him more anxious after all they knew, they are all he has.


The rest of the day went on peacefully. He submitted the assignment and freed himself from getting two weeks detention. He politely declined Jimin's offer to meet jungkook.

Presently, Taehyung sat on one of the corner tables in the college cafeteria. Yes, he was still there. He was completing some of tomorrow's work. His history class was again cancelled because of the upcoming history week. Utilising the time, he was preparing some of tomorrow's notes.

Taehyung groaned as he finally completed the ongoing work, raising his arms above his head. He slumped back on the chair as he exhaled a loud breath. He lifted his gaze from the scattered paper on the table and started scanning people present at the cafeteria.

Everyone seemed busy in their own world. Some seemed like they were having their own pretty little argument with the cell phone. Taehyung was a thinker as well as an overthinker. He loved imagining what a particular person might be thinking, this was one of his favorite hobbies.

Soon he saw a familiar figure making his way towards the brunette from the main door. His dark brown eyes met the other's jet black eyes , and he looked away.

Not wanting to be humiliated in front of others he tried hiding his face behind his palms! Maybe he looked hilarious as he did so but he didn't care as long as it kept him unnoticed.

He felt a shadow hovering over his table. Why is he coming this way? Will he humili-

"I almost didn't notice someone was here, your palms did a great job" why do you always have to be this lame in front of him!

The brunette slowly brought his palms down realizing this wasn't a great move and started fiddling with the ends of the loose t-shirt again.

"Can I sit here?" and who was taehyung to deny. He nodded.

The ravenette slowly pulled out the chair and sat on it. He was sitting in front of the brunette.

"I am really sorry for yesterday. '' Does he always have to do this? One moment he is disgracing him and the other moment he apologizes for his act? Bipolar bitch!

Taehyung didn't reply to anything. He kept on fiddling with his t-shirt ends, eyes fixed at the floor.

"please accept my apology and this as a forgiveness gift" forgiveness gift? That's cute?

Jungkook pulled out a brown packet from his bag. Soon a cute vanilla waffle with white chocolate chips and dazzling honey syrup on top of it was placed before the brunette. Was this for him? Slowly his eyes twinkled and his lips were formed into a magnificent rectangular smile as he eyed the waffle and the waffle giver. (though i prefer muffins and donuts over waffles!)

"Is this for me?" Jungkook smiled and nodded at the elder fondly,"thank you, you are forgiven!"

Without wasting a single second he lifted the waffle and brought it near his parting lips and devoured the flawless taste.

One thing that Taehyung didn't care about or more like the only thing that Taehyung didn't care about was being judged while eating. Well he loved food, especially sweets. Like who doesn't ? and the thought that someone has brought a waffle for him was enough to make his whole month happy. Okay, a bit exaggerated, maybe a week or day but who cares.

After eating up the waffle, he finally looked at the ravenette, who had a silly smile on his face, as his elbows rested on the table and used his fist to support his head and looked at the brunette savoring his treat.

"Umm, thank you" Shyly spoke as he grabbed a napkin and started cleaning off his hands and mouth.

"well I never got your name" jungkook asked, still smiling fondly at the other"

Duh! Cause I never told you.

"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung"


thank you