
Fairytales Stories

Fairytales Stories is the english version of my original one that was uploaded on wattpad. Hope you will love it

Noelle_Selva · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Stranger than Fantasy-2

 After classes, in front of the school's gate, Marwa was talking to her brother Ramis with her sister Rema.

"So, you have a school project with a classmate." Ramis said. "A boy classmate?"

"Yes, yes." Marwa replied bored.

"A classmate, a boy!" Ramis said angrily.

"You have asked this question three times!" Marwa said. "Yes, he's a boy!"

"And you're going to do it in his home!?" Ramis asked angrily.

"No, in the street!" Marwa said sarcastically. "Where are we going to do it then!?"

"Not accepted!" Ramis said more angrily. "You are going to do it in our house!"

"Oh, is this the time to be an overprotected brother!?" Marwa said. "It's just a project!"

"What!? No way! I won't let that happen!" Ramis shouted.

Marwa looked at her sister Rema who was so bored. She smiled a weird one and sat at her sister's height.

"My dear Rema, you know? Tomorrow is the weekend." Marwa said with a smile. "Doesn't that mean something?"

"Yes, that's right!" Rema said happily. "Ramis, Ramis, you promised me to buy me an ice cream today! And without Marwa so that she won't eat mine! Let's go and leave her with that friend, please!"

"What!? No!" Ramis shouted. "I won't leave her alone with him!"

"Please!" Rema said with cute eyes.

"Oh…Eh…" Ramis was scared she would cry. "Ok, we will go…"

"Yay!" Rema said happily.

"I will call you when we arrive at the ice cream shop!" Ramis said seriously.

"Ok, ok." Marwa said carelessly.

Ramis and Rema went to the ice cream shop, after that, leaving Marwa waiting for Kamel for their project. But there wasn't any project.

"Finally, he goes!" Marwa said between herself. "I have to talk with Kamel about what is going on in the school, it can't be at home! By the way, where is that stupid Kamel? He's late!"

"Booo" Someone shouted behind Marwa.

"What!?" Marwa scared. She looked behind to find Kamel smiling at her and having wounds on his face.

"Why did you do that?" Marwa said angrily. "And why are you injured?"

"Come with me." Kamel replied. "I will tell you in our way." 

They walked together, and Marwa noticed that they weren't going to Kamel's place.

"Where are we going?" Marwa asked. "And how did you get injured?"

"I get into a fight with someone…" Kamel replied quietly and carelessly.

"What!? You!? Get into a fight!?" Marwa shocked. "The most quiet student in the school!?"

"Hehehe…I had to…" Kamel replied gingerly while putting his hand behind his head. "I fought with Jawad. I tried to infract the light and this is the result…"

"What!? Infract the light?" Marwa said. "What's happened?"

"Ehh…I can't say everything, but you can say that I teased Jawad and made him lose his temper and get into a fight." Kamel replied nervously and his face turned somehow red. "He didn't do this wounds, but the light. After getting into the fight, it appeared and did that in five minutes and threatened me that the next time would be worse. After I returned to the playground, Jawad was frightened and left quickly. That means that everyone is frightened by the light and that's why they act so weird, and no one wants to stand against it."

"That's the strangest thing I heard today." Marwa said with shock. "How did you tease Jawad?" 

"Between all that I said, your concern at that!?" Kamel said angrily and surprisingly.

"It's hard to tease Jawad." Marwa said while putting her hands behind her back. "I had to see that!"

"What!?" Kamel shout. "Forget about that and let's return to our subject."

"Then," Marwa said while looking at Kamel carefully. "What did you find?"

"I noticed that all the classes having trouble with that light," Kamel said seriously. "All of them without any expectations. All of them saw the light and are frightened of it."

"What are we going to do?" Marwa said while trying to hide her fear.

"Like I did now…"Kamel replied with a big smile.

"Do you mean infract the light's rules?" Mara shocked.

"When it sees someone who infracts regardless of the results, it will appear. So, I think it's a good way." Kamel said.

"But it threatened you with dire consequences!" Marwa said with fear. "Even Jawad is frighten of it. What would happen to us if we do that!?"

"Don't worry, I will bear the consequences." Kamel said while putting his hand on her head. "I won't let anything hurt you."

Marwa looked to Kamel who smiled a big and warm smile. She felt saved. Suddenly, they heard Ramis's shouting.

"Hay, You! How do you dear to touch my little sister!?" Ramis shouted with anger that his face turned red.

Kamel became afraid and felt as if he was going to die while Marwa sighed hopelessly at her brother.

"We were just talking!" Kamel justified. "I didn't mean any harm!"

"This is not justified!" Ramis shouted. "Stay away from my sister!"

Marwa stood between them and shouted at Ramis: "Can you stop embarrassing me in front of my friends!?"

Ramis pushed her away and said: "I will deal with you at home, let me continue dealing with him!"

Marwa looked at Rema who was eating her ice cream carelessly as if she was watching a movie. She took the ice cream and threw it at Ramis shouting: "Can you leave us alone!? You angry tomato face! It's ok, this ice cream will cool you up!"

Then she left her brother with Rema crying because she messed up her ice cream, held Kamel's hand, and went away.

"Sorry about my brother." Marwa said.

"Oh, it's ok." Kamel replied. "But, can you leave my hand now?"

"Oh, yes." Marwa left his hand and stood in front of him as an investigator. "Where are you taking me?"

"Oh, yes. There is something you have to see." Kamel replied.

After some hours, Kamel and Marwa were in front of an old and collapsed building. Kamel held Marwa's hand and said: "Don't go too far, we will go in together."

"What!? I may go down on us!" Marwa said surprisingly. 

"Don't worry. It's been like that for five years." Kamel said. "It won't collapse just because we enter it."

They entered together and the place was so dark so Kamel lightened a lamp and said: "This place was an old laboratory, and many new and old scientists were working here. Some people said that the last project of them exploded and destroyed the place and the rescue squad didn't manage to get in and rescue anyone. Just like that, all the scientists died. After that, no one dares to demolition and re-build it."

"Ok, and what is the relation of that with the light?" Marwa asked.

"Before four years, I entered here out of curiosity and found some papers." Kamel continued. "The words were somehow clear and I was able to read some words. The scientists were trying to develop a teacher who could manage disruptive students and make them more regular and quiet. Yesterday, I remembered that while thinking about the light, I think there is a relationship between it and what's happening at the school.

"That's it then." Marwa said. "What we will do now?"

"We will search about that." Kamel replied.

 "Ok, where are we going to start?" Marwa asked with a smile.

"From here…" Kamel replied. 

Marwa and Kamel were in front of a damaged and burnt room that seemed to be a research room and they started searching for anything that may help them about the light. After hours of searching, Kamel found a research file in good condition even though everything else was burnt.

"Don't you think it's weird how this is in good condition while the others are not?" Kamel asked.

"Yes, it seems to be important." Marwa replied. "But I don't understand, why it's not burnt like the others?"

"Maybe they put some chemicals on it so that it will not be burnt." Kamel said. "Let's open it and see what's inside."

Kamel opened the file. Instead of finding words, they found symbols in it that made Marwa disappointed.

"That's bad…we won't know anything about the light because of these symbols now!" Marwa said.

"Don't lose hope, Marwa." Kamel said. "We will decode the symbols."

"How!?" Marwa asked.

"Believe in me, I will do it." Kamel replied.

"You? How are you going to decode it?" Marwa asked. "Do you know about this thing?"

"Yes, I know and I study these before." Kamel replied with a big smile. "But let's keep this a secret between us."

"Ok…" Marwa replied surprisingly.

In the next day, Marwa was confused. 

"Their something strange in Kamel, I don't know why I feel as if he is hiding something from me." Marwa thinks. "I mean, he apologized to me for pulling me to the boy's bathroom and that was embarrassing I felt as if he read my mind or something like that. And the thing that he can decode it, how and why? This the first time I notice that Kamel is a mysterious person."

 "Marwa!" The teacher shouted.

Marwa looked to the teacher surprisingly and said nervously: "Y…yes?"

"What was I explaining a while ago?" The teacher asked.

Marwa looked at the board to find many difficult mathematical problems on it. She squeezed a little and said: "How to solve and find x, y, and z from three equations?"

"That's right." The teacher said. "But next time focus with me and don't lose attention."

"Yes, Madam." Marwa said. Then she started to think: "I survived! I have just guessed it and survived, I am lucky."

Suddenly, the light appeared in front of Marwa putting her in fear.

"Not focusing on the explaining is refused!" The light said. "If you do that again, you will face the consequences."

The light disappeared. Marwa found herself in the playground where lunchtime had begun. She began searching for Kamel to tell him what happened when she saw him with Jawad and they seemed about to fight. She hid near them to listen to their talking. 

"Then, what happened to the biggest bully?" Kamel said sarcastically. "Frightened with a stupid light."

Jawad tried to avoid him: "Stop that, Kamel, there is a serious consequences."

"I am not that weak like you to be afraid just because it hit me and threatened me once." Kamel said sarcastically. "I even works on ending it by myself!"

"That's enough, Kamel. Don't talk like that!" Jawad said. "Remember, no adult should know about it or all the students will be in a big problem. Do what you want but don't involve others."

"Do you know who decided to help me?" Kamel said in a big smile.

"Only stupid ones…" Jawad replied sarcastically.

"Marwa" Kamel said.

Jawad was shocked so much: "M…Marwa?" in anger: "What are you planning to do, Kamel!?"

"Nothing." Kamel reply quietly. "She asked for help."

"Get her away from that now!" Jawad shouted.

"Marwa is the curious type, she will search about that by herself if I stopped her." Kamel said seriously. "Is searching by herself better than searching with me? At least, I can guarantee her safety."

"You stupid…" Jawad said in anger." I will kill you!"

Jawad attacked Kamel and they fell to the ground and started fighting till they stopped and their eyes were opened in shock. Jawad seemed afraid and got away from Kamel quickly while Kamel smiled a sarcastic smile to hide his fear.

"They seem that they see the light." Marwa thought. "But why Jawad was angry when he knew that I am helping Kamel? That what I can't understand."

It was just minutes till they return to reality but Kamel lost consciousness. Marwa run toward him saying: "Kamel, Kamel! Are you ok?"

 "Marwa!? What are you doing?" Jawad surprised. "Go away!"

"Shut up you stupid and coward!" Marwa shouted. "We should take him to the nurse's clinic!"

In the nurse's clinic, while the nurse was examine Kamel, Marwa went to Jawad and asked: ""What did the light do?"

 "AA…what?" Jawad said hesitantly. "What light are you talking about?"

"There no benefit of deny that, I saw everything." Marwa replied. "From the start of your fight till its appearance and disappearance. What did it do?"

"I..I don't understand you!" Jawa said.

"Kamel was right!" Marwa shouted. "You are so coward!"

Marwa went away but Jawad held her hands while looking down.

"He won't wake up till he takes his punishment." Jawad said in a low voice. "He will stay in coma till that."

"What!?" Marwa said worried. "How do you know?"

"That's what happened when I decided to fight it, that's why I am trying to avoid now. "Jawad replied. "You and Kamel, normally, don't get into fights and superior in the class, that's why you were the last to notice the light. It started before three months until it took control on all students, you noticed it. Kamel knows that and knows the consequences, but he fight despite everything, this is called reckless!"

Marwa was afraid and worried. She didn't know what to do or say. Suddenly, Kamel woke up terrified and breathing difficultly. After he calmed down and the nurse leaved, Marwa went to him and said: "Kamel, are you ok? What happened? Please, tell me."

"Don't worry, I am fine." Kamel said with tired smile. "It's just horrifying."

"Finally you realize that!" Jawad said sarcastically. "You stupid…"

"What are you sying!?" Kamel said. "I still don't understand why you are so afraid of it! It's true that it's horrifying but I am not that type how let his fears control him! It's war between me and him and I will win!"

"That's insane…" Jawad said in anger.

Jawad started an intense discussion with Kamel while Marwa was so afraid and worried. Kamel noticed that so he asked her if there is something wrong. Marwa replied: "I don't knoe, Will everyone be ok?"

Kamel Stand up and put his hand on her head saying: "I promise that everyone will be just fine, Marwa…"

Marwa smiled to him after she felt calm with his words, but Jawad got too angry in that time…

Thank you for reading. For more information about the story and other novels, please follow me on instagram:

Fisrt one: noelle._.selva

second one: noelle_selva

Noelle_Selvacreators' thoughts