
Fairy Tail: Wandering Beast

I don't own fairy tail In this story our MC is sent to the world of Fairy tail after he died of a disease and gets beast and animal magic. The story takes place mostly away from the main cast of fairy tail and major events happened during the 7 year time skip. Now available on wattpad

Indra_effect7020 · Anime und Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 25

Salem Pov

When I woke up this morning, I didn't think I would meet one of the main characters of this world but the side characters as well. Now I recognize the purple haired Kagura but I couldn't remember who the cat girl was.

"Hm, sorry did you say something?" I asked the cat girl in front of me who pouted for some reason.

"I asked if you're going to Cedar for the mission like we are." She repeated with a pouty face.

"Mission what mission?" I was confused why someone would generally just ask that out of nowhere.

"Millianna, he obviously doesn't know what you're talking about." Kagura told the girl.

"Eh really?" I shook my head. "Then why are you reading a book on sea serpents if you're not going on the mission to Cedar then?"

"Am just reading it out of curiosity." I flipped a page. "By since you mentioned something about a mission then does that mean you too are from a guild."

"Yep, we're from the mermaid heel guild. My name is Millianna by the way and this is Kagura Mikazuchi." The cat introduced them. Then I somewhat remembered her but all I remember was that she was involved in the tower of heaven arc and the gmg.

"Millianna, I can introduce myself." Kagura lightly scolded her.

"Sorry Kagura-chan." Millianna apologised sheepishly, sticking her tongue out.

"Well cool to meet you Millianna and Kagura am Salem Shupiwe." I greeted them with a two-finger salute. I then turned to Kagura which she noticed.

"Something the matter of Salem-san." She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Am just wondering if you have heritage from the eastern continent Kagura?"

"Well actually yes my mother was from the eastern continent. Why do you ask?" Despite her stern face I did notice just a hint of sadness when she mentioned her mom.

"Oh, just out of curiosity that's all." I shrugged. I was wondering if a migration event happened in Earthland at one point.

"So Salem-Chan what type of business do you have at Cedar especially when it's swarmed with sea serpents?"

'Chan?' I raised an eyebrow but decided to ignore that. "A little nosy aren't you haven't you ever heard curiosity killed the cat."

"Hey! Don't make those kinds of death jokes about cats." She dramatically waved her arms around.

"Millianna stop your causing a scene." Kagura put her hand on her head, making her stop. "Sorry about her, she can get really passionate about cats." She sighed.

"If she gets that worked up over a joke, I hate to see what she would do to actual cat haters." I re-quipped the book.

"Wow your Requip mage just like Erza." Millianna said in awe and also got Kagura's full attention.

"Erza Scarlet of the fairy tail guild?"

"Yep, can you change into different armors like her too!?"

"Oh, nah I can't. Re-quip isn't my primary. I just use it to store my stuff for a quick change of clothes, that's it."

"So, what's your main magic?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out."

"Aww." Millianna pouted.

I looked at Kagura's sword and I forgot the lore behind the weapon but all I remember is that she was waiting to unsheathe against Jellal to kill Jellal.

"Neat Kitana by the way." I was complimented. "What's its name?"

"Thank you, Salem-san and who did you know my weapon had a name."

"I've met mages who give fancy names to their weapons so I just figured it might be the same case." I just want to remember the sword's name. Kagura just looked at me a little amused.

"Well, the sword does have a name, it's called Archenemy but I wasn't the one who gave it the name." She answered holding.

"Cool does it have some deep lore to it like it being some ancient demon weapon which nobody could use in a thousand years till you came along?"

"You have a very wacky imagination Salem-san."

"I think it's a little cute." Millianna giggled.

Suddenly the train comes to a stop and I guess we've arrived at Motor city. Before I could say bye to the two of them. The conductor started to speak.

"Attention passengers, all further trips in and out of the motor city have been cancelled due to a number of earthquakes and rockslides. It has been suspected that they are caused by a monster in the nearby mountains but don't worry the mayor has informed that he sent a guild request to deal with the creature yesterday so please remain patient."

The other passengers on the train started groaning and complaining about the news not that I blame them though as who knows how long they will have to wait hours, days or even weeks.

"What do we know about Kagura-chan?" Millianna asked the swordswoman.

"Hm, I think the best thing for us to do is to travel to Cedar on foot. We don't know when the issue will be resolved." Kagura told her guild mate how just nodded.

"Well, it was nice meeting you two but I got to bounce back to see you later." I got up from my seat.

"Bye Salem-chan it was nice meeting you!" Millianna waves goodbye and Kagura just nods.

I got out of the train and saw the station and there were a lot of railroads and trains. Guess it was called motor city. After I passed the horde of people in the station, I saw the city was full of cable cars, some magic vehicles but older models compared to the ones in Perganda and some factories here and here.

"Hm alright time to go hunting." I transformed into my owl form and took off into the sky.

A little while later

I got to the mountain ranges where earthquakes have been. I then switched to my more harpy appearance and re-quipped my phone holding it with my talon being extra careful. I then saw the location of the anomaly and saw it wasn't that far from me.

I flew a little more and saw the ground had multiple craters and spiked up structures. Now I never played Ark survival and my dinosaur knowledge wasn't all that but I know Ankylosaurus were herbivores and that's it.

"Now how to draw it out , I have to finish this one off before Kagura and Millianna kill all the water serpents before I can over one preferably alpha serpent." I reached the ground. "I hope this thing is territorial."

"Beast soul: Rathalos" I was now in my full Rathalos form. "ROARRR!" I let out a mighty roar which in the context of the way am using it is 'I want all the smoke came get some'.

"ROARRR!" I heard a roar in retaliation and trees where getting knocked down. The Ankylosaurus come out and it was quite big. It was about I don't 8 metres tall and 30 metres wide in estimate but it was really all that accurate.

'The fuck do they get that big?' I asked myself as I looked at the dinosaur. 'But holy shit a real-life dinosaur I feel like i'm in Jurassic Park a little!' I geeked out a bit as I looked at the beast getting ready for battle.

The Ankylosaurus roared and charged at me but quickly flew upwards avoiding it. It's much slower compared to myself. That's good to know. I shot a large stream of fire from my mouth hitting it directly causing an explosion. When the dust cleared it revealed the Ankylosaurus barely even hurt from my attack.

"Great another one with great durability." I grumbled.

The dinosaur snarled at me and a good number of spikes on its armoured back shot out at me faster than bullets and I was having a hard time dodging all of them. But when I was done, I was hit by giant boulders but I regained my control and was still in the sky.

The Ankylosaurus slammed it's spiked club tail in the ground and twenty giant boulders burst out of the ground and the flew at me. My body light in flames and I controlled the fire around me.

'Blazing Tornado!' I flapped my wings and made a huge fire tornado melting the incoming rock projectiles and striking the dinosaur who stood its ground.

Now the Ankylosaurus has high durability and I would have to use heavy moves on it to take it down and as much as I want to really let loose on this thing, I want to test something out first.

"Mythical Animal soul: Quetzalcoatl!" I was now in somewhat human form because the full transformation took away too much magic out of me at least in this form I had eight m. My hair had red and green tips, serpent green eyes, some green scales on my body with feathers here and there.

I was dressed in Aztec-like clothes courtesy of the Shirukus because if they were going to treat my transformations as models might as well get in on it, hell I even had the head wear. Now all of them including Morrigan never let me hear the end of my fashion choice but I paid for it so yeah.

"Lo siento, senior dinosaur but you're going to have to be my test subject." Yeah, I have some what of Spanish accent and speak it from time to time in this form.

I than smirk and speed blitzed the Ankylosaurus and kicked it hard with the using the wind to enhance my attack making it skid through the ground. I roared and launched its spikey bullets at my but just used a strong gust of wind to blow of them away.

"Shisisisi~." I snickered a little sadist glee as I brought my right hand up in the direction of the dinosaur and a golden magic circle appeared.

"Rayo de abastecimento!"

A huge blazing beam travelled at high speeds hitting it dead centre and I heard the dinosaur roar in pain. The attack might have been more powerful than I thought as it scorched the ground beneath us and good thing, I made it travel upwards to the sky otherwise a good chunk of the forest and mountain would be gone which I didn't want to be responsible for.

"Maldito hombre your durability better than I thought." I complimented the creature which was barely alive.

I quickly transformed back to normal and laid down a bit, catching my breath. The Quetzalcoatl form did take a lot out of me so I was just practising on using it in small instances or bursts. My power in that state rivalled a mid S-class and to see the Ankylosaurus still barely alive was really impressive as even a low S-class and one-shot and obliterate a high A-class without breaking a sweat.

"You'll do really nicely." I said then began to use my magic on the dinosaur and after I was done, I laid on the ground to rest a little.

"This way I think the battle is happening this way." I heard someone coming alone with others.

I only used the Quetzalcoatl form for only like three minutes three-four minutes at most and I still had a good portion of magic left for at least 9 hours so I turned into an owl and flew out of there fast. As I was flying, I saw some people who I assumed were mages to their magic power looking around in shock.

"Now it's time for some snake hunting."

A little while later

I arrived in Cedar and landed on a nearby build switching back to my normal form and stretched my arms a bit. I simply used the map on my phone for directions as I was, I got lost. I checked the time and it was about 5pm right now.

"Owl eyes!" After gaining the owl eyes I began looking around the city from the building and I spotted a port some miles away and I guess that's where I'll start looking. The city looked a little wet and so some ships on the port were damaged or destroyed.

"HEY YOU UP THERE!" I heard someone shout at me and so a man in a knight outfit yelled at me. "THIS BUILDING IS PRIVATE PROPERTY YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE UP!" He continued yelling and I just jumped down from the building.

"NO WAIT!" He screamed and some people passing by gasp in shock at my action.

I simply landed gracefully on my feet without making any cracks or dents to the ground.

"Hey mister, do you know anything about the sea serpent attacks?" I asked the local knight who still had a was still a little surprised about my little stunt.

"O-oh the sea serpents, why do you want to?"

"Just to be safe."

"Right." He cleared his throat. "The sea serpent infestation started about a week ago. They mostly attacked the ships and started attacking the town frequently, mostly in the night, so stay safe, kid." He finished his explanation.

"I will thank mister." I gave a two-finger salute and left.

From what I've read Sea Serpents aren't supposed to be in these parts of Fiore they must have come from deeper in the sea so something must have caused them to flee too here. They must be a little aggressive because they see ships and humans as a competition to their new territory. But what caused them to flee here.

'Was it the Naga?' I questioned myself as the Naga is located in one of the islands close to the sea so maybe. "I wonder if they laid eggs already, that would be another problem." I said to myself.

I looked for a hotel and rented a room for myself and decided to buy some fast food and to recharge and read a little more on sea serpents.

Apparently, the only ones which have true affinity with water are the alpha ones while the others just breathe underwater, shooting water projectiles from their mouths as self-defence and venomous teeth. They normally come out of the surface to hunt systematically as a group when they all sense a mutual interest in their territory. They mostly like to be active at night so I guess that gives me a little time to rest.

"Alright time for a little cat nap." I re-quipped my phone and set it for eight o'clock and laid it across the bed and closed my eyes.