

Once both of them reached the lake both the boys immediately took of their clothes and jumped into the lake. It's been a while for Damian since he left the forest and swimming in the lake after such a long time felt a bit nostalgic to him.

Natsu, who was busy cleaning off the dragon drool from his body with the soap given to him by Damian looked at Damian with stars in his eyes. Seeing his well toned body with minimal fat on it made him rise even more in Natsu's mind.

Once he was done cleaning himself Natsu too got into the water and swam closer to Damian and immediately asked, "Nii-chan let me touch your muscles!!!! PLEASE!!!"

Damian who saw the boy who was admiring his muscles smile and nodded his head.

Seeing him nod Natsu immediately grabbed Damian's arms and started feeling his muscles and was even more impressed by them.

"You must be really strong since you have such great muscles. Igneel told me that humans with great physical strength have good muscles."

Damian looked at the boy curiously and asked, "So Natsu? What is Igneel to you anyway?"

"He is my dad who also teaches me magic."

Damian nodded his head and asked, "So how did the two of you meet?"

Hearing that Natsu thought about it for a while and said, "I don't know that much but I have been with him for as long as I can remember. He told me that he found me in the forest and took me in."

Natsu was now swimming in the lake without much care in the world totally naked.

But suddenly Damian felt something and immediately rushed towards Natsu who was confused as to why Damian was rushing towards him.

Damian immediately took the boy in his arms and enhanced his durability for the incoming attack that he was expecting.

And just as he expected a huge shadow appeared below the two of them. Seeing the sheer size of the shadow Damian frowned a bit and looked towards the boy who was in his arms totally unaware of what was happening.

"Natsu get on my back and grab it tightly, ok?" and moved Natsu behind him who even though was confused, still followed Damian's order.

Damian then immediately bformed and enchantment under his feet and started moving towards the bank at a very high speed.

But just as he did that the shadow started to chase him as well.

It was then that Natsu noticed that something was following them and widend his eyes in shock. He then immediately looked in front and gripped Damian tightly.

Damian who felt the arms tighten around him knew that the boy finally noticed the being following them and asked, "Do you know what it is?"

Natsu nodded his head vigrously and said, "T-thats the king of this lake, it didn't attack me before because of Igneel so I forgot about it!!!"

Damian nodded his head and then formed a platform using his enchantment and then jumped up in the air.

Just as he jumped up the being that was following him also jumped up and revealed itself. A huge blue serpentine creature with its mouth open wide filled with sharp teeth, trying to catch the two of them was what Damian and Natsu saw.(A/N:Basically a really huge gyarados)

Damian who saw the creature coming closer formed another platform and changed his path and dodged the attack. He then landed on the ground and said, "Hide Natsu, I will take care of it."

"W-w-wait even Igneel have difficulty dealing with it. How are you gonn-"

"That Igneel of yours have an attribute disadvantage unlike me. And I am much stronger than I look so hide unless you want to become fish food."

"H-H-Huh, that thing's a fish!!!"

Damian for the first time then turned around and was seen with some drool coming out of his mouth. He then nodded his head and said, "Yeah, and a tasty one at that. Though it is very rare, and one of this size...I have never seen it."

Natsu who heard Damian's words gulped his salvia as well but soon shook his head and, "But it's so big, thick and strong!!! Are you sure you will be fine Nii-chan?"

But Damian instead of answering formed an barrier enchantment in front of him blocking the pressurised water ball fired by the creature.

"Yeah, I will be fine."

He then rotated the dial of his Omnitrix and after selecting the transformation he pressed it and got enveloped in a blue light.

Soon the light started to dissipate and a light blue coloured humanoid jellyfish like creature appeared.(Ampfibian)

Natsu who saw the creature had his mouth open wide and immediately asked, "NII-CHAN ID THAT YOU?!?!"

The jellyfish like creature turned his head to look at the boy and said, "Yup, it's the great me." but then he noticed the Omnitrix on his chest started to blinking maki g him confused.

"Umm.....is something wrong?" and tapped the chest piece to check whether there was a problem or not.

"Energy limit fulfilled.....starting the upgradation process.....upgrades complete...established DNA link...."

Damian who had already formed a barrier and was blocking the incoming onslaught of the pressurised water jet looked at the Omnitrix in confusion but suddenly realized something and widend his eyes.

"Is that the upgrade that 'he' talked about.....so it's finally upgrading huh."

A blue light surrounded him once again and this time the same humanoid creature appeared once again although with some changes in its appearance and colour.(Ult. Ampfibian)

A red coloured humanoid jellyfish with some spikes coming out of its tentacle not stood where Damian was.

(Ult. Ampfibian)

Damian looked at his new body in surprise and said, "Ultimate transformations, huh...He He He....not bad, not bad at all."

He then looked towards the giant fish who was glaring at him I'm anger and pointed one of his tentacle towards it and said, "Zapp" and fired a red thunderbolt towards the fish electrocuting it to the point of making burning it a bit and evidently killing it in the process.

The fish's eyes turned white as it fell down on the surface of water and floated motionlessly over it.


Meanwhile Natsu who was hiding behind the tree saw the whole spectacle in front of him with awe and was not able to comprehend what just happened. The only thing he knew was-

'NII- CHAN IS STRONG!!! AND COOL!!!' thought Natsu looking at the his idol he met today.