
The marriage

Damian then calmed down his red headed finance and told her about what happened at the pub and held her tightly when she told him that she need to destroy that place. After he was finally able to calm her down Irene stuck to him like a koala acting spoiled which Damian didn't mind at all and spoiled her a lot, though it inevitably took a toll on him as he had to hold back from preying on her fiance who was too irresistible for him making him go and deal with the 'pent up stress' alone somewhere else.


A few weeks passed by as the Damian went to greet the people who had the guts to try to court his fiance and made sure to set up a example for them and warned them to not try that again.

The whole castle and the kingdom was busy in preparations for their wedding. even at Adroelia the king was making sure that the preparations are done well ok their end and even made the reluctant princess to take part in the preparations as well.

Damian went to meet the Natsu and the other children to spend some time with them and even invited the dragons and the kids to his wedding, though the dragons refused saying that they would better not show themselves to the kingdom and ultimately the children were made to stay back as well, though they still congratulated him for the wedding.

Currently in one of the rooms of the beautifully decorated rooms in the castle Damian was preparing when suddenly someone knocked on the door.


"Ian, I asked one of the maids, looks like Irene-sama is prepared halfway, start preparing. We cannot have the groom dressed and come later than the bride. So hurry up and dress fast like a man." said Rung from behind the door.

Damian who heard what he has been waiting for the whole time since morning took the clothes that the king brought for him and said, ".....This really is too much..." and sighed seeing how extravagant the clothes looked.

The clothes that the king prepared for him were something of the level that usually kings wear on their own wedding and giving something like that to Damian who at best would use something only half as extravagant as that and that too if he went all out made him slightly nervous.

Not to mention the shoes, chains and other accessories were quite valuable as well.

Damian really wanted to know how much the king spent on all this but decided not to as the guilt of seeing the number of zeroes that were used by the king might be too much for him.

He soon took a bath and dresses up, but still tampered with the clothes a but making sure to not look like an overly wealthy merchant and just wore enough that made him look good.

He then opened the door of his room and looked outside seeing that the general of Adroelia and his friend Rung was standing there keeping watch.

Rung turned around and looked at Damian from top to bottom and nodded his head in satisfaction and said, "Yup, currently you are looking way more annoyingly handsome than usual." He then gave him a thumbs up and said, "Good job, you are prepared before the bride, so now calm down and take some rest. I will inform you once it is time to go. Enjoy while you are still single."

Damian looked at his friend and said, "You know, I really wound have punched you so hard right now that even your ugly face would have been unrecognisable. You are only safe that I am not in the mood for it today."

Hearing that Rung said, "Wow, sharp younger as ever huh, seems like you are still the same Damian whom I raised. And seeing that you are calm today, I might as well rant out all my problems on you...though that will hit me like a bitch at a later date, so I will refrain from that.....and what are you saying about happy about today. You are happy about tonight you virgin. I can already tell you are going to make it a noisy one later at night." and made an expression which said, "I already know."

Damian sighed seeing his friend's antics and patted his shoulders and said, "Congratulations."

"Huh. why are you congratulating me.....don't tell me.....you are going to let me marr-"

But before he was able to finish Damian's grip on his shoulders tightened and he said, "Do you want to die today?" which immediately shut the general up and he immediately shook his head.

Damian nodded and said, "I am congratulating you because after today you would be the only one in the army ..."

Rung looked at Damian with a confused look and asked, "Only one?...."

Damian looked at him with mocking smirk and said, "Only one who would be virgin, that is."

And immediately Rung punched Damian who easily dodged him and got inside his room and locked the door and reinforced it.

Damian sighed as he looked outside the window seeing how the whole castle town was decorated and the people were excited for their queen's wedding.

Damian smiled and then took out a recording lacrima from his storage to record the scene and also took a picture of his own.

A while later Rung informed him that the ceremony is about to begin and called him. Damian stood from his chair and took the Cape that was a part of his mage head attire and wore it as well and then walked out of the room.

Rung gave him a final glance and nodded his head to which Damian took a deep breath and started walking towards the hall and Rung followed behind him.

Once they came in front of the door of the hall Rung patted Damian's shoulder and said, "Good luck and congratulations." and then entered the hall from the entrance from where the guests entered.

Damian sighed as he felt slightly nervous and then glanced inside the hall and saw that hall was filled with a lot....and that meant A LOT of people. He sighed once again and thought, 'As expected it really is a very huge deal that the queen of the strongest kingdom is finally getting married.'

He then glanced at where a familiar dragon was and saw Maka the old dragon who was acting as what seemed like a priest to Damian.....It seems like that a dragon is to be the priest during the marriage between the royal family of Dragonof and hearing that Damian immediately suggested Maka to be the priest.

It also was a tradition here that the royalty from Dragonof's side take the name of the dragon that they are closest to and trust the most as their last name, meaning Irene would be taking Belserion's name as her last name which explained to him why Lex kept calling her Irene Belserion.

"And now the queen of Dragonof her majesty lady Irene and her groom Lord Ian will enter." announced one of the ministers.

Damian took a deep breath and looked forward and saw Irene there looking towards him with a smile.

He smiled back at her and then both of them moved forward and enter the hall at the same time.

Seeing the two of them enter the hall all the people welcomed them with a round of applause.

Damian looked at the people who were clapping band found some familiar people like the king, the princess , the general from both the kingdoms and the mages and soldiers from both the armies and gave them a helpless smile, seeing which they laughed as well.

Both Damian and Irene then stood side by side and Damian whispered, "You are looking crazy beautiful today."

Irene smiled as she blushed slightly and replied, "You too are looking way too handsome compared to normal."

"Well it's me we are talking about, of course I would look fabulous." said Damian and he looked at Irene from the corner of his eyes and found her chuckling.

Irene lightly tapped his hand and said, "Now now, no need to praise yourself and the dragons might be still be able to listen to us you know."

"I already used silencing enchantment no need to worry, even if you were to hell right now, then too it's no problem." said Damian with a grin feeling proud that he already prepared for the draconic eves droppers.

Irene smiled as well and said, "I am really happy today you know?"

"Really, I have been nervous a lot from yesterday, I didn't even sleep last night....though that just because we were busy partying my last night as a bachelor. But still I am very nervous."

"...And what about being happy?" asked Irene.

"...Happy enough but not to the point compared to the day when you first confessed to me.....that was the happiest day....and I was a lot less nervous at that time."

Irene smiled remberimg that day and said, "Yeah....same feelings."

Both of them then stood in front of Maka and Damian stopped using his silencing enchantment.

"It was very bad of you to not let me hear what you two were talking about." said Maka as he looked at Damian.

He then gave a fake cough and said, "Well let's start the ceremony." and then started reading something from the records that were used in Dragonof for wedding something related to harmony between humans and dragons and how the couple would love eachother band all..... basically the normal ceremony with Dragons involved in it and god's were only playing ba small part in the ceremony.

"Now getting the hectic stuff out of the way....you know it's my favourite part...is there anyone who have any objectio-"

Before he was even able to finish there were some noises that were made and all of them turned around only to find the princess of Adroelia having her mouth sealed off by her father's hand.

The king smiled and said, "It's nothing please continue." and all of them just stared at him for a while before turned back towards the bride and groom.

Maka shrugged his shoulders and said, "Oh well....a lot less drama than what I was expecting."

Hearing that Damian 'smiled', he was happy that the visits he made to the people who tried to court Irene was not wasted at all.

"Now then Lady Irene Belserion, do you accept the groom Lord Damian Blake as your husband."


"Lord Damian Blake, do you accept the bride Lady Irene Belserion as your wife."

"Yes "

Maka nodded his head and said, "I see then I hope that you both are prepared to take care of each other at all points in life and swear to make each other happy."

"Yes" "Absolutely"

Maka nodded and then looked at the side and immediately two people came holding a cushion which had a chalice on top of it filled with some sort of drink.

"Lady Irene, Lord Damian will you please pour a drop of blood in the chalice."

To which both of them poked their fingers with a needle provided with the chalice and dropped it in the chalice.

The liquid inside it glowed and then the light started coming out of the chalice and danced around Damian and Irene making both of them surprised as it was their first time experiencing such a thing.

Both of them then noticed that there was a small mark on top of their hands.

Maka smiled seeing that and said, "All the dragons and the humans now recognize you two as a husband and wife. The gods gave also given you their blessings as you can see that the mark appeared on your hands."

Hearing that both Damian and Irene looked at their hands in amazement not knowing that something this magical would happen in their wedding.

Though Damian and Irene both thought at the same time, '... Wasn't it just a magic link though, what's this blessings of gods bullshit...' but didn't say it out loud.

Maka who likely knew what they were thinking gave a fake cough and said, "Now onto my second favourite part...Lord Damian, you may now kiss the bride."

Damian and Irene turned around to look at each other and after staring for a while both of them smiled and Damian pulled her for a kiss.