
Monster search

Nearly six months have passed since Irene first met Damian. During all this time Damian has trained his ass off and because of all that training coupled with Irene's help and knowledge, Damian got a lot stronger than before.

The amount of ethernano in his body has become almost twice when compared to the time he first started training under Irene and it is of a lot more concentrated quality than Irene's which made her quite disappointed and Damian had to console her for the whole day to get her back to normal.

His control over his magic was now far better than it was ever before, he can now make the enhancement last longer even when he stops supplying magic to it, just like some of the enchantments that Irene used. He is also able to control his strength in his maximum enhanced form not making any cracks on the ground or not breaking anything while holding are very easy for him now.

He also discovered many things about his omnitrix like he only need magic to transform into an alien and the abilities that the alien uses doesn't require any magic of his own. It is like the transformation utilizes their own magic power which was completely unrelated to Damian's. So he now just need magic to transform but still stronger transformations require much more magic power to transform.

Meanwhile Irene too have not slacked off at all. Seeing how fast Damian was progressing made her quite spirited and because of Damian providing her good materials both her knowledge and strength of enchantments have increased quite a lot. She is now able to make wooden sticks almost as hard as Damian's katana which was made of Diamondhead's crystal for a couple of minutes. Though they break easily when a strong Slash from the katana was made at them and it requires quite a lot of magic compared to her normal enchantments, overall it was quite a great accomplishment.

During the past few months Irene had gone back to her home quite a number of times as she didn't have a lot of equipment to help her in the research and there is also the fact that she have to take care of her kingdom and cannot neglect her duties. Though she returns from time to time to spend time with Dam- *cough**cough* search for materials, though her stays are usually short.

Currently Damian and Irene are walking in the forest searching for something.

Damian looked at Irene who was walking behind him and asked, "So can you tell me what are we searching here in the forest?"

Irene looked at Damian and said, "There is a monster that I want for my research, it's hide is very good at magic conduction so I want to use it."

Damian looked at Irene and asked, "Is there anything that I need to know?"

Irene looked at him and said, "These monsters have a habit of living in groups and there is also the fact that physical attacks are much more effective on them than magical attacks."

Damian nodded and said, "So that's why you were saying that I am very important for today's hunt, and here I thought that you want to go on a date with me?" he said in a dejected tone.

Hearing that Irene looked at him with a confused expression and asked, "What is this date, thing?"

Damian looked at Irene and said, "Date is something when a man and woman get together and have fun together to know each other better and get into a more romantic relationship."

Irene immediately blushed and tried to hit him with her staff but Damian just ducked and dodged the staff.

"Don't say such things, idiot!"

Damian looked at her and a mischievous smile appeared on his face and he said, "Hey Irene will you go on a date with me once I decide to go out of the forest?" and once again a staff came towards him and he dodged it once again.

Irene who was still blushing said, "Just focus on the mission."

Damian just smiled and said, "I will take that as a yes." and continued walking.

Irene who still had a slight tint of red on her cheeks thought, 'Spending time with him walking around the town and enjoying.... doesn't sound so bad..... NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO... I didn't mean it like that I mean it will be quite funny to see his surprised reaction when he sees the town and there it will be my job to guide him as he doesn't know anything about the town.'

While she was in her inner monologue she didn't notice that Damian stopped walking and crashed into him. She was about to complain but before she was able to Damian covered her mouth with his hand and then put a finger on his lips and asked her to be silent with a serious expression on her face.

Seeing his serious expression Irene calmed down and soon Damian moved his hand away from her mouth.

Damian came closer to her and whispered, "Is this the monster that you were talking about?" and pointed his finger towards a direction.

Irene looked where Damian was pointing and saw a group of huge ape like creatures partying around.(Basically Vulcans from fairy tail but much much larger in size)

Irene nodded her head and said, "Yep these are the ones that I want for research, now let's wait for one of them to move away from the group."

Damian looked at her with a confused expression and said, "Why wait I can just get them all, if you want?"

Irene shook her head and said, "I know that you are strong but we should not take any risks here, it is said in groups these monster are very strong. So let's just wait for a while."

Damian just shrugged his shoulder and sat down near a tree while lying on it and said, "Whatever, I can deal with them but if you are worrying about me, who am I to argue about that." and a smirk appeared on his face.

Irene who saw his smirk blushed a bit and said, "Who said that I am worried about you." and too sat down in front of Damian who just chuckled at her reaction.