
Lunch with the Gryphons

Damian entered the house along with Irene and the gryphons who immediately jumped out of Damian's hands and started running inside the mansion.

"Be careful you two. Don't break anything." said Damian as he looked at the two gryphons.

"*sigh* These runts... anyway come here Irene let me show you around." said Damian as he heals Irene's hand and pulled her lightly.

Irene smiled and nodded her head before she walked along with Damian, something which didn't go unnoticed by the two Gryphons who got curious thinking why the new human was with Damian.

They were wary of her but seeing that Damian was happy being near her and that she was not giving out any hostility they decided to observe her for a bit longer.

"Gweeeh"(Should we follow them?)



"Guuu"(Yes, let's go)

The two Gryphons talked amongst themselves and then left the couple to enjoy amongst each other.

After taking Irene on a house tour while also cleaning the rooms with their enchantments Damian came down alone as he pushed Irene inside the bathroom to let her wash up and get relaxed a bit.

Seeing that Damian was alone now the two Gryphons ran towards him and stood in front of him.

'They just look like cute dogs like this.' thought Damian with a smile on his face as he bent down and caressed the two of them.

"Gryph, Phen, did you two eat well while I was gone?" asked Damian to which the two of them nodded their heads.

"...Is that so, looks like you two would not like to eat what I make for you from now on..." said Damian with a slight sad tone.

Both the Gryphons panicked and started flapping their wings trying to say something to Damian while shaking their heads.

Both of them immediately ran away and soon came back with something in their mouths.

"...Did you two opened the fridge on your own?" asked Damian as he looked at the meat that he was sure he stored inside the fridge he made.

Both of the gryphons widend their eyes in shock and looked away.

"...So you did, huh..."

Both of them hesitantly turned their heads and looked towards Damian with puppy eyes.


'...These damn cute rascals' thought Damian as he patted their heads and said, "Don't do that again alright? You need to ask me if you want to take something out.

Both of them gave out a cheerful noise as they pushed their heads against Damian's hands wanting to get some more pats.

"Alright, so you two want me to make this for you?" asked Damian as he held the meat that the two of them brought.

""Gweh!!"" said the two Gryphons and vigorously nodded their heads.

"Alright, then guess I will make some for myself and Irene as well." said Damian as he stood up and said, "Let's go then." and started walking towards the kitchen.

The Gryphons followed Damian as well and watched him prepare their food while letting out some drool from their mouth because of the aroma.

"Gryph, Phen, please don't think bad of Irene, I know that she might have a similar scent like the other dragons she is kind you know....so can you two try to get along with her slowly....I am not forcing you two though, but just know this that she will be living with us from now on." said Damian as he looked at the two gryphons who didn't say anything.

Damian sighed and just patted their heads and said, "She is a good person, though make sure to let her try to cook anywhere in the house, it will be a huge disaster."

Damian chuckled at that and the gryphons immediately saluted towards Damian pledging to not let the bad smelling human cook.

"...I am not that bad at cooking..." suddenly all of them heard a voice and saw the busty red head coming towards them all cleaned up and wearing loose white dress.

"...Look me in the eye and say that again Irene." said Damian as he leaned against the wall while crossing his hands and stared intently at Irene.

The Gryphons copied Damian and leaned against the wall as well but headbutted eachother and started fighting.

Irene just averted her eyes not being able to look directly into Damian's after what he said.

Damian smile and then said, "Come on let's have some lunch. Okay you two knock it out, it's lunch time." said Damian as he placed his leg in between the two Gryphons and stopped them from fighting. They just stared at eachother for a while and as soon as Damian moved his leg back jumped at eachother once again.

Damian shook his head and decided to let them do what they were doing and then went to serve the food.

He took the Gryphons' portion and placed them on the ground while throwing a piece of meat towards the two of them.

The two stopped as they noticed something coming towards them and once they recognised what it was they opened their beaks and ate the piece thrown by Damian.

"... Looks like you two really don't want to eat what I make for you two." said Damian with a sad tone hearing which the gryphons panicked and rushed towards Damian and rubbed their heads against his legs trying to comfort him and then took a bite from their portion and gave a cheerful tone and looked towards Damian showing that they like his food.

Damian smiled seeing the two of them trying to cheer him up and hugged them who chirped happily seeing that Damian was happy once again.

Irene looked at the three of them with a smile on her face though she felt a bit envious since she too wanted to be in that hug along with the two gryphons.

'...They look cute...' thought Irene as she took her seat.

Damian let the two of them go and then stood up to wash his hands before he sat beside Irene and had their lunch together.


While eating the two gryphons who were gobbling up the food looked towards Damian and the new human who came with him and saw them feeding eachother.

"Gweh?" (Hey Gryph, what are they doing?)

"Guu" (Don't know looks like they are eating.....though it's different from how he normally eats.)

"Gvee"(Look that new human fed brother Damian with her mouth)

"Guee" (She sure did.....now he is doing the same with her)

"Giyo" (Look Damian-nii is trying to peat her tongue now)

"Gugu" (And she is trying to do the same....why are both of them taking deep breaths?)

"Gweh" (Ah the new human looked here.....why is her face so red?)

"Gwaa" (Don't know.....but she seems happy...Brother Damian is rubbing her butt now.)

"Guuu" (Oh she is getting punished, he slapped our butts too, that time when we broke the fridge.)


"Gweh" (See, she cried.....why is she looking happy though)

"Gweh" (Don't know.... humans are pretty weird. But brother Damian is the best...Ah, he is going now....why is he carrying that human in his arms though...)

"Gueeh" (Gryph, what's that big think in between brother Damian's legs?)

"Gui" (Don't know Phen....even though he is the best he is still a human you know....I don't know everything about them)

"Gigi" said Phen as she shrugged her shoulders and then focused on her food once again.

Gryph looked at Phen for a while before he shrugged his shoulders too and focused on his food.

'The sooner we finish the sooner we can play' were the thoughts of the two Gryphons as they ate their food happily.