
Irene and the maid

TIMESKIP: 1 year

Kingdom of Dragonof: The royal palace:

Currently Irene is sitting on her desk going through some paperwork that was piled up in the room.

She looked at the bundles of documents lying all over the room and sighed.

'There has been a lot of attacks from not only the dragons but the neighbouring kingdoms as well.' She then massaged her temples and thought, 'These small fries have been taking advantage of our situation that most of our dragons have been gone for the battle against the aggressive dragons attacking the allied kingdoms.' She then smacked her fist on the table and mumbled, "These insects which have been trying to gain our favour for a long time are now showing their true colours. What's more they are allying and are ganging up on us from all sides."

She then slowly placed her head on the table and said with a pout, "And the worst part time is I have not seen Damian for all this time....AHHHH!!! I want to meet him!!!"

Suddenly she heard a chuckle from her side and turned her head to see a bit old maid who was laughing while placing a hand on her mouth, "My my looks like this Damian person is always on your mind. *sigh* The little girl is now all grown up, huh."

Irene raised her head and said, "It's not like that, I mean k

it has been a year since I last saw him. Anyone would be feeling lonely if you were to stay away from the person that you like for this long. Won't you feel the same Zena-san."

The old maid who was named Zena just smiled and said, "Yeah one is made to feel lonely in these circumstances, but we are talking about the brat who even Denied the engagements from the most handsome princes and kings from different kingdoms here. You were only busy so busy with the kingdom all this time and showed no interest in males that you made this old woman so worried. I thought that you were interested in females and was even ready to sacrifice myself to take your first time as well. But all of a sudden this Damian boy comes in and you are only thinking about him. *sigh* I am a bit sad that my opportunity to take your virginity is stolen from me."

Irene looked at Zena with a bit displeased expression and said, "Don't joke about such things Zena-san. I don't want to joke about these matters and I will only do it with him."

Zena then placed her hand on her cheek and said, "Ara ara, such a bold declaration. But don't you think that he might have hung up with someone else. I mean he have not visited you for a whole year."

Irene then got up from her chair and motioned for Zena to follow her.

Both of them then came near a closet and then Irene moved her hand towards it and opened it by deactivating the enchantment placed on it as a lock.

Zena seeing that widened her eyes and said, "You placed such a complex enchantments over it?"

Irene just smiled and said, "Of course it's an high enchanter's greatest treasure. It needs protection to that degree as well."

She then took a bag out of the cupboard and opened it in front of Zena.

Zena then peeked inside the bag and saw a lot of things present in the bag.

She looked at it with a confused expression and then said, "What is all this stuff? Do you want me to get rid of all this?"

Irene immediately pulled the bag towards herself and hugged it and said, "Wait wait not that. These are the things that he have given me all the time he has been gone."

Zena then understood what Irene meant and said, "Oh! So all these are the presents that he have been giving you...But when did he came here?"

Irene then sighed and said, "He comes here once a month and places it silently in my room without me knowing about it. I mean if he is coming here he can atleast meet me when I am awake or he can wait for me to wake up."

The lady just chuckled and said, "Who knows, he might want to meet you directly at the time when he proposes to you."

Hearing that Irene smiled with a slight blush on her cheeks but then Zena said, "Or he might be already in a relationship and is keeping you as his reserve."

Hearing that Irene's face happy expression immediately cracked and she looked at Zena with a glare and said, "Zena-san I think that you were in a relationship with a lot of bastards in your youth."

Hearing that Zena became stiff. Suddenly Irene felt a black aura surrounding Zena and she took a step back.

Zena then look at Irene with a 'smile' and said, "Irene-sama are you trying to say that my 'youth', though I am still 'young', was very 'unpleasant'?!?!"

Irene had sweat rolling down her forehead and she thought, 'Shit! She is pissed. She is even adding a -sama after my name.'

Irene then laughed awkwardly and said, "No no I didn't said that. I mean you have been warning me so much, so I guessed that you must have a lot of 'experience' in these matters. But there is no problem with that, right? You are still young and you also have a loving husband. You don't have to worry about a fabulous future."

Zena continued to look at Irene for a while and then gave out an annoyed sigh and said, "You should be grateful that you are the queen of not you would be getting a lot of scolding from this little old maid."

Irene sighed as well and then said, "And you should be grateful as well. If you were not someone who raised me, you could have been fired for disrespect against the queen."

After saying that both of them stared at each other for a while and then both of them broke out laughing.

Zena then looked at Irene and said, "But even so you should be prepared for anything. Well I don't have to worry about anything if he were to cheat on you just blow him away with that Dragon slayer magic of yours."

Irene then shook her head and said, "I don't think that even that would be able to put a scratch on him. First of all he is not a dragon. Second, he beat Belserion without breaking a sweat. He is very strong."

Zena then chuckled and said, "Again with that story. Whatever like a human who don't have a dragon slayer magic can defeat a dragon, Belserion's level at that."

Irene then showed a wry smile and said, "So you still don't believe it, huh. You can ask Belserion himself when he comes back."

Zena was about to say something but suddenly both her and Irene heard a knock on the door.

Irene turned her head and said, "Come in."

A man wearing some noble like clothes opened the door and entered the room and formally lowered her head.

"Irene-sama, Belserion-sama has returned and we are about to start our discussion with the ministers soon. So may I please ask you to spare some of your time with the meeting. There are some matters involving you as well."

Irene looked at the man with a confused expression for a while and then nodded her head and said, "Very well then. I will be there soon."

The man nodded his head and then went out of the room and slowly closed the door.