
Fairy Tail: Starting with the Extermination of Dragons

Fairy Tail" continent X765. In this year, Erza was not born, and Natsu, who was carrying the stereo, was still in the era of 400 years ago. And after crossing into this world, Chi Yan, directly obtained the ability of the BOSS dragon to destroy the dragon in the game "Monster Hunter World". Not only that, but it seems to be able to continue to upgrade. And all of this begins when he and Irene meet.. pas mon livre

Supe3rman1234 · Anime und Comics
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89 Chs

Chapitre 31

Chapter 31

By: Thriller

The nurse's shouts kept coming from inside: "Mrs. Layla! Breathe out! Breathe out! The head has come out, and it will be ready soon!"

Chi Yan in a black-gold tight-fitting magic robe stood at the door.

No matter how bad the battle, he has never lost his composure. At this time, the fingers of both hands that were wrapped around Yue Hung's front were restlessly touching his arms.

And a girl wearing a pure white dress with shoulder-length crimson hair, but slightly lighter and more beautiful than Irene's.

It looked no more than two years old.

Standing at Chiyan's feet, he grabbed Chiyan's trouser legs with his little hands not much bigger than a table tennis ball, and looked nervously at Leila's room.

After a while, the red-haired girl looked up at Chi Yan, "Hey! Dad! Is Mommy Layla okay? I feel like it hurts. Erza is so scared."

"I told you not to call me that."

Chi Yan is helpless, he has corrected many times, this girl just doesn't change, I hope it will be better when she grows up.


As soon as the voice fell, a burst of crying came from the room.

"President Chiyan! Congratulations! Congratulations! It's a girl!"

The nurse's excited cry came from the room.

"Oh! I have a sister!"

Erza let go of the small hand that grabbed Chi Yan's trouser legs and rushed into the room.

And Chi Yan's speed was not slow at all, and quickly entered the room.

"Show me! Show me!"

Little Elsa said excitedly.


Chi Yan raised her index finger, and gently tilted the back of Erza's head with the back of her finger, "If you make a fool of yourself, I will punish you for swinging the sword 100 times."

"Bad Dad!"

Erza sighed angrily.

Chi Yan was too lazy to talk to this girl about the name, and took the baby girl wrapped in afterbirth from the nurse.


Little Elsa took the opportunity to climb to Chi Yan's shoulder, and when she saw the baby girl's face, she immediately showed a disgusting expression, and whispered, "Like a monkey..."

"You were uglier when you were a kid."

Chi Yan unceremoniously struck, and added, "Swing the sword 300 times before dinner."

"You bully me! Mama Leila!"

Erza had no sign of her future personality, she shrank from Chi Yan just like an ordinary child, and ran towards Leila, who was lying on the wound, sweating profusely.

But halfway through the run, she stopped her movements.

Because Erza found that Leila was too weak at the moment.

"Yan, child, show me..."

The blond hair on her forehead was stained with sweat on her cheeks, and Leila tried her best to stand up and spoke with difficulty.

"Lie down."

Chi Yan's tone was irrefutable, she walked up to Leila, gently placed the baby girl beside her pillow, and said with a smile:

"Like you."

"I feel more like you..."

Leila smiled back.

Chi Yan smiled even more, and then said: "Irene, come in and help Leila deal with it."

Layla was startled and looked out the door subconsciously.

Erza, on the other hand, secretly grasped Chiyan's trousers once again. Ever since she could remember, what Layla's mother said, her own mother, every time she looked at her, made her very scared.

Although the current Erza doesn't know what the word "biological" actually means.

After a while, Irene walked in slowly from the door, the wide magic hat was slightly folded down, making it difficult to see her expression.

Irene didn't look at Erza from the beginning to the end, and didn't say a word, just put her palm on top of Layla's body through the sheet.

In order to help Chi Yan's cultivation to help him recover, in just two years, Irene has mastered the healing magic that she is not good at.

"Thank you...Miss Erin..."

Layla smiled hard.

Irene said in a lukewarm tone: "Don't get me wrong, it's just because Yan made me do it."

In X765, the fourth member of the [Dragon Guild], Erza Shukaletto, was born.

In year X, the fifth member of [Dragon Guild], Lucy Hatfilia, was born.

PS: It is a new chapter, I know what you are thinking.

Ahem, my thoughts are not as evil as yours (.

Chapter 41

Time flies, fleetingly.

X years.

"No, it's not good... Run away! Run away!"

"Warcraft! Monsters are going to rush in!"

"Isn't the sorcerer here yet!?"

"No, no!"

A village south of Fiole.

Countless villagers fled around in a panic, and it was vaguely seen that a giant shadow was rushing towards the center of the village at the entrance of the village.

At this time, a red-haired girl dressed in silver armor and dressed in a white trousers and armor skirt like the uninformed king of knights in "Fate" walked straight to the middle of the road.

"Hey! Little girl over there, what are you doing? Why don't you run away!?"

A villager found the girl standing motionless in the middle of the intersection, and couldn't help but shouted in panic.

"Wait a minute, look at her left arm!"

Another villager next to him found the problem and pointed to the girl's left hand and shouted.

Hearing the words, the other villagers subconsciously looked in the direction of his fingers.

The two ends are symmetrical, and the dragon pattern that spit out the head!

That pattern, in the Kingdom of Fiore, and even the entire Eastern Magic Continent, can be said to be known to everyone.


He found a small voice standing in front of him, covered in dark green and twice the size of an elephant. The salamander-like monitor lizard beast stopped curiously and let out a dull low roar.

The strangely long salamander beast swore like a snake, and the splashed saliva corroded the rocks on the ground into liquid.

If that thing touches human skin, it can be imagined what the consequences will be.


The next second, the girl pulled out a long sword attached to her left waist and pointed at the beast.

"Hey! Just kidding! Did that little girl want to—"

Seeing the girl draw her sword, all the villagers were stunned.


And the beast felt a sense of contempt that was provoked, and even more frantically shook its poisonous head, and the huge body rushed.

Facing the chaotic Changshe, the red-haired girl suddenly jumped up.

Point the tip of the knife at the center of the beast's tip with great precision.


The girl let out a long snort, and her body suddenly rushed forward.

Just like a chef with superb knife skills, starting from the tip of the beast, he slashed forward, stepped on the top of the beast, and ran all the way to the neck, back, and finally the tail.

Along the way, the sword was inserted into the body of the beast, and the roaring sword energy penetrated the body that was hundreds of times larger than the girl.


When the red-haired girl jumped off the monster, the monster behind collapsed.

The huge body is divided into two by a precise line in the middle, completely symmetrical, exactly! ! !

At this moment, the villagers were completely speechless in surprise.

They couldn't even figure out which side was the beast.

Putting the sword back into the sheath, the girl seemed to remember something, and she was naturally looking for something in her armor.

Immediately, he took out a quest order with an "A" on it, ran to the nearest villager, and asked politely but with a chivalrous spirit:

"Excuse me, is this quest issued by the village chief of your village? I am the sorcerer sent by the [Dragon Guild] to complete the quest, Erusa Shukaletto."

When they saw the guild mark on the girl's left arm, many villagers guessed it, but even so, they were still quite frightened when they heard the girl reveal her identity in person.

That Fiore... No, it can even be said that the strongest magic guide guild in the Eastern Continent, even a child is so strong?

"The village, the village chief is here, I'll take you there."

The villagers swallowed their saliva and started to show Erza the way.
