
Magic Destroys the Laws of Physics

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.


June, x785.


Shortly after Alfonzo passed out the four [Soul Armament Embryos], the training room went into an uproar. And the reason was simple, all the wizards present wanted their own [Soul Armament]. Especially after seeing Alfonzo, Elicia, Erza, and Marin training their [Partial Release States].


Unfortunately, Alfonzo had no intension of handing them out to anyone who was not at least an S-Class candidate, other than Marin. So, if they wanted to have their own, they would have to work hard and qualify for the S-Class exam.


Eventually, the uproar died down. Then, everyone filed out of the training room to do whatever it is they do when they're done with training. Whether it be taking a quest, getting a meal, or just hanging out at the guild hall.


Alfonzo, on the other hand, was one of the last people to leave the training room. And when he did, he found a few people waiting for him outside the training room's door.


"Sorry to keep you waiting." Alfonzo said as he, Elicia, and Sun, the last three people in the training room, walked through the door.


"We didn't wait for long." Alphonse replied. At the same time, he noticed Sun staring at him with a strange expression on her face. "Um... Is something wrong?"


"Not really... But..." Sun replied in an unsure tone. "Are you controlling that armor remotely?"


With that, the hallway fell silent.


Just like Alfonzo told him earlier, everyone in the training room to watch Alfonzo's fight against Laxus noticed the fact that his armor was empty. And while most people were fine with letting it be, there would be a few curious people who would ask him a few questions.


"*Sigh* No, because of an accident, this is my body... for now." Alphonse replied. "But my brother and I are working to get my body back."


Listening to this conversation, Winry, Maes, and Edward were curious to see how Sun would respond. Though Winry, who had met Sun before had an idea, and Maes was pretty sure he knew exactly how she would respond after spending the last few months as a member of Fairy Tail. Edward was the only one who was really worried about the reply.


But when they saw Sun's expression change into one filled with sadness, Edward and Alphonse were completely taken aback.


"Alfonzo, is there anything we can do to help him?" Sun asked with tears threatening to spill from her eyes.


While Alfonzo began combing his fingers through Sun's hair and Elicia wrapped her in a hug, Winry and Maes wore expression that said: "As expected." Meanwhile, Edward and Alphonse were completely caught off guard.


Although the Elric brothers were used to people showing sad expressions after hearing their story, Sun had not even heard their story. Just knowing about their condition saddened her. On top of that, she wanted to help them, not just offer them words of encouragement.


"I probably could." Alfonzo replied. "Or at least I could give him some ideas. But that's only if he's willing to tell me his story. But I doubt he is willing to do that. At least not for now."


"Yeah, I'm sure it's not something you'd just tell anyone you meet, after all." Elicia added. "But as long as he asks for help, I'm sure Fonzie would do everything in his power to do so."


Hearing Alfonzo and Elicia's responses, Sun shifted her gaze back and forth between them and Alphonse for a few moments. Then, she wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled at Alphonse.


"If you ever ask for it, we'd be willing to help in any way we can." Sun said with a bright smile.


Meanwhile, Edward could only stare at Alfonzo skeptically. He and Alphonse had spent years trying to return their bodies back to normal. Yet, they had been unable to find anything. Other than using a Philosopher's Stone, that is. But that was something they were unwilling to use due to its method of production.


Naturally, Alfonzo and Elicia noticed Edward's gaze. And they could understand his skepticism. However, because they knew the Fullmetal Alchemist canon, they actually did know how to get Edward and Alphonse their bodies back. They even had an idea about how to take it a step further and get Edward his leg back, too.


However, there is no way they could tell them that. Not up front, anyway. Instead, they would have to make it look like they had pondered it for a while. And only after they had heard the brother's story from their mouths, too.


"Anyway, I think we've been standing around here for long enough." Alfonzo said, putting an end to the awkward atmosphere. "Why don't we head back to our house to have a chat?"


"Okay, you two can go with them." Maes said. "I've got some work to take care of for Master Ur."


"Sure." Edward replied while still looking at Alfonzo skeptically. "I've got a lot of questions for Alfonzo, anyway."


"Sure." Alfonzo replied with a shrug. "And I'll answer all those that I'm willing to with full sincerity."


While Maes smiled at the way Alfonzo formulated his response, Winry giggled after seeing Edward's irritated expression. Meanwhile, Alfonzo, Elicia, and Sun could feel a helpless aura from Alphonse as he looked at his brother.


Then, the group of seven made their way to the elevator and took it down to the first floor. And while Alfonzo, Elicia, Sun, Winry, Edward, and Alphonse left the guild hall, Maes ordered a drink, feeling he would need one to deal with all the paperwork and reports he had to sift through.


About fifteen minutes later, Alfonzo, Elicia, Cana, Mirajane, Marin, and Sun returned to their home with Winry, Edward, and Alphonse accompanying them. The other girls, such as Ultear, Erza, and Lucy had left right after training ended to take quests.


And while Erza and Lucy went with the rest of Team Natsu, minus Wendy and Carla, who wanted to take a few days to recover from her month-long trip to Mermaid Heel's Headquarters, Ultear took Meredy on a magical beast subjugation quest.


Though, Ultear had to practically drag Meredy out of the guild kicking and screaming after she found out that her crush, Edward, had come to visit.


"Alright, Lici, why don't you and the girls give our guests a tour of the house." Alfonzo said as soon as everyone was in the mansion, and he had shut the front door. "Meanwhile, I'll get lunch started. Then, we can all gather for lunch before doing what we all came here for."


"Sure." Elicia replied energetically. Then, she turned to Winry, Edward, and Alphonse before she continued. "Just let us get changed and we'll give you the grand tour."


"Sounds good to me.' Winry replied with a smile.


Meanwhile, Edward and Alphonse seemed unbothered by the wait, as well.


And with that, Elicia, Cana, Mirajane, Marin, and Sun left to get changed in their own bedrooms, leaving Alfonzo, Winry, Edward, and Alphonse in the front hall.


"Well, you guys can follow me to the kitchen while you wait." Alfonzo said as he turned towards the kitchen. "Any requests for lunch?"


"Anything's fine with me." Winry said. "I mean, everything you make is delicious."


"Same here." Alphonse replied. "I'm just happy I can taste food again."


"Speaking of that..." Edward said as he and the other two followed behind Alfonzo. "How does that even work? More importantly, why can't I smell the food Alphonse emptied into his armor this morning?"


"Oh, it's an application of my research on souls and Automail." Alfonzo replied as the group reached the kitchen. Then, while putting on his apron, Alfonzo continued. "Since I wore Automail for a short while, I looked into adding the senses into prosthetics. And with the right combination of sigils, I found a way to make it possible. Then, after delving into it some more, I figured out how to add the other senses with seals, if necessary. The only one I can't do is sight."


"Because the eyes are connected directly to the brain, right?" Edward asked as he, his brother, and Winry took seats at the kitchen table.


"That's right." Alfonzo replied as he finished tying the straps to his apron. "And as confident as I am in my abilities, I'm not confident enough to mess around with someone's brain."


"I know what you mean." Winry added. "If Ed had lost an eye, I don't think there's anything I could do about it."


"Not that you wouldn't try to figure out how." Alfonzo said in a teasing tone.


"That's right.' Winry replied with a strong nod.


A moment later, both Winry and Edward froze with blushes on their faces. And after seeing that, Alfonzo couldn't help but laugh. Meanwhile, Alphonse only shook his head.


'It really is obvious to everyone but them, huh?' Alphonse thought to himself.


"Aww, damn... Your reactions were funny." Alfonzo said after getting his laughter under control. "Anyway, back to the topic. Either way, it amazes me how some of these wizards specializing in [Healing Magic], not that there are very many of them around, can transplant eyes or all together create new ones."



"Yeah, it doesn't seem all that scientific." Alphonse replied.


"That's the thing about magic, though." Alfonzo said with a smile. Then, he created an arc of violet electricity that he let bounce between the fingers of his raised right hand. "It basically tells physics, chemistry, and the other laws of the world to go fuck themselves. But at the same time, knowing all that stuff can make magic even more potent."


"Yeah, yeah, magic is amazing." Edward said. "But you still haven't finished telling us how you made it so that Al can taste food again."


"Oh, that's right." Alfonzo replied as he turned towards the refrigerator. "By the way, do any of you want a drink? I've got water, juice, something I've created called soda, and milk."


At the mention of milk, Edward's face scrunched up in disgust. Noticing that, Winry looked at him sternly.


"You really need to get over this childish dislike of milk, Ed." Winry said in a reprimanding tone. "Why do you think you haven't grown up?"


"It's not my fault milk tastes like vomit." Edward replied, still wearing his disgusted facial expression.


Meanwhile, as Winry and Edward continued to bicker about drinking milk, Alphonse latched onto something else Alfonzo said.


"Soda?" Alphonse asked curiously. "What's that?"


"A soda is a drink made with different flavorings and carbonated water." Alfonzo replied. "And before you ask, carbonated water is just water with carbon dioxide dissolved into it. As a result, it gives the drink a fizzy feeling when you drink it."


Hearing that, Winry and Edward also ended their bickering as they found the concept interesting. Then, the three guests decided to try a soda. So, Alfonzo opened the refrigerator, pulled out a sealed container with an orange liquid inside, and poured each of them a drink. Then, he brought the three glasses over to the kitchen table on a platter.


Setting the glasses in front of Winry, Edward, and Alphonse, Alfonzo patted Alphonse on the shoulder, just like he did back at the guild hall.


"I gave you the ability to feel, too, Al." Alfonzo said with a wry smile. "I actually should have done that last time, but I forgot. Feeling the texture of food is part of the enjoyment, as well. But since you can't chew, I didn't think it was necessary."


"By the way, where did all that food you dumped into your armor go, Al?" Winry asked.


"Actually, I don't know." Alphonse replied in a confused tone.


"Oh, Ed asked that question earlier, I guess I never got around to answering." Alfonzo said. "I added sigils that would vaporize the food on contact with the inside of the armor... And those vapors were what allowed Al to taste the food."


"You know what, I don't even wanna know anymore." Edward said while shaking his head. "All of this is so unscientific that it's making my head hurt."


"Then, I guess I won't go into detail about how I got those sigils to interact with Al's soul." Alfonzo replied with a grin.


"Please don't." Edward groaned.


"Wait, since you can add senses to your Automail, can you do the same for Ed?" Winry asked excitedly.


"Yeah, I cou---" Alfonzo began to reply as he started taking ingredients out of the refrigerator.


"You don't have to worry about that." Edward said, interrupting Alfonzo's reply. "Unless Winry figures out how to do it, I'm fine with my arm the way it is."


Realizing what he just blurted out, Edward blushed fiercely. At the same time, in response to Edward's declaration, Alphonse could only shake his head once again while Winry's face reddened just like Edward's. Meanwhile, another teasing smile made it onto Alfonzo's face.


Before he could start his teasing, however, Elicia entered the kitchen.


"Alright, are you ready for the tour?" Elicia asked excitedly.


"Yup!" Edward exclaimed loudly. "Let's go. Hahaha! I'm really looking forward to seeing such a beautiful home."


With that, Edward stood up and walked out of the kitchen towards the direction where Elicia just entered the kitchen from, leaving Elicia standing there with a confused expression on her face., Winry blushing fiercely, and Alphonse shaking his head at his brother's antics.


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jake doe

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