
In the Guild's Prison

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.


April, x788.


"So, this guy is one of the Spriggan Emperor's royal guards, huh?" Ur asked as she glanced at Jacob. "If he's here, then I guess you two must be under suspicion back in Alvarez. And if he doesn't come back for a while, those suspicions will be confirmed, right?"


Currently, Elicia, Gildarts, Ur, Irene, and Brandish were all gathered in front of Jacob Lessio's cell in the Fairy Tail guild hall's underground prison. However, unlike most prison cells, this one had no bars. In fact, it was little more than a metal box with space for air to circulate.


However, despite the fact that it was no more than a metal box, it was probably one of the highest security prison cells in the world. Like the guild master's office, there were sigils that made the walls see through. Meaning, those gathered could see into the cell. ON top of that, it could be made to be one-way or two-way.


Aside from the viewing sigils, there were also a large number of anti-magic sigils lining the inside of the cell. Meaning, unless the prisoner outclassed Alfonzo by a significant amount of magic power, they would be unable to use any magic while in the cell. And considering that Alfonzo upgraded the cells after unlocking Riot and Bedlam's first seals, the number of wizards who could boast such a thing were quite limited in number.


"So it would seem." Irene replied with a nod. Then, with a bitter smile on her face, she continued. "I suppose this is my fault. After regaining my humanity… No, I guess even before that, When I left for the Village Hidden in the Leaves with Alfonzo and Elicia, I stopped sending regular reports. So, the emperor must have sent Jacob to either check on us or ascertain our loyalty."


"*Sigh* This is gonna be such a pain…' Brandish said in a lethargic tone. "That means we're gonna have to fight them soon, doesn't it. Mari is gonna be so mad."


"By Mari, you're talking about the Warrior Queen, Dimaria Yesta, right?" Elicia asked feigning a pondering expression. "She uses [Take Over: God Soul] and [Age Seal Magic], magic that can stop the time in an area, right?"


"That's right." Irene replied with a nod. "She's one of the stronger members of the Spriggan 12. I doubt there are any wizards outside of Fairy Tail that could face her in frontal combat. And the number of those who can is quite limited."


"How do you fight someone who can move freely in stopped time?" Gildarts asked curiously while frowning slightly. "I mean, she would only have to stop time around you, walk up to you calmly, and kill you while you can't move, right?"


"And that's usually how she works." Brandish replied. "*Sigh* Fighting her is like fighting a cheater. It's so unfair."


"We probably don't need to worry about her, though." Elicia said with a shrug. "I'm sure Fonzie could do something about it."


"What makes you say that?" Irene asked in an interested tone.


Not only Irene, but even Brandish looked at Elicia with an interested gaze. However, before Elicia could reply, Ur was the one to answer Irene's question.


"Well, I'm sure you've heard about the attack we survived from Acnologia a few years ago, yes?" Ur asked. Then, after receiving a nod from Irene and Brandish, she continued. "Well, we were naturally barely able to even scratch Acnologia during that attack. And when that big bastard got bored, he flew up into the sky and breathed a dragon breath that would have obliterated all of Tenrou Island."


Hearing that, both Irene and Brandish raised their eyebrows in surprise. A moment later, however, they both furrowed their eyebrows.


"That's impossible." Irene said while shaking her head a moment later. "I mean, we were just there less than six months ago. And there's no way Tenrou could still be standing if what you said is true."


"Oh, it's true." Gildarts replied. "And we all owe the kid our lies. If it weren't for the magic item he crafted, all of Fairy Tail's S-Class wizards and S-Class candidates would have died that day. *Sigh* I must really be a lucky son of a bitch to have survived a run in with Acnologia twice in this life."


"Oh, that's right, I almost forgot that he was the one who took your arm and leg, Uncle Gildarts." Elicia said with an exaggerated expression of realization. Then, when she saw Gildarts' eyebrows twitching in frustration, she smiled cheekily.


"But how?" Irene asked, ignoring Elicia's mischief. "Although I'm sure I could block Acnologia's breath with my [Enchantments], I doubt Alfonzo could make a magic item capable of producing a barrier that strong. Especially not a few years ago. He just doesn't have the necessary amount of magic power… Even now."


"Have you heard of [Fairy Sphere]?" Ur asked.


"Yes." Irene replied with a nod. "It's one of Fairy Tail's Three Great Fairy Magics. I've never seen it before, though."


"Fairy Sphere is an absolute defense magic." Gildarts said solemnly. "And according to the guild's first master, Mavis Vermillion, it can even protect against the passage of time."


"Meaning it stops time for those inside." Elicia said, picking up where Gildarts left off. "And Master Mavis told him that after he used it, we should have all been stuck in the barrier for ten years."


"Ten years?" Brandish asked in an astonished tone. "Then, how are you even here? That was only three and a half years ago."


"Honestly, no one but Alfonzo knows." Ur replied while shaking her head with a wry smile on her face. "I heard him talking about it with the first master back on Tenrou Island. But the concept was way over my head. It gave me a headache just thinking about it."


Elicia and Gildarts nodded their heads in response with Ur's statement.


"Hmm… Interesting." Irene said while stroking her chin with her right hand. "I guess I'll have to have a conversation with him the next time he comes home. Not only did he imbue [Fairy Spere] into a magic item, but he also even managed to have that item continue working through stopped time."


Looking at Irene's expression of interest, Gildarts, Ur, and Brandish shook their heads. Elicia, on the other hand, had her eyes light up.


'Is Fonzie moving towards that legendary route?' Elicia thought to herself. 'I thought it was only possible in hent… *Cough* more adult oriented anime. But there might be a chance to see Oyakodon in real life.'


["*Sigh* You really are a degenerate."] Scylla said in an exasperated tone. ["You didn't even think about if the people involved would be okay with it. Though, something tells me that the shameless Erza wouldn't have an issue with it."]


Ignoring Scylla's retort, Elicia was positively vibrating with excitement. And it was clear for everyone present to see. However, everyone thought she must either be thinking about Alfonzo or Amar'e, as this had become something of a common sight to those who have known Elicia long enough.


"Anyway, now that we've caught a third spy from Alvarez, what are we gonna do?" Ur asked in a solemn tone.


"Hey!" Brandish yelped in opposition.


"Well, she's not wrong, Brandish." Irene said with a smile. "When they caught us, we really were spies. It's just that in the end, they were able to make us switch sides. Unfortunately, that won't be possible with Jacob. He's completely loyal to the Spriggan Emperor."


"Are you sure?" Gildarts asked. "I mean, we never thought we would be able to make the two of you change sides when you were caught, either."


"Yes, I'm quite sure." Irene replied solemnly. "Although to the people of Ishgar, the people of Alakitasia are ruthless enemies. To them, they are just doing everything they can to help their emperor achieve his goals."


"*Sigh* You're probably right." Ur replied. "Still, I think we should talk to him at the very least."


With that, Ur stepped towards the one-way transparent wall. Then, she placed her hand on a few sigils that were visible and injected her magic power into them. In the next instant, all those standing outside the cell could see Jacob raise his head and look in their direction.


"I guess Invel was right." Jacob said, his voice able to be heard through the transparent wall as he looked away. "To think, Scarlet Despair and Nation Destroyer would betray His Majesty. *Sigh* I really thought he was just being paranoid."


"Well, things are less bothersome on this side." Brandish replied with a shrug. "I never liked going on the missions to destroy rebels. And now I don't have to. Unless I take a quest to do so on my own."


"And that's all you have to say about your betrayal after all the emperor has done for you over the years?" Jacob asked while still looking away. "And it would seem betrayal has made you even more indecent. You're covering even less skin than before. Would you please put on some decent clothes."


In response, Brandish looked down at her clothing, a green overcoat with gold trim and a fur collar, a skimpy black bikini with gold accents that pressed her breasts together, forming quite the line of cleavage, and black and gold high heeled sandals that showed off her polished toenails.


"Nah. That's too much trouble." Brandish replied a moment later while shaking her head.


"*Sigh* Young women now a days have no sense of modesty." Jacob muttered. "Back in my day, the young ladies knew what it meant to be virtuous. But now… *Sigh*"


While Jacob continued to mutter about the values of today's young ladies, Gildarts and Ur looked at him as if he were crazy for talking about such a thing in the current situation. Meanwhile, Irene looked as if she had expected him to say something like that. Elicia, on the other hand, was smiling with pride. The bikini Brandish was wearing was made by her, after all.


"Enough, Jacob." Irene said after she got tired of Jacob's babbling. "I really would rather not have to kill you. So, is there any way we could get you to change sides?"


Hearing that, Jacob snapped his head in Irene's direction with a shocked expression on his face.


"Did I just hear that correctly?" Jacob asked in a dumbfounded tone. "The Scarlet Disaster, Irene Belserion, just said that she'd rather not kill one of her enemies? Does this cell cause illusions or something?


Hearing that, Brandish looked at Jacob with a sympathetic gaze while Elicia giggled. Gildarts and Ur, on the other hand, looked at Irene with expressions that screamed: "Just how bad was she that he's wondering if he's in an illusion right now?" Meanwhile, Irene materialized her staff, Belserion, in her left hand before pointing its protrusions at Jacob.


"I see. How unfortunate." Irene said in a cold tone. "It would seem negotiations have broken down. I can't say that I enjoyed being comrades with you in the past. But you were at least good at what you did. So, it's truly unfortunate that I have to kill you."


With every word she spoke, Irene's magic power leaked more and more, putting pressure on everyone in front of the cell. And despite the fact that her magic power was being kept out of the cell, even Jacob paled rapidly at the change in the atmosphere.


"What do you mean?" Jacob asked in a dumbfounded tone. "When did the negotiations even start? Did I miss something?"


"Hey, stop!" Ur shouted in a panic. "At least take him out of the cell and the guild hall before you do that! Or were you thinking of bringing down the whole guild hall?"


Hearing that, Irene turned towards Ur with a cold smile on her face.


"Oh, come now, Ur." Irene said, her smile turning playful. "I was only joking. You know, just to intimidate him. I would never do anything to harm the guild. Especially after what Alfonzo did for me."


"*Sigh* I can never tell when you're joking or not." Ur said in a relieved tone.


"Anyway, I think we should pass him to the Magic Council." Irene said as she dematerialized Belserion. "And I volunteer to take him to the nearest Magic Council branch. But I expect him to try to escape. So, but I promise, I'll do my best to take him back into custody alive… If that happens, that is."


While Irene smiled innocently, Elicia, Gildarts, Ur, and Jacob stared at Irene blankly. Brandish, on the other hand, sighed in exasperation. It was obvious that Irene had every intension of taking Jacob somewhere that would be missed when she erased him and the surroundings.


"*sigh* Well, to make sure he doesn't have a chance to try and escape, we'll leave him in there." Ur said while shaking her head. "I don't think we have any anti-magic cuffs that can handle someone with that much magic power. So, we'll wait for Alfonzo to come back and do something about that."


"That's probably the best decision." Gildarts replied. "I'm sure the kid can make something even more powerful than what we have right now. I mean, he was able to restrain Irene in her dragon form before, right? *Sigh* He really has grown. I remember when he couldn't even restrain me at half strength. Now, he's even stronger than I am."


"Of course he is." Elicia smiled while proudly puffing her chest out. "I've been telling you all the same thing for years. Fonzie is the best."


With that, Elicia started gushing about Alfonzo, eventually adding Amar'e to her bragging. Meanwhile, everyone else only stared at her with blank gazes as she went on and on by herself. Then, after a few minutes without any signs of Elicia stopping, Ur pressed her hand on the sigils again, disengaging the wall's transparency, as Gildarts, Irene, and Brandish started making their way out of the prison. And once she was done, Ur joined the others who left, leaving Elicia to continue talking to herself about Alfonzo and Amar'e for quite some time.

Thanks for reading, I hope you're enjuoying the story so far.

Comments, Reviews, and Power Stones are always appreciated.

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