
Good News in the Morning

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia. 


August 12, x788. 


While Amar'e's birthday party was winding down, the guests were gathered in small groups either chatting, enjoying the amusement facilities, or having friendly sparring matches on the ring Alfonzo set up on the lake. Meanwhile, all the [armament Spirits] and Zanpakuto Spirits were interacting in a way like no other. However, there was one guest who was having a comparatively harder time than the rest. 


Though this particular guest, Darkness, was smiling elegantly the entire time, she would shudder violently every once in a while. And the reason for that was simple, her eyes were almost always focused on the ring floating on the lake. And every time she saw one of the blows the people sparring took, she was almost driven into one of her masochism induced stupors. 


Especially when she saw Laxus sparring with anyone. Just the thought of his electricity coursing through her body almost sent her to cloud nine. 


'Mmm~~~~! I would love to invite him back to the barracks to help me… Uh… help the knights work on their torture resistance.' Darkness thought to herself as her eyes were focused on Laxus, who was coated in golden lightning. 


At that moment, Laxus, who was sparring with Jura, flinched. Unfortunately, that left an opening that someone as experienced as Jura had no issue taking advantage of. As a result, Laxus was sent flying from the ring when a fist made of stone struck him. 




"Damn it." Laxus muttered after swimming back to the surface. "What the hell was that strange feeling. It feels like I'm being watched by a predator or something. But really different at the same time." 


While speaking, Laxus could not help but sweep his gaze over the entire area. Luckily Darkness was sitting at a dead angle from where Laxus surfaced in the lake. So, he was unable to catch sight of her. If he had, his somewhat disgusted and concerned gaze would have turned into shock and horror rather quickly. And that would have led to Darkness completely breaking down and falling into her usual pattern. 


"Alright, everyone, let's call it a night.!" Alfonzo shouted, drawing everyone's attention to himself. 


When everyone, including Darkness, turned to see Alfonzo, they could see him holding Amar'e in his arms. And when they saw Amar'e, it was easy to understand why Alfonzo was calling the party to an end. Amar'e was struggling with all his might to stay awake. But he was pretty much sleep in Alfonzo's arms, and he was fussing and on the verge of crying at any moment. 


Although the Fairy Tail bunch were not the most sensible group of people, they all absolutely adored Amar'e. So, they decided to follow Alfonzo's words without a fuss. And the other guests, who were much more sensible than the wizards from Fairy Tail got ready to leave, as well, since the host had called for the end of the party. 


'*Sigh* It's finally over.' Darkness thought as she shakily stood up from her seat. 


However, before she could take her first step, Grayfia appeared next to her and gently placed a hand on Darkness' shoulder. 


"Lady Dustiness, you don't look as though you're doing too well." Grayfia said in a professional tone as she firmly pressed Darkness back into her seat. "Perhaps you should take a few moments to compose yourself before you try to leave." 


And Grayfia was not wrong. Currently, Darkness' face was flushed as if she had a fever. However, that was not the most important factor behind Grayfia's actions. Instead, it was because when Darkness stood up, the back of her dress was soaked. As for why, we'll just leave that to your imagination. 


And when Darkness was gently forced to sit back down, she realized that fact, as well. And her face immediately reddened to a new degree. 


"*Pant* Thank… Thank you… Grayfia." Darkness said as her breathing became labored. "I think… *Pant* I'll take you up… *Pant*. On that offer." 


'Oh dear, how embarrassing would it have been if I walked back to my hotel with my dress looking like this?' Darkness thought to herself while feeling the wet fabric against her skin. 'The other guests, as well as the people of the town, would have undoubtedly noticed. Then, they would have pointed and talked about me behind my back. They would have wondered what kind of accident I had. Some would have thought that I fell and made a mess of myself. Others would have thought that I urinated on myself. Either way, the news would have, no doubt, made it back to the capital. Then, to my unit. And I would have been disgraced…' 


The further Darkness got into her thoughts, the more her face reddened and the more ragged her breathing became. 


Meanwhile, Grayfia, who was assigned as Darkness' personal made until she left could only shake her head outside of Darkness' field of vision. 


'Master Alfonzo and Madam Elicia must truly command a high level of respect.' Grayfia thought to herself. 'To think the notorious Perverted Knight of the Capital would try so hard to keep her composure when in their presence. It's truly astonishing. *Sigh* I suppose I should do something as to not tarnish her efforts.' 


In the next instant, Grayfia's right index finger lit up with a soft green glow. Then, she placed it on the back of Darkness' head. 


"[Sleep]." Grayfia chanted softly. 


A moment later, Darkness felt her eyelids grow heavy. Then, they slowly closed as her head slumped forward. However, before she could fall from her chair, Grayfia gently caught her. Then, the two women disappeared from where they stood in a burst of speed. At the same time, Grayfia evaporated all the traces of Darkness' state from the chair she was sitting in with a touch of [Heat Magic], as well. 


In the end, Grayfia took Darkness to her hotel room, stripped her out of her dress, washed her, dressed her in a set of pajamas she found in Darkness' luggage, tucked her into bed, and returned to the mansion without letting any of the other guests know that anything had happened. 


August 13, x788. 


The next morning, Alfonzo woke up covered in female bodies, which was a normal occurrence by now. And like many times, when he first opened his eyes, he caught sight of a head of scarlet red hair. And the body attached to that hair's squirming is what woke him up today. 


"*Yawn* Good morning, Erza." Alfonzo said groggily as he began combing his fingers through the scarlet red hair on his chest. "Hmm?" 


Yet, something was wrong with today's experience. When his fingers reached a certain point, they were stopped by the hair, which seemed to be braided. And when he heard the voice he expected to respond to his greeting, rather than from his chest, it came from his left side. 


"Good morning, Alfonzo." Erza said. "You didn't even look in my direction, yet you already knew that I was awake." 


"Huh?" Alfonzo intoned in confusion while turning his head to the left. 


When Alfonzo turned towards the voice, he saw Erza lying on her side and smiling at him. That caused him to quickly turn back and look at the head of scarlet hair resting on his chest. At that moment, the memory of last night played back in Alfonzo's head. 


"Oh, that's right." Alfonzo muttered. "I actually did it, huh?" 

"You did!" Elicia said excitedly from Alfonzo's right side. "You achieved the legendary Oyakodon!" 


"Elicia, I've heard you mention this 'Oyakodon' before." Erza said as she propped herself up with her right arm so that she could look at Elicia over Alfonzo. "What is it exactly." 


"Oh, it's a term I came up with." Elicia said, sounding as if she was explaining a great discovery. "Oyakodon refers to a mother and a child sharing the same partner, whether it be in a romantic or sexual way." 

"I see." Erza said with a nod. "I suppose the term fits mother and I's situation then, doesn't it?" 


"It sure does." Elicia replied happily. 


Hearing this conversation, the owner of the scarlet red hair resting on Alfonz's chest, Irene, began to squirm even more intensely. 


"Regretting it?" Alfonzo asked as he continued to comb his fingers through Irene's hair. "Well, I'm sorry to say that it's too late for regrets if you are. From now on, you're mine." 


"I don't regret it." Irene said in a small voice without raising her head. "I never regret the decisions I make." 


Reaching that point, Irene paused for a while. However, when she started speaking again, her voice was even quieter than before. 


"It's just really embarrassing." Irene said. "Not only am I sharing a man with my daughter, but I was so easily subdued, as well. And that last part was somewhat humiliating." 


"But you love every second of it, didn't you?" Elicia asked with a wide smile on her face while poking Irene in the butt with her left index finger repeatedly while watching it jiggle. 




"Even if I did, that gives you no right to take liberties with me as you please, Little Girl." Irene said fiercely as she swatted Elicia's hand away. 


"You didn't seem to have a problem with it last night, though." Elicia said cheekily. 


"Be silent." Irene ordered while burying her face even harder into Alfonzo's chest to hide the intensifying blush on her cheeks. 


"By the way, Lici." Alfonzo said, intending to stop Elicia from egging on Irene. 


"Hmm? What's up, Fonzie?" Elicia asked curiously. 


"How the hell are you awake so early?" Alfonzo asked in a thoroughly confused tone. "I looked at the clock just now, and It's only 6:30." 


"Oh, that's because I haven't been to sleep yet." Elicia said energetically. "If it wasn't because you were still inside of Irene and I didn't' wanna wake her up, I would have pulled you out and hopped on for another round while you were sleeping." 


As Elicia mentioned, Alfonzo and Irene were still connected from last night's fun. In fact, that was the reason Irene was sleeping on top of him like she was. 


"Hmm… Now that you mention it, something was feeling pretty good just now." Alfonzo muttered. "That's the whole reason I woke up in the first place. Otherwise, I might have slept for a half an hour, or so, more." 


Hearing that, Irene could not help but start squirming again. 


"Oh, there it is again." Alfonzo said with a grin while continuing to comb his fingers through Irene's hair. 


"Now I see why you all are the strongest group of wizards in the guild." Rika, who was woken up by the voices of the others, said while wiping the sleep out of her eyes. "You all wake up so early. You probably start training right after that, too, don't' you?" 


"Nope." Alfonzo replied nonchalantly. "We always have breakfast before we start training. Otherwise, we don't' have enough calories to get any real training done." 


"I see." Rika replied in an understanding tone. 


*Growl!* x 4 


Immediately afterwards, Elicia's, Erza's, Rika's, and Irene's tummies growled in unison. 


"And after nights like last night, that becomes all the more important." Alfonzo said with a victorious smile on his face. "We all burned quite a few calories, after all." 


"Can you please stop bringing up last night?" Irene said, finally raising her head to look Alfonzo in the eyes. 




"Sure, if that's what Her Majesty wants." Alfonzo said after stealing a kiss from Irene's full, luscious lips. 


"So, you'll start taking advantage of me, too?" Irene asked in an embarrassed tone. 


"Try saying that again when my dick isn't still inside of you, okay?" Alfonzo shot back. 


"Be silent." Irene said, sounding even more embarrassed than before. "Just go make breakfast." 


"You'll still have to take it out, you know?" Alfonzo said in a cheeky tone. 


Hearing that, Irene grumbled and turned her head to one side. Yet, she made no effort to take Alfonzo's manhood out of her. 


'Yeah right, it's been more than four hundred years since I felt this.' Irene thought to herself. 'I'm not quite ready to give it up yet. On top of that, I never felt so full when I did it with that traitorous piece of filth.' 


"Hahahahaha!" Alfonzo, Elicia, and Rika laughed cheerfully after seeing Irene's reaction. 


Erza, on the other hand, nodded understandingly. 


"Indeed, the feeling of having Alfonzo inside of you can truly be addictive." Erza said solemnly. "I completely understand your reluctance to leave that feeling." 


'Be quiet, Erza." Irene said sharply. 


That only caused the other three to laugh even more uproariously. Meanwhile, the last person in the bed, Shizuka, slept soundly with a sweet smile on her face. 


"Anyway, you should be careful when we go to the guild hall today, Fonzie." Elicia said after getting her laughter under control. "Gildarts is probably gonna wanna fight with you when he finds out that Irene is with you now." 


"Ur will probably be rather wary, too." Erza added. "Of both you and Gildarts, and I'm sure the reasons will be the same for both of you." 


"Yeah, she'll probably think that Gildarts wants a mother-daughter pair, too." Rika said with a smile. "And she'll think that you're aiming for a second pair. Oh, Ultear might be rather wary of the same thing, too." 


"Nah, Tear and I already talked about it." Alfonzo replied while shaking his head. "I'm not gonna do that. Besides, I don't' make moves on other men's women." 


After saying that, Alfonzo's expression turned a little sinister. 


"And if Gildarts is thinking that, or even makes a joke about it…" Alfonzo said in a deeper pitch than usual. "I'll have to kick his ass to make him understand why thoughts like that are a bad idea." 


"Fonzie, you're so possessive." Elicia said as she leaned over and pecked Alfonzo on the cheek. "but I like it." 


"No, that's not it." Alfonzo replied while shaking hie head. "if… Let's use Tear as an example, if Tear wanted to leave, although I'd be sad and try to convince her otherwise, I wouldn't do anything overboard to get her to stay. But if someone tried to take her from me, that would be a different story." 


"You sound like a dragon." Irene muttered. "so protective of your treasures. And we, your women, are what you consider to be your treasures." 


"That's right, you're all treasures to me." Alfonzo replied with a smile. "And that includes Little Man, too. But if you decide to leave on your own, you can't be considered my treasures anymore. So, I have no right to make you stay." 




At that moment, the door was flung open and slammed into the connecting wall. And through the open door, Mirajane ran in with an excited smile on her face. 


"Alfonzo! Alfonzo! Look! Look!" Mirajane shouted while holding a small, pink, magic device in her right hand. "There are two lines! Two lines!" 


By now, Mirajane had reached the foot of the bed. Then, without any consideration, she leapt forward towards Alfonzo, who Irene was still lying on top of, with her arms spread and tears pooling in her eyes. 


"Mmm~~~." Irene groaned from a sudden feeling of emptiness. 


Reacting quickly, Alfonzo shifted Irene to one side, his manhood slipping out of her in the process, and opened his free arm to catch Mirajane. 


"We're gonna have a baby!" Mirajane continued shouting excitedly. "We're gonna be parents! What should we name them? If it's a boy, I was thinking---" 


Before Mirajane could get too into her speech, Alfonzo, just as excited as Mirajane, leaned in and kissed her passionately. When he did, Mirajane, with the little magic item, a pregnancy test Alfonzo created last year after Elicia got pregnant and Mirajane started talking about wanting a baby of her own, still in her hand, hugged Alfonzo tightly as her tears fell. 


Meanwhile, everyone else smiled, happy for Alfonzo and Mirajane. 

Thanks for reading, I hope you're enjoying the story sor far.

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