
Fairy Tail: I Created the Magical Internet

What era is this? Are you still stuck in the past, practicing ancient magic? It's time to embrace the future and join the magical age of the Internet! The more users we have, the stronger the magic of Knight’s Harvest becomes. Here's what you can experience: [Forum Dating]: The Dark Guild freely discusses conspiracies and intrigues. [Knowledge Sharing]: The Ten Holy Magicians generously share their magical knowledge. [Live Battle]: Watch as regular guilds face off against evil, live and in real-time. [Guild Entrustment]: Take on missions and quests online—quick and convenient. With new platforms constantly emerging, Knight’s Internet Magic is bringing revolutionary changes to the world of magic. Dragon-slaying spells? God-slaying spells? Demon-slaying spells? Download the magic app now, and anyone can learn! As the world gets caught in the "net," Knight ascends the long staircase to godhood! ------------- Please support me on patreon.com/ihatesakura To read Chapters in Advance go to patreon.com/ihatesakura

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84 Chs

Chapter 80

At the headquarters of Weekly Sorcerer magazine:


Jason exclaimed excitedly, staring at the number of active users on the magic network.

"Editor-in-chief, it was a brilliant idea to feature Mr. Knight's interview in the first issue of our online weekly! We've attracted so many readers at once! It seems everyone is incredibly curious about the mysterious developer of the magic network. Cool~~!"

Jason had worked tirelessly to transform the previously empty section into something full of engaging content.

The editor-in-chief smiled, pleased. "Excellent! The online version will be published for free as a supplement to the physical weekly."

This decision was part of the magazine's new strategy. While Knight had suggested the possibility of monetizing the online content through subscriptions and purchases, the management decided to go with the free strategy. Of course, this meant the digital supplement would be different from the physical issue, but it also came with increased costs.

"We'll also offer a way for readers to buy physical copies online," the editor-in-chief added, a hint of nervousness in his voice. "Do you think anyone will buy it?"

Jason's eyes widened as he refreshed the order page. "Someone just placed an order! They bought 1,000 copies! Cool~~!"

"One person bought a thousand copies?" the editor-in-chief echoed in disbelief.

"Yes! And they even requested immediate delivery of the supplement," Jason said, checking the details. The buyer's magic network username stood out: Sunny Doll.

Meanwhile, in the Fiore Kingdom at the Magic Council Branch:

After a week of questioning and trial, Juvia was acquitted. Alongside her, the remaining three of the four element wizards—Sol of the Earth, Totomaru of the Fire, and Aria of the Sky—were also released.

"What will happen to Gajeel? He's still detained, right?" one of them asked.

"The ruler of the Phantom Guild has been forcibly disbanded. What do we do next?" They all looked at each other.

Sol turned to Juvia. "What about you, Juvia? What are your plans?"

"Juvia is going to Fairy Tail to follow Lord Knight. Goodbye, everyone!" With resolve, Juvia bid farewell to her former companions. She had once been scorned by many, with only the Phantom Guild accepting her. But now that the guild was disbanded, she couldn't wait to meet Lord Knight again.

As she walked, her heart fluttered. "I haven't sent a message to Knight-sama in days. Will he be angry? Juvia didn't mean it. Juvia will sincerely apologize!"

She opened the magic network and instead saw the new update announcement written by Knight himself. Juvia always read his messages with great care.

"There's so much new content…" she whispered, her determination to help find bugs surfacing once again—not for the points, but to assist in any way she could.

Her first stop was the new section, Weekly Sorcerer. As she entered the section, a poster popped up, showcasing a special interview with Knight: The great creator of the magic network and the new Holy Ten Wizard—Knight!

Juvia's heart skipped a beat. Her eyes sparkled. "Juvia wants this poster so much!" Forgetting all about finding bugs, she became entirely engrossed in the content.

There were numerous photos of Knight accompanying the interview, each one handsomely capturing his image. Juvia felt like a child in a candy shop, captivated by every detail.

"Juvia must have this poster! Can I buy it?" she wondered. And after some searching, she found a way to place an order. Without hesitation, she ordered 1,000 copies and left a message: Sunny Doll: Please give me Lord Knight's poster!

Elsewhere, in the Blue Pegasus Guild:

Jenny Realight, a model and Blue Pegasus wizard, admired the same poster of Knight. "He's so handsome…" she mused.

President Bob, standing nearby, smiled warmly. "Ah, young Knight reminds me of myself when I was his age."

Jenny rolled her eyes but laughed. "President, leave it to me! I'll bring him into our guild for sure!"

Jenny opened her magic network friend list and quickly searched for Knight's username, Sigma Man. After several attempts to add him as a friend, she grew frustrated and resorted to sending multiple friend requests, along with a message each time.

Her competitive spirit was piqued, and she wouldn't stop until Knight accepted. Finally, after sending a selfie to prove her identity as Janelia Wright, she received a notification: Sigma Man has accepted your friend request.

Jenny grinned triumphantly, her earlier annoyance forgotten. She quickly typed, Jenny: "Hello, Knight, I'm Janelia Wright!"

Meanwhile, Knight was settling into his newly purchased villa on the outskirts of Magnolia. The luxurious home, priced at a staggering 85 million J, was now his. Despite the hefty price tag, Knight considered it a worthwhile investment for his happiness and future plans.

As he worked on crafting magic recovery potions from the herbs in his villa's garden, his magic ring continuously blinked with friend requests. Annoyed, he mindlessly rejected most of them—until one request caught his attention.

The name read Janelia Wright. A selfie was attached, showing a girl with long blonde hair in a purple dress, frowning slightly. "A Blue Pegasus wizard?" Knight mused, recognizing the guild emblem on her arm.

With a shrug, he approved the request, mostly out of respect for his friend Mira.

Almost immediately, Jenny sent a private message. Jenny: "Hello, Knight, I'm Janelia Wright!"

Knight, still focused on his potion-making, replied with mild amusement, Sigma Man: "The last picture was a bit blurry. Take a few more!"