
Fairy Tail: I Created the Magical Internet

What era is this? Are you still stuck in the past, practicing ancient magic? It's time to embrace the future and join the magical age of the Internet! The more users we have, the stronger the magic of Knight’s Harvest becomes. Here's what you can experience: [Forum Dating]: The Dark Guild freely discusses conspiracies and intrigues. [Knowledge Sharing]: The Ten Holy Magicians generously share their magical knowledge. [Live Battle]: Watch as regular guilds face off against evil, live and in real-time. [Guild Entrustment]: Take on missions and quests online—quick and convenient. With new platforms constantly emerging, Knight’s Internet Magic is bringing revolutionary changes to the world of magic. Dragon-slaying spells? God-slaying spells? Demon-slaying spells? Download the magic app now, and anyone can learn! As the world gets caught in the "net," Knight ascends the long staircase to godhood! ------------- Please support me on patreon.com/ihatesakura To read Chapters in Advance go to patreon.com/ihatesakura

ihatesakura · Anime und Comics
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84 Chs

Chapter 66 : You destroyed our guild, Now, I’ve destroyed yours

Erza was the second person to sit on the back seat of Obsidian.

As Knight sped toward Ogu City with her, his mind drifted to thoughts of Lucy. When Lucy sat on the back of his bike, she would hold him tight, and he could feel her soft body whenever he braked sharply. But Erza was different. The only sensation he felt from her was the hard armor pressing into his back.

"... So that's the situation," Knight explained.

After listening carefully, Erza finally understood what had happened. Her grip on Knight's shoulders tightened, her anger evident.

"Phantom...!" she muttered, fury clouding her expression. Her eyes burned with a focused rage, but after a moment, she took a deep breath and regained her composure.

"I've heard the guild master talk about this before. The feud between Fairy Tail and Phantom goes all the way back to when the guild was founded."

Knight paused for a moment, trying to remember if he had ever come across this bit of history. He knew the main storyline of Fairy Tail, but some of the smaller details always seemed to slip his mind.

"Still," Erza continued, "how are you so sure it was Phantom? Attacking an empty tavern in the middle of the night doesn't make sense."

"Juvia told me," Knight replied.

Erza recalled the "Rain Woman" from Phantom's elite Four Elements squad, whom she had encountered some time ago. The memory brought a look of understanding to her face.

"What are we waiting for, then?" Erza shouted. "Knight, step on it! Go full speed!"

"I'm already going as fast as it'll go," Knight replied with a sigh. "Also, maybe you could swap out your armor? It's really uncomfortable."

"Right! My apologies!" Erza responded quickly. Her body glowed with a golden light as her knight armor was replaced by a much softer, purple kimono-style outfit, secured with black belts.

"Better now?" she asked seriously. "Or would you like me to drive?"

"Hold on!" Knight said, increasing the magic output to his vehicle. The SE plug absorbed his magic, transforming it into raw speed. Obsidian roared like a beast as it raced down the road, swiftly catching up to the rest of the group.

"Nate!" Gray called out in surprise as the black bike zoomed past, kicking up a cloud of dust and leaving the team behind.

Erza turned and shouted, "Hurry up, or you'll miss all the fun!"


Ogu City—an ancient place full of rich history.

At the summit of a winding road leading up the mountain stood the Ghost Guild's branch.

Inside the tavern, a group of Phantom wizards celebrated their recent attack on Fairy Tail's tavern.

"Hehe, Mr. Gajeel, did you get a few good pictures of the wreckage?"

"Yeah, post those on the forums. Let the other guilds see what happens when you mess with Phantom!"

"I bet those Fairy Tail losers are furious right now!"

"They wouldn't dare come here for revenge—they know the Council forbids inter-guild conflicts."

The Phantom guildhall was dim and shadowy, in stark contrast to the bright and lively atmosphere of Fairy Tail. Gajeel, the Iron Dragon Slayer and the executor of the mission, remained silent, chewing on scraps of metal like they were delicate pastries.

Suddenly, someone raised their glass and proclaimed, "Phantom is the strongest guild!"


The doors to the guild were kicked open, crashing to the floor as a black motorcycle barreled into the tavern. The front wheel lifted, crushing a table beneath it, and the wizard who had just shouted found himself face down under the grinding tire.

Everyone froze, staring in shock at the two figures who had stormed in.

"F-Fairy Tail!" someone stammered.

"It's Erza, the Fairy Queen!"

"They actually dared to come here!"

The once-proud guild members now shrank back in terror, their previous bravado gone in an instant.

Gajeel stood up, his eyes narrowing as he grinned. "Only two of you?"

Erza stepped off the bike, her sword gleaming as she pointed it at the group of Phantom wizards.

"Are you the one responsible for attacking our guild?"

Nate calmly parked Obsidian and, without any preamble, threw a punch into the air.


The space around them seemed to fracture as the earth itself trembled violently. The entire building shook as if hit by an earthquake.

"W-What's going on?!" someone screamed.

"He's Knight! The Lord of the Demonic Web!"

Chaos erupted as the guild building collapsed around them, its walls crumbling and the roof collapsing in on itself. Beams and rubble rained down as the Phantom wizards scrambled for safety.

Within seconds, the once-proud Phantom guildhall was nothing but a pile of ruins.

Knight stood in the midst of the destruction, surveying the wreckage as the last intact part of the building—the front gate—wobbled and finally crashed to the ground.

"By the way," he finally said, "where's Joseph?"

Erza blinked. "...You ask that after you've already destroyed the guild?"

Just then, the sound of rubble shifting caught their attention. Gajeel emerged from the wreckage, brushing the dust from his face. His eyes locked onto Knight, and his grin widened.

"Good to see you again, Master of the Magic Web," Gajeel growled. "You really gave me a beating last time. I won't forget it!"

With that, Gajeel's chest swelled, and he unleashed a breath attack toward Knight and Erza.

"The roar of the Iron Dragon!"

Knight didn't flinch. Magic flowed around him, forming a shimmering white shield that deflected the blast effortlessly. Each step he took forward shattered the ground beneath him as the roar collided with his shield, unable to break through.

Step by step, Knight advanced, his power shaking the earth with each footfall.

Gajeel's eyes widened in disbelief. "What the—?!"

Before he could react, Knight vanished from sight, reappearing directly in front of him. With a swift motion, Knight grabbed Gajeel by the throat and lifted him into the air.

"You destroyed our guild," Knight said calmly. "Now, I've destroyed yours. Fair's fair, don't you think?"


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