
Fairy Tail: I Created the Magical Internet

What era is this? Are you still stuck in the past, practicing ancient magic? It's time to embrace the future and join the magical age of the Internet! The more users we have, the stronger the magic of Knight’s Harvest becomes. Here's what you can experience: [Forum Dating]: The Dark Guild freely discusses conspiracies and intrigues. [Knowledge Sharing]: The Ten Holy Magicians generously share their magical knowledge. [Live Battle]: Watch as regular guilds face off against evil, live and in real-time. [Guild Entrustment]: Take on missions and quests online—quick and convenient. With new platforms constantly emerging, Knight’s Internet Magic is bringing revolutionary changes to the world of magic. Dragon-slaying spells? God-slaying spells? Demon-slaying spells? Download the magic app now, and anyone can learn! As the world gets caught in the "net," Knight ascends the long staircase to godhood! ------------- Please support me on patreon.com/ihatesakura To read Chapters in Advance go to patreon.com/ihatesakura

ihatesakura · Anime und Comics
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84 Chs

Chapter 60

"I know where Nirvana is."

Brian stared at the message from "Voldemort" in shock.

He even knows about Nirvana…

Brian's suspicions about Voldemort's identity grew deeper.

Leader: "You know?"

Voldemort: "In the 'Sea of Gas Trees.'"

Brian had only asked tentatively, not expecting the other person to actually reveal it.

Voldemort: "No need to thank me, I'll be heading there soon."

Brian's expression shifted dramatically.

Is this person also targeting Nirvana? No, if that were the case, he wouldn't have told me at all.

Regardless, Brian had to secure Nirvana before him!

Determined, Brian switched over to the group chat, where Lissa and Cobra were still bickering.

Leader: "Enough!"

Leader: "Since the mission failed, both of you return. We have something more important to deal with!"

Knight smirked as he observed the lack of further response from the other side.

"Feeling anxious now?"

Well, let them worry. They can chase after Nirvana and cause a commotion elsewhere.

Once the Six Demon Generals make a move, the Council will quickly catch onto their whereabouts.

"Speaking of Nirvana… it's a super magic, isn't it? I might check it out if I get the chance," Knight thought.

Nirvana, a super magic that could swap light and darkness. While its power didn't particularly interest him, the magic knowledge it held did.

With a final glance at the forest he had wrecked, Knight turned and left.

"I better run. If Porlyusica finds out it was me, she might chew me out for days."

Back at his apartment, Knight opened the guild's group chat. As expected, everyone was discussing the earlier commotion.

Gray: "I heard a loud boom and saw a flash of white light."

Macao: "Yeah, it came from the eastern forest."

Loke: "What happened?"

Erza: "That magical surge… It was Knight! Sigma Man."

Mirajane: "Sigma Man, what's going on?"

Seeing the commotion, Knight felt obliged to explain.

Sigma Man: "I ran into a member of the Six Demon Generals. We fought."

Wakaba: "!!!"

Happy: "A dark guild wizard!"

Elfman: "One of the Six Demon Generals from the Balam Alliance?"

Mirajane: "Are you okay, Knight? Were you hurt?"

Sigma Man: "I'm fine. I made them flee."

Lucy: "What's the Balam Alliance?"

Erza: "Just as regular guilds have alliances, dark guilds do too."

Cana: "The Balam Alliance is the ruling force of the dark world, made up of the three strongest dark guilds."

Levy: "The Six Demon Generals, Grimoire Heart, and Tartaros… They control the entire dark world through their subordinate guilds."

Alzack: "Although they're called an alliance, they don't really cooperate. They just avoid conflicts with one another. Seriously, how do newcomers not know this stuff?"

Mirajane: "By the way, Lucy, that Iron Forest group you dealt with was under the Six Demon Generals."

Lucy: "I didn't know! But it was Knight who took them down, not me…"

Happy: "Yeah, Lucy was just there for the ride!"

Lucy: "Don't talk nonsense, you annoying cat!"

Thanks to Lucy's innocent question, the group chat quickly derailed. Knight shook his head and got up, intending to shower and rest.

But then, Makarov sent a private message.

Fairy Tail Master: "Knight, you were attacked by the Six Demon Generals? What happened?"

The old man's always watching, isn't he?

Knight thought for a moment before responding: "I'm not sure of their motive, but they were after me, possibly for the magic net rings or something related to my work online."

Fairy Tail Master: "I'm just glad you're alright. The Council's been warning the guilds to stay alert for the Six Demon Generals. I'll report tonight's incident to them."

Report to the Council? That made Knight think of Ultear.

He sent her a private message.

Ultear's status was offline, but she came online soon after.

Ultear: "You messaged me first? I'm touched!"

Ultear: "The Six Demon Generals attacked you? Are you hurt? Should I come over and give you a hug?"

Sigma Man: "…The important part here is the Six Demon Generals. Isn't the Council looking for their whereabouts?"

Ultear: "You're not hurt then? I'm so relieved! I was worried I'd have to send you some… comforting photos to soothe your broken heart."

Knight laughed at her theatrics and decided to play along.

Sigma Man: "Sister, how about sending a few photos to comfort me anyway?"

Almost immediately, she sent over a series of images, clearly prepared beforehand.

This time, they were even more provocative.

Ultear sat in front of a full-length mirror, wearing nothing but a pair of white panties, her hands strategically covering parts of her body.

Knight quickly saved the photos.

Ultear: "Do you think your sister's pretty? Shy.jpg"

Sigma Man: "Now I won't be able to sleep tonight!"

The next day, Knight strolled into the guild around noon.

"Mira," he greeted with a yawn, plopping down at the bar.

"It's already noon, Knight," Mira teased with her usual warm smile. "You've been looking tired lately. Developing something new?"

Blame Ultear, Knight thought with a sigh. She sends me photos late at night… every night.

"I'm working on a new feature," Knight replied, smiling.

"Make sure to take care of yourself. Staying up late isn't healthy," Mira said kindly as she brought him some food.

Knight appreciated Mira's angelic nature. If Ultear was a devil, Mira was surely an angel.

Suddenly, uniformed footsteps echoed outside the guild.

"It's the Council's army!" Elfman announced, startled. "Rune Knights?"

The lively tavern went silent as the guild members looked toward the door.

A familiar voice broke the silence: "Is Knight here?"

At the front of the knight squad stood Ultear, one hand on her hip, smiling.

"I'm Ultear, a councilor. I'm here to investigate the Six Demon Generals."

Knight turned, recognizing her voice immediately. His eyes widened.

Ultear… she's here!


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