

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · Anime und Comics
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210 Chs

Chapter 105: The Battle of Fairy Tail (2)

Chapter 105: The Battle of Fairy Tail (2)

~Silva K. POV~

Opening the door right away I was greeted by Gray, and Elfman coming around as I exited my home, "Sup guys. Sorry if I was being late."

Gray merely shrugged already half naked again gesturing for me to come along with a grin plastered on his face, "Yeah, yeah Casanova. At least you are finally free to enjoy the Fantasia Festival. From what I know this would be your first time experiencing it right?"

Nodding at that sheepishly scratching the back of my head being referred to as a Casanova because of my teaming up with Mira, Erza, and Juvia I let it slide replying, "Yeah… To be frank this would technically be my first time experiencing this kind of event. Although I know we helped during our time here it feels good to see the hard work pay off."

Elfman fist pumps into the air excitedly helping me get into the swing of the spirit of the Fantasia Festival, "Yeah man! This year's harvest seems to be the best this time of year! Come on we'll show you around the best parts before the main manly event!"

Rolling my eyes at his suggestion I couldn't help but smirk enjoying the craziness of the Fantasia Festival for the first time than reading it in a book or watching the anime from a laptop.

Although we walked out I was about to knock on Lucy's apartment before Gray delivered me the news of her not being here at the moment, "Oh right. Silva, I wouldn't bother I saw Lucy along with Erza, Mira, Ur, and Juvia signing up for the Miss Fairy Tail beauty contest later in the morning. Almost forgot to inform you about it."


Sighing at that it seems like spending some time with the girls will have to wait although it's surprising that Ur joined Team Natsu since they don't have Erza with them.

But the outcome is still the same according to Lucy with Ur around Gray is less prone to property damage.

An improvement to my eyes at least considering there's less property damage.

Shrugging at this I looked at Gray telling him his naked again in a neutral tone, "Thanks for the news. By the way your naked again."

His eyes widen yelling out covering himself again in an annoyed tone, "What?!! Damn it not again!!"

Elfman merely chuckled before commenting about Gray's actions while we waited for him to change again, "Hahaha! Seriously Gray I would think your sensei would have taught you not to be a pervert in public?"

Gray merely shot back an annoyed glare replying back to Elfman with his lips twitching, "Tell that to my Master who taught me this way."

I merely shook my head praying for Gray's redemption of not being labeled a pervert, "Oh, poor Gray-sama… may you learn your sinful ways of not being a naked male stripper…"


Slugging me at the back of the head mumbling curses at me while Elfman and I laughed at our friend's misfortune just jerking him around so to speak.

Walking around till we reached the outside apartments I got to view the Fantasia Festival with glee experiencing it for however long it lasted before the brawl would begin.

The Harvest Festival is an event held in Magnolia Town. It is hosted by the Fairy Tail Guild and it occurs once a year starting on October 15th.

The Harvest Festival is concluded with the Fantasia Parade, a parade featuring the members of Fairy Tail who ride on different floats and use their Magic to entertain the watching public.

I'm not much for a showman I would rather sit this out just viewing the parade but then again being able to participate in it sounds a heck of a lot of fun.



Viewing the people chatting and playing songs I couldn't help but be amazed as Elfman voices out my expression with amusement, "I see you certainly taking in the amazement of the Harvest Festival. Trust me I got the same manly look on your face when I first saw this place for the first time."

Getting caught off guard I blushed a bit embarrassed as Gray hit my shoulder not to be ashamed of something like enjoying the Harvest Festival, "Hey man no need to be embarrassed about man. This would be new for you and our new members. Trust me it's going to be a blast of an experience."

I couldn't help but chuckle lightly looking at the tasty food stands all around getting my bearings again responding back in a cheerful tone, "You know what? Your right. I should just take the chance to relax and enjoy the festival. Maybe try out every food stand they have here. Sounds like a good way to enjoy before heading over to the Miss Fairy Tail contest. Still, I never knew Magnolia had this many people?"

To that Gray replied to me in an understanding tone explaining how everyone tries to come to these events Magnolia Town holds every year, "People come from other towns to see Fantasia, so there should be a good crowd. I wonder if you are joining the Fantasia yourself?"

Thinking about it with an unsure expression I replied honestly how I felt about it, "Not sure yet. I have a bit of stage fright performing like that…"



Elfman slams his hand over my shoulder laughing at my hesitation of stage fright comparing it to my other daily challenges, "Hahaha! Didn't think there was anything that could scare you, Silva! I mean you fought Dark Guilds, Erza, S-Class wizards, my big sis, cultist, and need I remind you 2 Wizard Saints that wanted you dead. And yet you draw the line of stage fright to get you shaking in your boots man?"

I merely pouted as Elfman and Gray both laughed harder at me being scared to perform on stage!

It's a respectable sense of fear damn it.

While observing the food stands taking some different foods, I looked over to see my favorite loli ghost coming around as she caught me speaking up in a happy tone, "Hey Silva!! Glad to see you enjoy the Harvest Festival. It surely takes me back to witnessing this back in my day."

Leaning on a nearby wall without anyone to hear me as they were talking too loud and my friends were enjoying the atmosphere of the festivities I took the chance to reply, "Really? Sounds like it's a lot of fun in the past. Just curious did you start this or was this a tradition always in Magnolia Town."

She merely chuckles having a reminiscing expression on her face with her eyes darting towards the church talking to me of her fond times here, "Not really. Magnolia Town always had this traditional event even before my group first came here. Imagine my surprise that this place was ruled by a Dark Guild before Dark Guilds were even a thing. Guild Wars were pretty often in the day compared to how peaceful it is now."

Closing my eyes I had to wonder how difficult it was for Mavis that young facing that many hardships with me voicing out in a happy tone, "Must be huh? Then you must've had some great friends with you on your journey right?"

She nodded laughing lightly reminding me that a few are alive voicing out in a saddened tone talking about the past, "Yeah… I know two are alive maybe. Precht the former Master of Fairy Tail and Warrod one of the members of the 10 Wizard Saints. They surely did great things on their own paths."

I merely took another bite of my food with Mavis seeing the festival causing me to smile and see how happy everyone is compared to the future events that are going to occur.

There's a time and place to just enjoy the peace and relax. Since I had the time I began to check out my status seeing which ones I could upgrade soon enough.



Name: Silva Knight

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: Fairy Tail Wizard

Level: 43  Exp: 0/300%

HP: 4300/4300

MP: 4300/4300

STR: 87 (+30)

AGI: 114 (+15)

VIT: 102 (+45)

INT: 79

SEN: 102

LUCK: 100

Stat Points: 0-> 36

Cash: 300,000J



Having 36 spare stats I wonder which ones I should focus on first…

First, raise my STR and INT while placing the rest into SEN since I need the boost against Laxus speed soon enough.

Put this here and that there…




Name: Silva Knight

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: Fairy Tail Wizard

Level: 43  Exp: 0/300%

HP: 4300/4300

MP: 4300/4300

STR: 87+13= 100 (+30)

AGI: 114 (+15)

VIT: 102 (+45)

INT: 79+21= 100

SEN: 102+2= 104

LUCK: 100

Stat Points: 36-> 0

Cash: 300,000J



[Your STR stat has reached the 100-point mark!]

[Passive Skill <Enhanced STR> has been added!]


[Your INT stat has reached the 100-point mark!]

[Passive Skill <Enhanced INT> has been added!]


Feeling an increase in strength and my brain tingling from the boost I could tell the differences in my physical form.

It feels great!!

Flexing my muscles I feel they have more power compared to before. Let's see what these new passive skills provide for me.

Skill List.


<Enhanced STR> (Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: This passive skill can be unlocked once reaches 100 stats in STR. Described as the users can raise thousands of pounds to tens of thousands of pounds. Being able to carry out any offensive action with the force of a massive vehicle. Users can lift cars, trucks, buses, moderate to large-sized rocks, and tall trees and are often beyond the physical limits of humans at their maximum.

The user can perform extremely powerful attacks and cause a lot of collateral damage such as destroying large bridges, buildings, heavy vehicles, and large trees, and killing huge creatures that require military-grade weapons, such as moderate explosives, with only their physical strength.

-This passive skill grants the user an increase of 5% Melee Damage.

<Enhanced INT> (Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: This passive skill can be unlocked once reaches 100 stats in INT. Described as the user's mental abilities, capabilities, and attributes are above ordinary members of their species, beyond what can be emulated via natural training and with little to no maintenance.

This entails that they are more; intelligent, intuitive, creative, charismatic, instinctive, wiser, and have a higher brain capacity and deductive ability than all other members of their species, such as humans, without being supernatural.

- This passive skill grants the user MP recovery time and rate reduced by 5%.



I'm now more of a Fairy Tail member with the capabilities to be more of a threat to collateral damages with my bare hands.

Soon enough Gray came by searching for me about a piece of important news getting my attention immediately, "Hey Silva! There you are man we lost you in the crowd but it's almost time. The Miss Fairy Tail contest is going to begin soon come on I'll guarantee you it's going to be a hell of a show."

He grins mischievously already hinting at viewing the female members of our guild bodies.

No words needed my fellow cultured man.

Agreeing Mavis tags along curious to the Miss Fairy Tail contest wanting to see for herself floating by my side with an eager grin.


Time for me to enjoy the show.