
Fairy Tail : COLD HEART (ENG)

A reboot of Gray Fullbuster's story, Deliora's attack certainly took the lives of Gray's loved ones but also gave him an accidental gift that will make him the most powerful of mages. Gone was Natsu's so-called rival whose fights were rubbish and whose psychology was far from a boy who lost so much in life. No power of friendship and its power will have a completely logical cause in relation to its universe. English is not my first language and I don't have an editor so there will certainly be vocabulary or spelling mistakes. I wish you a good reading and I thank you for the edifying remarks in the comments if there are things to improve in my writing or my narration.

The3Entities · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

chapter 20 : Meet a god

As soon as Gray appeared in the room his scent caught the attention of the four vampires who immediately woke up to look at him with slight surprise.

 They had thousands of guards but this stranger managed to get there in addition to his smell which was extremely appetizing.

 Gray: (bows slightly) Your Highnesses. Thank heaven you are awake, I am not the man to kill people in their sleep.

 Queen Elena: (to King Gregor) What a delicious young man, is it meal time yet?

 Gregor: This smell, I haven't smelled anything like it in the last two years ! 

 "That face…I don't know where I've seen it before but I seem to know it…" Vlad said with interest as he straightened up.

 Gloria: GRAY FULLBUSTER !!! He's the richest young wizard on the continent. (to Gray) I was a big fan before and I had Sorcerer Magazine delivered to me just for your pictures.

 Gray: I'm flattered princess, your last day in this world will be a little pleasant at least. Eden sends me to give you rest.

 Gregor: Last day on earth? Eden?! I'm going to find this trash and kill him but you...we're going to devour you to the last mass of flesh.

 Gloria: Father, we can't kill him even if he looks delicious. I want him as a pet and we can use him to drink his delicious blood on occasion. Besides, I-(interrupted)


 A spear made only of pure light was thrust into her mouth and out the back of her head as her body began to burn in front of her family members, Gloria emitted sounds of horrible pain and was stunned. not died immediately but continued to scream while burning.

 They then looked towards Gray but in front of them, there was a sphere the size of an orange and made entirely of pure, holy light.

 "Holly Sun" Gray said before the sphere began to give off a very intense light that filled the entire room as the other three vampires began to scream and burn.

 From what little he knew of the old world, vampires were not creatures to joke with because they were so strong, they were not creatures with whom one should try to measure your strength, They had to be killed as soon as possible at the first opportunity and with an element of surprise. 

 They are clever creatures of extraordinary power, capable of copying other magic easily in addition to their psychic magic.

However, they fear holy magic to the highest degree or any magic related to light such as pure fire although holy light magic itself remains their ultimate enemy against which they have completely no defense and that is the reason the elves ruled over the vampires but that was millennia ago.

 Today, light magic is horribly rare and even within the church, members who could use this magic could not fully exploit it because two of the criteria it requires are monstrous talent and pure spirit , two things that Gray easily possesses.

 He was a complete anomaly in this world but even knowing what he was capable of, Gray in no way underestimated the vampires and immediately attacked to incapacitate and kill instead of taking a risk by fighting them without knowing all their abilities.

 While the vampires screamed in pain, large tremors were felt due to the attacks of the ice giants created by Ur outside as well as Juvia's aquatic rampage , it was really raining heavily.

 "I really need to practice a little more with this magic, the sphere was really small despite all the concentration I showed..." Gray said watching the vampires scream and burn before drawing his sword and slide his fingers along the blade as it gradually became covered in light.

 The sphere glowed for 7 minutes, seven minutes of unimaginable pain for the vampires who screamed and begged repeatedly but Gray just watched them suffer with hatred for what they did before decapitating them to kill them for good .

 Each of these monsters far surpassed the S rank especially thanks to their invulnerability to magic or normal attacks, he could not take any risks so he used intelligence and caution to kill them quickly.

 No combat meant no opportunity for defeat but we eliminate the enemy at the first opportunity, that was also intelligence above all.

 Besides, Gray had too much contempt for them to give them time to fight, these people had devoured children.

 When the Holly Sun finished burning, there were four smoking skeletons left on the thrones, the skulls of the four vampires on the ground had only canines in their mouths, no incisors or molars and this was certainly to better shred the skin and flesh of their victims.

 Outside there were loud crashing sounds so Gray teleported outside and sat thoughtfully watching Ur and Juvia go on a rampage against all these monsters.

 Juvia was able to keep up for one simple reason, the rain. In a rain, Juvia could do almost anything and she was master of the field.

 In addition, this very heavy rain would allow her to save magic because controlling water required much less effort than creating it through magic.

 As for Ur, she was a living lachryma with a huge amout of magic inside her. Additionally, his extremely strong body allowed her to fight in close combat without worrying about his physical defense as practically nothing could damage the Ice Shell and that was without counting his ice giants.

 What if Ur knew how to fight in close combat? She is the niece of the holy knight of the fist so she had a certain martial education hence the preliminary physical training of Gray and Lyon in their childhood under her tutelage.

 She knew several fighting techniques and coupled with her hard body, it was a fest of broken bones.

 This all lasted for a while until they eliminated the last enemies, they then waited for Gray for a little while before noticing him sitting in the distance observing them so they joined him.

 Gray: It was excellent work.

 Ur: You don't look like you just came from a fight.

 Gray: I didn't set out to fight but to kill monsters, it's done.

 Juvia: Gray-sama, Juvia did not disappoint you.

 "I saw you fight and you really impressed me, I'll reward you for that later Juvia" he said smiling while Juvia started to blush imagining a certain reward.

 Ur: Do you think it's over?

 Gray: No, master. In fact, the real work begins now for this kingdom which still needs to shake off the influence of this monster family and learn to trust again. In addition, there is also the being behind this ritual and who gave access to it to the royal family.

 Ur: He's certainly a very powerful dark mage, Gray.

 Gray: It may not even be a human, this kind of ritual is very old and requires colossal power to make a simple human into a complete vampire, it's a downright species change and a special one.

 Ur :…


 He saw the two women immediately become static like statues before realizing that they were not alone.


 A handsome man with long, deeply black hair like his eyes approached Gray, clapping.

 He was wearing a beach shirt with beach shorts and sandals, he was totally casual.

 "Impressed, I'm really impressed…you really know a lot huh!" he said smiling.

 Gray: Who are you ? You froze time...! 

 Man: Yes, it's me. I'm the guy you talked about earlier, I'm the one who taught those idiots the ritual.

 Gray: What are you?

 The man: (he smiles) A ​​god…


 The God: Let me introduce myself, Kaelam. I'm the god of Chaos, all dark magic, dark creatures, dark spells and other dark shit in magic comes from me...


 Kaelam: Can I know why you're still frozen?! Is this your reaction to your first meeting with a god ? Do you know how many humans have had this privilege?

 Gray: My reaction? Forgive me lord but I don't know how to react, I never imagined that gods still roamed this world and that I would have encountered one. When we talk about a dark god of chaos, you are not what we might imagine.

 Kaelam: Young, handsome, relaxed, that amazes you, huh ? I don't see the point in being a dark, bearded old man in a dark, gloomy cave with ghosts everywhere. A total lack of elegance and I like to live with my times.

 Gray: Why did you come forward to me? You want to kill me for hindering your plans?

 "What if that's the case?!" Kaelam asked calmly as he unleashed an incredibly intense flow of magical power that was both chaotic but of a purity that Gray had never imagined. It was pure, clean but also cold, frightening in the extreme.

 Gray knew, Kaelam didn't need to do much to kill him, just the release of this magic could do the job without him lifting a finger against Gray.

 Kaelam: Answer, mortal...

 Gray: If you wanted to kill me you would have done it already, I'm not stupid enough to imagine fighting a god. No magic in this world is capable of such a feat and that's without taking into account the fact that facing the gods doesn't interest me...

 Kaelam: Bahahahah, you are really interesting. Intelligent and interesting, some of my brothers taught some humans a pretty strong magic, telling them that it was capable of imitating or equaling divine magic (laughs). It was a long time ago for a little game between us, to create soldiers and start a war between the gods.

 Gray: God Slayer magic, I've heard of it. You taught men such magic for fun? Magic capable of reaching the gods ?! 

 Kaelam: Yeah it was a long time ago and the project was aborted, there are no humans with enough potential to really develop this magic properly. Well, that was before until I ran into you.

 Gray: I'm not interested.


 Gray: I don't want to be involved in the affairs of the gods in any way. Besides, I have no reason to trust you, you said you weren't a sinister old fart but you never claimed to be on the side of good. A god of chaos can only take pleasure in chaos, you want to restart a war between the gods so that's up to you.

 Kaelam: These two women seem to be precious to you...

 Gray: You want to kill them?! They will die one day anyway, you can do what you want but I will not be your puppet.

 Kaelam: (sighs) I hate smart guys like you, you're just a killjoy. Anyway I don't have the right of life or death in this world, Ankhseram will be deeply angry with me. I would have appreciated you becoming my servant but you ruined my day. This little interview will disappear from your memories, my trace here could be problematic...

 Gray: WHAT?! WAIT YOU-(interrupted)

 Time resumed its course and the girls looked at Gray who had a strange look on his face, he had just completely forgotten his meeting with the god of chaos.

 Ur: Gray, are you okay?

 Gray: Um...yeah...


 Gray: Master, can I ask you something?!

 Ur: I'm listening.

 Gray: When 10 years ago, because of me, you were forced to sacrifice yourself, I swore to myself to no longer use ice magic in the eyes of the world proudly. I have never used it freely in combat since. I swore to myself that I would start using this magic again in front of the world the day I brought you back.

 Ur: Gray…

 "Master, will you allow me to use your magic again ? I wasn't worthy of you but I did what I could to make up for my mistake..." Gray asked as he got on his knees, humiliating himself in front of his master.

 Juvia: Gray-sama!!

 Ur: You felt so guilty ? All these years! (She hugs him) You spent all these years trying to find a way to bring me back without even worrying about your own happiness. You didn't need it but I give you my blessing, you are more worthy of this magic than anyone.

 "Thank you, master…" He said, smiling slowly while holding her closer to him. He had already used this magic several times but it was to train in an isolated place, in moments of extreme reflex because it was the magic he knew best and to which he had better synergy. 

 It is through ice that his magical energy is released without even his will, if he is angry and releases his magical pressure, the surroundings will start to freeze seriously like in the face of Lyon, Phantom Lord and Laxus.

 He hesitated for a long time to ask his master this but now, he will be able to calmly use his magic without shame or guilt.