
Fairy System In Fairy Tail

While Natsu And His friends fought side by side against evil, against time, different worlds, different timelines... Eventually in each and every tree root of all alternatives futures when they reached the point of creating the Time Hole to seal Acnologia the burst of energy from going back and forth in time messing with the order of things burst out reducing everything in an empty space leaving an injured Acnologia only to turn into nothingness as well... The Gods Sighed they reverted the world back again and again but this realm was reaching it's limit... thinking a solution they decided to ask for help from the Celestial Realm Dragon a being so powerfull none of the Gods could contain her in their worlds letting her travel in the gaps of realms watching countless worlds and mortals... It was then that the adventure of a certain someone Began!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seion · Anime und Comics
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630 Chs

Chapter 581 : Naval Battle!!! 3

Trying and trying again and again, she finally started to grasp what was happening to her, for splits amount of time she kept feeling her touch, vision, hearing were off...

And true enough as she was seeing Kyoka smile at her she realised that it wasn't her who guided Kyoka to the edge but she was guided here by her...

Just as she was about to back off and get some space between them, suddenly everything went black as if she was blind and surprisingly couldn't feel her sword and hear anything around her...

Kyoka : Took you long enough to realise it...

Kyoka : Oh wait you can't hear me...

Kyoka : Well have the 5th place...

Just as Kyoka guided Erza towards the edge and was about to kick her out a voice drifted in her ears stunning her and before she realised it she was outside making her take the 5th place...

She looked up and saw the lineups of a figure through the water and realised that she was Tina making her somewhat angry but managed to hold it in...

At the same time, Dimaria and Minerva who were watching the whole time finally moved and attacked Erza and Tina who were at the edges...

Unfortunately, before they could manage to do that, the saw them vanish from everyone's eyes...

Minerva : Che.. that freaking runt!!!

Dimaria : Does it want us to fight each other first??

Dimaria : Not that it's against the rules!!!

Just as Dimaria murmured after Minerva, she then took a 180 decree turn and attacked her by sweeping her feet in an attempt to kick her...

Minerva : Since you are so eager to get out and lose I'll help you!!!

Minerva : Territory Magic - Explosion!!!

Just as Minerva dodges the attack she counters by numerous sphere things appeared in front of her extending all the way to Dimaria and started exploding...

However, Dimaria smiled as she vanished from Minerva's sight of field in an instant and before she could utter anything due to how shocked she was...

She felt a blunt pain assaulting her from the back as she was blown away forward and fell into her own explosion further sending her away till she fell out...

Now we had the next in line of the 5th and 4th position as they were given to Kyoka and Minerva...

Holy hell what did they saw??

Teleportation magic?? Only those that didn't know what happened and could see from a different angle could think of such...

Unfortunately, it was a wrong assumption of them as in reality, Dimaria stopped time and swam to the back of Minerva throwing a powerful kick at her and had that result...

Just as everyone wanted to cheer, Tina and Erza appeared as they were hidden very well with the formers Illusions making the final top three stare at each other...

Dimaria : Finally you appeared...

Tina : Hehehehe, i only did what everyone was doing waiting for a chance to ride on the top...

Dimaria : True, and sneak attacks work very well...

As she said that her figure vanished once again stunning Erza but not Tina who watched what Dimaria did in real-time and moved herself to get on the back of Erza blocking a hit for her...

Dimaria : Looks like Time Magic won't work on you but it does seem to work on her...

Tina : Well, my mothers and dads trained me along with those in my Guild...

Tina : So I'm somewhat very familiar with every type of Magic...

Dimaria : But you have no way of attacking and only confuse the others with your illusions...

Tina : Eeerrrr... Did I gave that kind of impression on the Hide and Seek and in our match??

Dimaria : Eh?? You can use your magic for attacking??

Tina : Who decided that i couldn't??

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