
Chapter 33: Friends in low places

Sol wasn't sure how long they fell in the abyss. When they came to a stop, they neither crashed nor stumbled. They simply found themselves walking again. His toes made contact with a slimy tile and the light began to return.

They found themselves walking out of the sewer and into the familiar décor of the nightbreed palace, the home of Prince Verrocchio. "How did we end up here?" Sol asked while wiping sewage off his legs.

They all returned to human form as they were greeted by the Prince himself. "Welcome my young friends. It's so good to see you again, please come inside."

And of course, Sol wasn't going to turn down the Prince's favors after they had been so generous last time, but he also didn't want to bring down their enemies on their allies.

"Sir, were you watching us just now?" Sol asked, still trying to formulate a strategy for the event that they were still being followed.