
Fae Hunter's Prize

Sam Bales is thrust into a world of terror and danger when she finds herself in the crosshairs of Damien, an unrelenting Fae-hunter. Captured and held prisoner after a fateful event, Sam discovers that her unique ability to sense and eliminate Fae creatures is exactly what Damien needs to achieve his mission - killing the enigmatic Fae queen. As Sam navigates this new, dangerous reality, she learns of the unseen politics and age-old rivalries governing the Fae realm. With each encounter, her perception of these magical beings evolves, uncovering a dark truth behind their motives. When Sam meets the powerful and charismatic Fae king, her outlook on the Fae forever shifts as she's pulled into a treacherous game of politics and prophecy. Realizing that her destiny lies intertwined with the fate of the Fae world, Sam must fight against time as they both teeter on the brink of disaster. In her quest for truth and redemption, Sam must navigate a treacherous path, facing betrayal, heartache, and unimaginable choices. Will she choose to embrace her role as the savior of the fae world, sacrificing her own desires? Or will she defy expectations, forging her own path as she discovers the true nature of her powers and the extent of her impact on both worlds?

Ccleavell · Fantasie
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16 Chs


I beamed at my mom and held up my newly acquired flower crown. "Mom! Look what the angels gave me in the garden! Isn't it beautiful?" I twirled in circles, spinning around and laughing as the petals of the flowers tickled my face.

My mom looked at me with a mix of wonder and concern in her eyes. "What did they look like, sweetie?"

I paused for a second, trying to recall what I had seen. "They were tall and bright, with wings so sparkly they shimmered gold and silver. Their faces were kind and their eyes glistened like diamonds."

My mom bit her lip, unsure of how to respond. "Are you sure they were real?"

Nodding energetically, I said, "Of course they were! They talked to me and everything!"

Taking a deep breath, my mom glanced out the window before closing the blinds. "Let's go eat lunch."

My eyes popped open and a gentle warmth spread across my skin. I blinked away the bright light that was beaming down on my face, slowly letting my eyes adjust to the unfamiliar surroundings. Only moments ago, I had been in a cramped prison cell, now I was in a spacious room filled with sunlight streaming through the window and the cheerful sound of birds chirping outside.

The walls were decorated with warm muted shades and the bed, a queen-sized, was swathed in luxurious silk sheets and pillowcases embossed with soft pink roses. A thick comforter provided a comforting embrace as I took in the sight of my new freedom or my new hell.

I felt a cold draft as I slid out of the bed, and as my feet touched the floor, I noticed an ornate dresser with a large oval mirror. I caught myself in the reflection and realized I was still wearing the same clothes I had worn during my fight against that beast at the prison. With eyes still locked on my reflection, I noticed a folded slip of paper resting atop the dresser.

My name leaped out from the top of the parchment and I sucked in my breath. 

"Dear Miss Bales,

Well done this past year, you have grown strong. You are now a part of this world between the mortals and Fae, Silverest Betwēonum. Look around you, at these walls that contain you, and take in all that you have been given: food, clothing, and most importantly weapons. You feel as though right now is your chance to escape…but don't let your false hope deceive you, Sam. Your one true chance lies with me and it will come in due time. Until then, you'll remain here, shackled to this cursed place. Welcome to Silverest Betwēonum, where freedom awaits you…just not yet. Sincerely Damien."

I skimmed the letter for the fifth time, each word a sharp blade cutting through my heart. How could he expect me to fall for such an obvious trap? My hands shook with anger as I crumpled the paper in frustration. I was stuck in between two worlds - the human world and the Fae world. And now this mysterious Damien was pulling me into his schemes and the reason for living in hell for a year. Who was he? What did he want from me? One thing was certain - he needed me.

I tossed the letter onto the dresser and took a deep breath. The best thing I could do was explore my new prison. I left the bedroom and wandered through the small cottage. It felt surprisingly cozy and warm despite my circumstances. A fireplace crackled in the living room, bookshelves lined the walls, and a small kitchen with an island counter stood in one corner. Two armchairs faced each other, inviting me to sit down and unwind. I glimpsed a back door that led outside to a sprawling garden filled with vibrant flowers arranged in sculpted beds. It was hard to believe that this beautiful place would be my new home - or perhaps, my new prison.

I glanced at another door, one that had been left unopened. Taking a deep breath, I grasped the handle and opened it. Inside was an impressive arsenal—swords, axes, spears—all arranged neatly in the room. A letter sat on a small table next to them. My heart clenched as I reluctantly reached out for it. Scanning its contents, I learned that these weapons would serve me well when I needed to fight. The letter also mentioned books with knowledge I could use in my journey, but it was the final line that made my veins bulge with anger: "You will be tasked with missions… to eliminate certain Fae… until we can finally reach our ultimate goal of eliminating the queen." The signature read simply "Damien."

As I read over the handwritten letters, a low chuckle from behind startled me. I spin around to see a tall figure looming over me. His deep voice echoes through the room as he says, "How do you like my letters, Miss Bales? Do they add an air of mystery?"

My heart races, this must be Damien. I didn't expect meet him so soon. He must love toying with people. He was even more imposing in person, with a chiseled jawline and piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through me. I swallow hard and try to compose myself.

I stepped back and glared at him. His dark eyes sparkled with amusement and I could almost feel a smirk tugging at his lips. The air between us was thick with tension as he took another step closer to me, now standing just inches away from me. His intoxicating scent of sandalwood and leather filled my lungs and for a moment I forgot why we were even standing there.

"Who are you?" I asked in a harsh voice, trying to regain some composure.

"You know that answer, Miss Bales," Damien replied with a chuckle. "But you can simply call me Damien or your capturer." He gestured around the room, reminding me of the letters he had written when I was unconscious. "The letters were for fun, as I was bored waiting for you to wake up. It seems the drug I used was stronger than I thought."

My heart thrummed in my chest as I looked at Damien, the man who had taken me from my world and brought me to this unknown place. He stood there, tall and imposing, eyes like chips of glacier ice that pierced into me. "Why did you kidnap me?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly with fear.

"We have a common enemy," he said slowly, his words dripping with a coldness that sent a chill through my entire body, "The Fae."