
Fading Star

In the glamorous world of K-idols, Yuna once shone as everyone's darling, tasting the sweet fruits of stardom. However, when the world turns its back on her, and those she trusted betray her, she's left to grapple with the shadows of her past. Now, Yuna faces the ultimate challenge: can she stage a comeback, reclaim the spotlight, and defy the odds stacked against her, or will she join the ranks of the industry's faded stars? In a tale of resilience, redemption, and the pursuit of dreams, Yuna's journey will captivate your heart and make you believe in the power of second chances. Discover the untold story of one idol's rise, fall, and her electrifying journey to reclaim her destiny while falling in-love in "Fading Star."

Hartlow · Urban
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11 Chs


  I'm new at this ok! 

I Want you the reader to trust my process.

I'm  knowing more about the story as I write it myself.

I have been dreaming about this story for a while daring not to write it .

Until today when I started typing and I re-read it and I was like wow!

This is the kind of story id like to read myself.

Then Just like that I shared it.


Can we be redeemed or we just fading stars 


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