
Chapter 808: Unrestrained

It's getting quite noisy!

Seeing the ground, which was much darker, melt away like a waterbed in the blink of an eye, Fu Qian frowned for a moment.

At this moment, the plethora of faces covering the hills and dales were not only converging into even more exaggerated nonsensical muttering but also weaving together into bizarre patterns that bred confusion in anyone who glimpsed them.

This First Phase really was hard to kill.

Fortunately, a comforting fact was that the Red Moon in the sky still shined, and it even seemed to be growing to the size of the Blue Star it had replaced.

"I apologize for my previous underestimation."

Yet in these ghostly conditions, Yasui Tokiyuki seemed to thrive, very much at ease.

"From now on, I'll consider you a truly threatening opponent and pay you utmost attention."

"And when your will finally dissipates, I shall elevate you to legend as a final mark of respect."

"I'm flattered."