
Facial Paralysis Husband, Good Morning

"Chu Zhaoyang, what are you doing unbuttoning?" Gu Nian stepped back. Chu Zhaoyang unbuttoned the last button of his shirt, "Sleep." "But it's daytime now, hey... weren't you going to sleep? Let me go first..." To outsiders, everyone thought that Master Chu was cold and face-paralyzed as if he didn't have any expression, but they didn't know that he was kidnapped when he was young and had nightmares every night. It wasn't until he met Gu Nian, that he suddenly felt that sleeping was quite enjoyable... He knew that there was someone living in her heart, and even if that person would never come back, all he had to do was to drive that person away and change the tenant in her heart. However, the person who should have been dead came back..... He said pitifully, "Gu Nian, I seem to be homeless." But Gu Nian pointed at his heart: "When you moved in, I signed a lifetime residence agreement with you." He laughed. .................................................... Hi guys, This time I'll try to translate one of my favorite novel that I've been a fan of. Since I can't find the novel in Webnovel, I thought about giving it a try to translate it. And, I would love to let you all enjoy this novel. Plus, if you know that this series is from the seven gentleman series. You may know that this novel is the third book before the story of Han Zuoli, The Long-awaited Mr Han

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Chapter 96 : You Are Zhaoyang's Girlfriend. It's Not Your Turn To Leave No Matter Who They Are

Gu Nian didn't know who was coming or whether she was suitable here.

Just as she was hesitating, Nanny Yu had already opened the door.

Gu Nian heard Nanny Yu calling in surprise: "Madam."


Gu Nian's brain was running rapidly, but now it was too late to hide.

Xiang Yulan had already walked in, followed by Jiang Xiangxue.

Gu Nian looked at Xiang Yulan and saw that she seemed to be about fifty years old and well-dressed.

She didn't know much about the brand, but looking at the design, she felt it was from a famous artist.

"Who is this?" Xiang Yulan was also surprised when she saw Gu Nian.

In Chu Zhaoyang's family, there have always been no other women except Chu Tian and Nanny Yu.

"Madam, this is Miss Gu. Miss Gu, this is Mr. Chu's mother, Madam Chu." Nanny Yu quickly introduced, taking the opportunity to explain Xiang Yulan's identity to Gu Nian.

Obviously she had nothing to do with Chu Zhaoyang, but at this time Gu Nian felt nervous about meeting his parents.

"Madam." Gu Nian called.

Xiang Yulan looked at her from top to bottom unabashedly: "Miss Gu?"

"Yes." Gu Nian said cautiously. She didn't like Xiang Yulan's consideration, so she had no intention of talking to her anymore.

"Why are you here?" Xiang Yulan asked politely.

"Miss Gu is injured and is recovering here." Nanny Yu also sensed Xiang Yulan's attitude and said awkwardly, wanting to help Gu Nian.

But Xiang Yu Lan gave her a warning look.

Nanny Yu, who only worked for others, had no choice but to lowered her head and did not dare to say anything more.

"Why did you come here if you didn't go to the hospital when you were injured?" Xiang Yulan chuckled, "What is your relationship with Zhaoyang?"

Gu Nian was speechless, what could she say?

A relationship where they slept together?

Then it was estimated that Xiang Yulan will despise her even more.

"Why don't you say anything? What, could it be that there is some shady relationship?" Xiang Yulan asked politely.

Gu Nian's face turned cold. She didn't know where Xiang Yulan's hostility towards her came from. She made sarcastic remarks, sarcastic comments to her.

The last sentence was too much.

She thought of what Chi Yiheng said.

She didn't know Chu Zhaoyang's family.

She only knew Chu Zhaoyang and Chu Tian. They were very nice people, so she took it for granted that their parents should be the same.

Yeah, she never understood.

"No." Gu Nian said coldly.

"No? You are too casual. Such behavior is also very inappropriate." Xiang Yulan exhaled heavily, seeming to be very impatient, "Zhaoyang is not someone who can accept any woman who takes the initiative."

Gu Nian looked at Xiang Yulan in disbelief, not expecting that she would even say such a thing.

"Auntie, is there any misunderstanding? I think this Miss Gu has spent the night here. I... I'd better leave first." Jiang Xiangxue said aggrievedly next to her, lowering her head. She felt like she was about to cry at any moment, as if she had been wronged so much.

Xiang Yulan took Jiang Xiangxue's hand and said, "You kid, you just have such a soft personality. Why are you leaving? You are Zhaoyang's girlfriend. It's not your turn to leave no matter who they are."

"No need to bother Mr. Chu, I was planning to leave." Gu Nian said with a pale face.

Whether it was Chu Zhaoyang's girlfriend or Xiang Yulan's sarcastic remarks, she didn't want to see it anymore.

"Nanny Yu, I can't thank Mr. Chu in person, so please convey it for me on my behalf." Gu Nian turned to Nanny Yu and said.

Nanny Yu knew she was going to be in trouble when she said "Mr. Chu". She thought to herself that Madam Chu was really a bad teammate. Did she plan to let her son be a bachelor for the rest of his life?

"Miss Gu, if Mr. Chu comes back and don't see you -" Nanny Yu was so anxious that she didn't care about Xiang Yulan, and said to Gu Nian in embarrassment.

Before she finished speaking, Xiang Yulan interrupted her sharply: "So what if he can't see her? Miss Gu has already said that she has nothing to do with Zhaoyang. If you have anything to say, it's up to me to say it."

Gu Nian said briefly: "Farewell."

She went out directly.

Nanny Yu chased her to the door: "Miss Gu."

Gu Nian shook her head at Nanny Yu and left.

When she came, she had no phone, no money, and was alone. Now she wanted to leave in a relaxed and happy manner, without needing to bring anything.

After going out, Gu Nian looked up at the high sky and realized that there was no place to go when she came out.

She didn't want to go home and let Mu Lanshu worry about her, but now, she had no phone to contact anyone and no money to solve the accommodation problem.

Gu Nian sighed, not knowing what to do.

Thinking about it all the way, she walked towards the gate of the community.

"Gu Nian!"

Gu Nian turned around and saw Chi Yiheng getting out of his silver LaCrosse.

"Teacher Chi?" Gu Nian walked over in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"I heard that you were participating in the training camp, so I wanted to go see you. I brought some food because I was afraid that you would be training too hard there." Chi Yiheng smiled softly, "I didn't expect to find out that you were injured when I went there and was taken away by Chu Zhaoyang. I just thought of coming over and wait, maybe I could see you."

"How long have you been waiting?" Gu Nian never expected that Chi Yiheng would be waiting here all the time.

If she never comes out, will he have to wait here every day?

Chi Yiheng smiled and said nothing. He stayed here until 12 o'clock last night and Gu Nian never came out.

He knew that Gu Nian might not come out.

He just doidn't know what Gu Nian was doing at Chu Zhaoyang's house?

There were some things that he didn't want to think about and didn't dare to think about.

But he was still worried when he couldn't see her, so he came and waited again early this morning.

Unexpectedly, he actually waited until she came out.

Although there was a bandage on Gu Nian's arm, it was blocked by her sleeves, and only her exposed hands could see the bandage.

"How is your injury?" Chi Yiheng asked.

"It's nothing serious."

"You want to go home? I'll take you there." Chi Yiheng said and opened the car door.

Gu Nian shook her head and asked, "Teacher Chi, can you lend me your phone?"

"By the way, I went to see you and took out your bag and phone, thinking you might needed them." Chi Yiheng said, handing the bag to Gu Nian from the passenger side.

Gu Nian breathed a sigh of relief and took the bag: "Teacher Chi, you are really helpful."

Originally, she wanted to borrow his phone and call He Yishan to see if it was convenient to take her in for two nights.

That's not necessary now. She had some money in her bag, which was enough for a hotel stay.

"Get in the car, I'll take you home." Chi Yiheng said, now he just wanted to take Gu Nian away from here as soon as possible.

He felt uneasy when he thought that this was Chu Zhaoyang's residence.

"I'm not going home." Gu Nian spread her hands helplessly, "If my mother sees me like this, she will be worried. I want to take advantage of these two days to recover from my injuries before going back. So, I want to find a room for two nights in the hotel."

"It's too inconvenient to stay in a hotel." Chi Yiheng frowned slightly and said, "I also have a house for rent. I don't live there myself. The last tenant just left recently, and I haven't got one yet. I haven't found a new tenant yet, you can just go and live there first."

Gu Nian knew that Chi Yiheng had good intentions, but she also knew how Chi Yiheng felt about her.

The more this happened, the more clearly she had to draw a clear line with him. Don't give him hope, or hang on to him even though she clearly didn't like him. It's unfair to him.

So, Gu Nian shook her head and said, "It's not convenient to stay at your place, so I'll stay in a hotel."

"Do you have to tell me so clearly?" Chi Yiheng asked helplessly.

"I just don't want to trouble you." Gu Nian smiled awkwardly.

The matter of Chu Zhaoyang was still in her heart, and she have never let go of Xiang Yulan's words about his girlfriend.

Sure enough, was Jiang Xiangxue his girlfriend?

But he didn't mention it at all. Thinking of his hug and kisses, Gu Nian felt cold all over.

She didn't know if these were all given to Jiang Xiangxue at the same time too.

She did not reveal these emotions when she faced Xiang Yulan at Chu Zhaoyang's house.

At this time, she couldn't hold it in any longer. She just felt a dull pain in her chest. She despised herself for being entangled with a man who had a girlfriend.

Chi Yiheng sighed and said, "Then I'll take you to the hotel. You won't refuse again, right?"

Gu Nian didn't know how long he had been waiting here. Although he didn't say it, she knew that he must have been waiting for a long time.

So Gu Nian nodded: "I'll trouble you."