
Facial Paralysis Husband, Good Morning

"Chu Zhaoyang, what are you doing unbuttoning?" Gu Nian stepped back. Chu Zhaoyang unbuttoned the last button of his shirt, "Sleep." "But it's daytime now, hey... weren't you going to sleep? Let me go first..." To outsiders, everyone thought that Master Chu was cold and face-paralyzed as if he didn't have any expression, but they didn't know that he was kidnapped when he was young and had nightmares every night. It wasn't until he met Gu Nian, that he suddenly felt that sleeping was quite enjoyable... He knew that there was someone living in her heart, and even if that person would never come back, all he had to do was to drive that person away and change the tenant in her heart. However, the person who should have been dead came back..... He said pitifully, "Gu Nian, I seem to be homeless." But Gu Nian pointed at his heart: "When you moved in, I signed a lifetime residence agreement with you." He laughed. .................................................... Hi guys, This time I'll try to translate one of my favorite novel that I've been a fan of. Since I can't find the novel in Webnovel, I thought about giving it a try to translate it. And, I would love to let you all enjoy this novel. Plus, if you know that this series is from the seven gentleman series. You may know that this novel is the third book before the story of Han Zuoli, The Long-awaited Mr Han

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187 Chs

Chapter 165 : He Just Read It For A While, And Then Ended Up......

It was too dark in the corridor, so she turned on her phone to illuminate it and rushed out quickly.

She saw Chu Zhaoyang really standing there.

Gu Nian ran over panting, stood in front of him, and looked up at him.

She originally had a lot to say, but at this moment she couldn't say anything.

Gu Nian opened her mouth, and all her words finally came together: "Chu Zhaoyang."

Chu Zhaoyang's hands that were stuck in his coat pockets suddenly stretched out and took her into his arms.

He held her so tightly that the bones in her back hurt.

Gu Nian had always been warm at home, but now her cheek suddenly touched his coat, and she immediately felt a biting coldness.

Even though he was wearing a coat, the coolness of his coat came through.

Gu Nian put her hands on his back, testing him up, down, left and right. It was so cold that she didn't know how long he had been standing outside.

Gu Nian pushed him away slightly and raised her hand to touch his cheek. She felt that his skin was frozen through and even when he spoke, he seemed stiff.

"How long have you been standing here?" Gu Nian asked.

Chu Zhaoyang moved his lips but said nothing.

A thought suddenly ran through Gu Nian's mind: "Could it be that you didn't reply to my message at that time because you were rushing here?"

So, he stood here for a long time, at least two hours.

Still motionless here, in the bone-chilling cold night.

"Chu Zhaoyang, are you stupid?" Gu Nian asked in a distressed tone.

"After you finished speaking, I was very scared." He was afraid that she would let him go.

He knew how difficult it was for her and her mother to live together since childhood.

But he was still afraid that she would give up on him for the sake of his mother.

"Didn't I tell you that neither of you I would give up? No matter it's my mother or you." Gu Nian cried and said, "You two, one is family and the other is love, you are the one who makes me in this world. The two most important people. I will never give up on either of them."

"I know, I know." Chu Zhaoyang murmured, but still didn't let go of her and hugged her tightly, "But I'm just afraid."

"Then why didn't you tell me that you were here?" Gu Nian covered his face with her hands.

They were all frozen by the cold night, and they didn't know if they could recover.

Chu Zhaoyang moved his mouth a few times before saying, "I just wanted to take a look and see your room before leaving."

"Then what?" Gu Nian raised his eyebrows.

If he really wanted to take a look and leave, why would he wait until now?

Chu Zhaoyang's pair of black eyes slowly slid to one side: "...After reading it, I wanted to watch it for a while longer, and before I knew it..."

So, after reading it, he just read it for a while, and then read it for a while, and then it ended up being delayed until now.

Gu Nian was simply made to lose his temper by Chu Zhaoyang.

In such a short time, instead of covering his face with heat, his own hands were actually completely cold.

"Go back to your car." Gu Nian said.

Chu Zhaoyang hugged her tightly.

Gu Nian stood on tiptoes, pulled his head down at the same time, and kissed his cold lips: "Of course I will go in the car with you, what were you thinking about?"

After getting in the car, Gu Nian turned on the heater in the car, took Chu Zhaoyang's hand over, held it in her palm, and rubbed it back and forth to warm his hand.

"Even if you want to come see me, you can just look at my room in the car. Why did you run out and get cold." Gu Nian muttered to him.

Chu Zhaoyang's honest and arrogant made Gu Nian scolded him without refuting a single word.

Gu Nian paused and said aloud: "My mother will always agree for me. I told her a lot tonight. I think she is a little disappointed in me, but on the one hand, she is also a little bit picky about me."

"I'm sorry." Chu Zhaoyang said in a hoarse voice.

I'm sorry, I wasn't good enough to make your mother accept me the first time.

This was something that should be blessed and bring light toher face, but because of him, she got slapped instead.

He failed to make her mother proud, which caused her to confront her mother.

He knew that Gu Nian felt very uncomfortable when facing Mu Lanshu.

Chu Zhaoyang didn't say what was in his heart, but Gu Nian seemed to have heard it.

As soon as his words changed, she began to scold him again: "Don't be so stupid in the future!"


"If you have something to say, just call me and tell me. Even if you come, you have to tell me. You are so silent. Even if you get sick because of me, I don't know what you are trying to do."


"If I hadn't been unable to sleep, so I got up and lay on the balcony to watch, I wouldn't have known you were here."


"You really like me, don't you?"

She was so nervous, and she had clearly told him that she would not give up. But he still came over without saying a word and waited stupidly downstairs at her house without saying anything.

Chu Zhaoyang lowered his long eyelashes to cover the glare in his eyes.

He still shouldn't tell her. He knew that she had this habit. She liked to lie on the balcony and look out when she couldn't sleep.

His thick and long eyelashes were slightly raised, and the dark eyes looked deeply at Gu Nian.

Even if the lights were not turned on in the car, she could still clearly see Chu Zhaoyang's deep and bright eyes.

Gu Nian did not continue to ask, nor did he insist on giving an answer.

His concern for her has been reflected in his actions, and all words pale in front of actual actions.

She seemed to understand him.

Chu Zhaoyang quietly discovered.

The hands that had been held in her palms turned over and held her hands instead.

Chu Zhaoyang looked at her deeply, not because he liked her, but because he loved her.

I love you.

He have never said such words, never used to express himself.

The deeper the emotion, the harder it was to express it.

His mouth moved and his face turned red in the darkness.

Gu Nian laughed, feeling that he was really funny and cute like this.

She held his face with both hands, poke her soft fingertips on his red cheeks, then pulled his face down and kissed him.

Chu Zhaoyang's throat slid, and a stream of heat shot directly up and down from his belly.

He held her wrist and wrapped it around his neck, then firmly grasped her waist with both hands.

She didn't know where he moved. The back of the chair suddenly leaned back, almost lying flat.

Since they didn't plan to drive, the two of them had been sitting in the back seat with the seat backs folded down, making it look like a double bed.

Chu Zhaoyang held her tightly, turned over and pressed on her, kissing her hard. Burning her soft, delicate, fragrant lips.

He moved eagerly and quickly in her mouth, swaying her, and his hands unconsciously moved up from her waist, with a slight pressure, and her clothes wrinkled under his palms.

This wave roared past like a violent storm.

Then it was like the first break after the rain, the spring rain was soft and gentle, kissing, rubbing and burning her softly.

Gu Nian's fingertips were touching the ends of his hair on the back of his neck. They were all short and a little thick, tickling her fingertips, and she couldn't help but grab them. She moved her hands to the back of his head, running her slender white fingers through his thick black hair.

Black as ink, white as snow, so beautiful under the moonlight.

Gu Nian's collarbone was burned by his lips, and just as she was about to move down, she pushed him tremblingly.

Chu Zhaoyang reluctantly raised his head, his eyes were as thick as ink and covered with a light layer of mist, his chin was slightly clenched, and his Adam's apple was twitching.

This was so tempting to sin!

Gu Nian's breathing was heavy, her chest was rising and falling, and she couldn't help but lick her lower lip.

When she saw that the collar of his shirt was slightly open, revealing a small section of white collarbone underneath, and the depression in the middle of the collarbone, and beads of sweat rolling down her face, Gu Nian felt the tip of her nose getting hot, and she was about to lose control.

The man who usually looked like he didn't mess with anyone shows such a big contrast at this time.

Gu Nian's eyes couldn't be taken away from his collarbone.

Suddenly, her hand was held by him.

Then, it was brought to his collarbone, the fingertips landed on the depression of his collarbone, and his sweat was caught on the fingertips.

"You can touch here if you want." Chu Zhaoyang said hoarsely, a pair of black eyes fell on her chest, feeling that she should be polite, so he naturally stretched out his hand.

Gu Nian quickly grabbed his hand and said tremblingly: "I...I should go home."

Chu Zhaoyang was still breathing heavily, so he turned over and lay beside her, then took her into his arms and said hoarsely: "Stay with me here."

Hearing his rare weak tone, Gu Nian hesitated a little, then heard him say: "I don't want to go back."

Gu Nian immediately felt distressed and didn't even mention leaving. She snuggled into his arms obediently and closed her eyes.

Smelling the mint fragrance on his body, which seemed to have a bit of the sharp smell of the frost outside,she rubbed herself in his arms with peace of mind.

Chu Zhaoyang's eyelashes were lifted gently like a fan.

The hand with clear and elegant bones secretly held Gu Nian's hand.

Gu Nian trembled subconsciously, and as a result, her hand was taken down.

Gu Nian: "..."

"Chu Zhaoyang!" Gu Nian shouted in shame and annoyance.

Chu Zhaoyang rubbed himself and muttered: "I feel uncomfortable. I can't sleep."

Gu Nian: "..."

Gu Nian hummed twice, and just like an ostrich, she buried her face in his arms, pretended not to move, and let him hold her, doing whatever he wanted.

Anyway, she didn't have to do anything, so she just provided a hand. If he wanted to, he would move it himself.

Even so, Gu Nian's palms were rubbed so hard that they seemed to be on fire.

Feeling that if this continues, her palm lines will be smoothed out by him.


In the end, his smell was lingering in the car, and it had a strange smell and a bit of a fishy smell.

Gu Nian frowned, buried her face hard, rubbed his clothes, and relied on the mint scent on his body to cover up the smell, but there were still traces of it drifting into her nose.

Moreover, her hands were still sticky.

Gu Nian really wanted to just smear the sticky substance from her palms on his shirt, but in the end she said in disgust: "This smells so bad."

Chu Zhaoyang frowned and refused to admit it. After all, it was him who caused this.

Although, privately, he felt that it did not smell very good.

It was quite unfair to her to have to use her hands to get it out every time.

He put Gu Nian aside without saying a word, leaned forward and opened the storage compartment in front of him, took out a wet wipe and wiped it carefully with Gu Nian.

The wet wipes also had a refreshing mint scent, which barely covered up the sweet smell on her hands.

Then, he pulled Gu Nian and laid back down, hugged her into his arms, and covered the two of them with coats. The heating in the car was warm.

Chu Zhaoyang's breath spread thinly on her face, and the tip of his nose gently touched her cheek. After a while, it moved to the corners of her lips and earlobes, and his breath also spread over her.

"Gu Nian." He called softly and kissed her gently on the face.


"Gu Nian." The tip of his nose moved, and another small kiss fell.

Then, every time he called, he kissed her gently, kissing almost every part of her face, leaving no trace behind.

The original sweet fragrance on her face was also tainted with the mint fragrance between his lips and teeth.

Gu Nian was quiet, realizing that he just wanted to call her.

This was another expression of his.

She didn't respond anymore, just quietly, letting him called and kissed her.