
New friend

Shoto - Hmm? I have no idea

Izuku thinks for a moment, and decides to give Shoto a vote of confidence and tell him about the cosmos.

Izuku - Ok... Do you want me to tell you what the cosmos is?

Shoto - Tell me, now that you mention it I'm curious

Izuku - Cosmo or cosmo-energy is the main source of energy in the universe, it is related to the atoms of any material and their movements, using this power it is possible to destroy atoms, control their speed and even transmute materials.

Shoto makes a serious face and doesn't show any kind of expression on his face

Shoto - Are you wanting to play with me? Are you trying to deceive me by any chance?

Izuku - Of course not! everything i said is true

Shoto - Ok so, since you say you are telling the truth, prove it

Izuku - What do you mean?

Shoto - Use this cosmo to do something

Izuku - Ok, I'll do something then...

Izuku then punches Shoto weakly in the head

Shoto - Why did you do it?

Izuku didn't answer he just got an extremely surprised and shocked face

Izuku - I just used a move on you, this move allows me to read and manipulate my opponent's mind.... And your life wasn't easy at all.... No wonder you've already awakened the cosmos ....

Shoto - What do you mean? Have you ever read my mind?

Izuku - Basically yes

Shoto - I very much doubt that....

Izuku - Ok, so I'll tell you some facts about you... You suffered being trained since you were 4 years old by your father who forced you to do this, because you wanted to overcome Hero N1, who made this scar on you, it was your mother but you don't blame her, you refuse to use your fire powers, because for you that power is your father's and not yours, and lastly your brother's death when you were little.... Is it enough for you?

Shoto was at that moment very shocked by what izuku said, he knew things he shouldn't know

Shoto - Ok.... With that maybe I believe you.... but I have a question

Izuku - which would it be?

Shoto - Well, why are you telling this exactly to me? we never spoke before

Izuku - Well, of all the people in our room, you are the only one who awakened the cosmos...

Shoto - Wait, are you saying that I have this cosmos in me?

Izuku - Yes... Do you want me to tell you more about the cosmos?

Shoto - Now that you've started, it's over

Izuku - Ok I'll tell you the origin of the cosmos in us... The origin of cosmic power is a small universe that exists inside living beings. When the individual's cosmos is elevated, this universe expands, creating a phenomenon known as an aura. The aura is the visual manifestation of the burning of the cosmos, which is the intermediate stage of cosmic elevation. During the burning of the cosmos, the individual's inner universe burns, and the aura expands as the temperature increases, if the cosmos is high enough it will explode. The explosion of the cosmos generates a small Big Bang within the individual, expanding their aura to maximum volume and allowing them to access the essence of the cosmos, the seventh sense.

Shoto - Wow... That's really quite a thing... But like how did I wake up the cosmos? I don't remember seeing somewhere how to do this, to have done it....

Izuku - Well, there are two ways to awaken the cosmos, which is through training or through strong emotion, which was probably your case,

Shoto - um I see.... But you use this cosmo to do all your attacks right? And I assume you don't have individuality since I never got to see an individuality like yours

Izuku - Smart you in !.... Well yes I use the cosmos to make all my attacks

Shoto - So what is this armor you wear?

Izuku - Well before talking about it, I think it would be good for us to go somewhere else.... Because here there is the risk of someone listening to us....

Shoto - And where would we go? We can't leave the dorms at this time

Izuku - I already know a perfect place for us to go....

Izuku then takes his pendant and puts it on the ground, and a portal appears

Shoto - W-what is this?

Izuku - That's where we're going.... Come on in, trust me

Shoto was a bit reluctant but decides to enter the portal.... Arriving there he comes across a wonderful place with several rooms, places to train and a huge library

Shoto - What is this place?

Izuku - This place is called Sanctuary.... Nobody can bother us here, this is the place I used to train... Besides that I learned almost all my knowledge about the cosmos here with these books.... In this place you can only enter people who have already awakened the cosmos... So it's literally impossible for anyone to find us here

Shoto - Ok... But now you're going to explain to me what that armor of yours was?

Izuku - Okay, I'll explain now....

So izuku explains EVERYTHING about the armor, the cosmos, and the gods to shoto... (The explanation that izuku gave Shoto was basically the same as Shiryu's, so whoever wants to see the explanation is in chapter 2 of the fic )

Avia spent a total of 3 hours, and in that time izuku explained everything to Shoto

Shoto - Okay.... I must admit I'm a little impressed....

Izuku - Really? I thought you wouldn't be so long...

Shoto - OF COURSE I WOULD BE, Who would have thought that there were gods, and that they had knights who fought for them, and they used a crazy energy, which allowed them to release some crazy powers and even take them to other dimensions?

Izuku - Speaking like that, you can stay really...

Izuku - Well now that I've explained everything to you, I want to give you some things...

Shoto - What would it be?

Izuku - These books here - Izuku then gives Shoto the books: "Learn about atomic control part 1" and "Learn about temperature control and deceleration of atoms part 1 and 2"

Izuku - These books helped you to have control over the cosmos... And also to make some attacks there....

Shoto - Thank you...

Izuku - Well now I have a proposal for you....

Shoto - Which would it be?

Izuku - Well you heard that my objective here, is to find people worthy of becoming knights..., because according to my master, the seal that Athena made in Hades is coming apart...

Shoto - Yes, you told me that...

Izuku - Well, would you accept to become a knight with me? And help bring peace and justice to the land?

Shoto - Are you sure?

Izuku - Well right now I'm PROBABLY the only knight there is.... And I need to find people worthy of becoming knights soon, and prepare them.... And at the moment you're the only person I've found, that maybe it's worthy.

Shoto - "maybe" ?

Izuku - Who decides if you are worthy or not is the armor...

Shoto - It makes sense.... Well I accept

Izuku - Great, now about your armor.... We'll do the following, I've given you the books you need to learn to control the cosmos.... I want you to read all these books, and I'll also train you every day to night, and if you managed to do before the sports festival at least 2 attacks related to decelerating atoms, I will give you an armor, and only then will we see if the armor will accept you.

Shoto - Ok you will see, in a few weeks I will be better in cosmo control than you

Izuku - Hahahahahaha, good joke....

Izuku - Well I think it's time for us to go back to the dorms - Izuku stop talking mysteriously

Shoto - Izuku ? What do you hear?

Izuku - Shoto.... What time was it when we came here?

Shoto - Around 22:00 hours... Why?

Izuku - How many hours have passed since we arrived?

Shoto - 3 hours.... - Shoto then realizes the problem....

Shoto - Putz grila, we're screwed

Izuku - Don't worry.... I have a plan

Shoto - What would he be?

Izuku - You'll see when we arrive....

Izuku then leaves the shrine with Shoto, and they stop outside the dorms...

Izuku - Ok... I'm feeling the presence of all our classmates and Professor Aizawa there in the room...

Shoto - I hope that this "plan" that you say works, because if it doesn't, we're screwed

Izuku - Don't worry... My plans always work out

They then open the door and everyone in the dorm room starts asking where they were...

Aizawa - Ok, I'll be straight and rude, where the fuck were you?

Izuku then, without giving them any time to react, starts running and punches weakly on the head, on all students, and on the teacher... thus making everyone faint


izuku - Calm down, I just left everyone an illusion... And tomorrow when they wake up they'll all think that nothing happened, and that we never got out of here....

Shoto - Wow, this power is too appealing for my taste.... But what are we going to do now?

Izuku - First we'll take everyone to their rooms, and then we'll sleep

Shoto - Ok

So the two take everyone to their rooms, and finally go to sleep, izuku and shoko were tired after all today would have been a busy day for them...

Izuku was happy.... After all now he could talk about the cosmos, the knights and the gods with someone finally after a long time