
Eyes Set On This Magical World

One day the shut-in life of a blind 17-year-old boy named Kazuki Maiyato comes to an end when he was forced to go out because of his depleting health, he falls into a manhole where he is approached by a mysterious man who asks him to save a world that has been cursed by a cursed sword. So Kazuki got transported to a different world other than his and was granted a power. He gained vision and sight so instead of doing his task of saving the world from the curse he instead decides to live his new life now with the ability to see to the fullest. So he lives his new life in this world but the problems that are occurring still catch up to him.

HuatajiYahiro · Fantasie
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7 Chs

So uh.. I got transported to another world

Hi, my name is Kazuki Maiyato and I'm 17 years old. I'm nothing special just your average shut-in NEET who didn't do much aside from playing video games but I was blind so stayed home and couldn't really do much all I did was stay home and never really took care of myself so one day I decided I would stop this shut-in life and go outside.

" I can't take it anymore. The outside world it's too scary. There are people and animals. I can't live a second out here." As I was talking to myself I heard the door click. Mom has locked the door. "Mom let me in, I don't wanna be out here." "Oh but you have to, it's the first time in two years I'm letting you enjoy it to your heart's content."

I'm pretty sure that's just her way of abandoning me. So with nowhere else to go I walk down the road not really having a destination and I'm just walking around like a blind guy and suddenly I bump into a girl and I can feel her look my way and hear her yell "MONSTER!" and suddenly I felt a push and I got pushed away for a reason I did not know and then I started to fall.

I fell down on what felt like water and it smells really bad. Knowing that I was probably in a manhole I tried to yell for help but no one heard and at that point, I was just willing to die there. I mean I didn't really have a life anyways. "So it seems you are the right man to send." a mysterious voice called out. "Who is that?" I asked. "Unimportant, but I have a request." "Yeah, you would think when you are asking someone something you would at least do it in a nice room where we can talk over tea and at least tell me your name." I exclaimed to the voice which sounded like an old man and then he responded, "Well this isn't really a request because you're gonna be forced to go anyways." I just thought this guy must be crazy right? He has to be. Then suddenly he spoke again "You are chosen to go to another world and save it from its curse put down by the cursed sword that is jabbed into the earth. Of course, you are not to go empty-handed. I will grant you a special power when you arrive." The old man explained. "Stop messing around there's no way that's gonna happen and plus why do I have to help why couldn't you pick someone else?" "Now is not the time for questions. Have a fun trip." "HEY! You stupid old man you better not be…" as I was in the middle of saying something I felt like I was in a different area but what surprised me the most was… I could. See.

I was in the middle of a canyon somewhere random. "It has to be a dream right? Right?" I asked myself. "I was taught to check if you were dreaming, you just have to pinch yourself," I said as I was reaching my arm over my to my other. It felt so weird being able to see my body parts and my skin. I pinched myself as hard as I could and realized this wasn't a dream. "Wait that means. I have the power to see and start my life over. This is amazing!" As I was talking to myself and trying to get used to my newfound power I suddenly heard loud footsteps and it's getting louder and louder by the second and with my eyes I saw a horde of what seems to be walking alligators or at least that's what I think Alligators sorta look like. As I was deep in thought I came to the realization that if I don't move… I'm gonna die.

So quickly I hurried and ran to I don't know where but these legs haven't run in years so they let up and the land alligators caught up to me and I got ran over by the whole entire horde I sorta felt like a carpet that nobody cares about and just gets stepped on over and over. Then I suddenly woke up in a room filled with mist.

I rub my eyes a little and see a mysterious figure walk out of the mist and towards me. "Who are you? This day has been really weird and I already feel like you're gonna be another weird character." "I feel I have already introduced myself." The figure said. Wait I remember that voice it was the sound of the old man back in the manhole and then he emerged from the shadow. "Woah," I looked in astonishment. He didn't look like an old man at all, He had short wavy dark purple hair with beautiful and young violet eyes with a pink outline around the eyes. He was wearing a Japanese yukata with violet flowers scattered around and he had a beautiful and young face that looked like he was in his 20s. He also seems to be wearing a necklace with a horn or tooth attached on. This man can turn anyone gay, he was a sight to behold. Me, still with my mouth wide open stared at him in amazement until he opened his mouth. The beauty lasted for 3 minutes and 4 seconds but then it was all over he still sounded like a wise old man. "It seems you have died." "Yes, I have, you old man. When you transported me you could've at least put me in a nearby town or city and not in the middle of nowhere. But I do appreciate you giving me eyes and all." I told him. "But just a few questions: why choose me of all people?" I asked. "Well, you see, kid. I can't send an 80-year-old man here or a toddler and someone who has a family and a happy life on Earth. That'd just be mean so I hid in a manhole till someone stupid enough fell in and I learned a lot about you and how you didn't have a life so here you are." The old man answered. "That makes me feel so good about myself," I said in sarcasm. "So who are you?" I asked. "To simply put it I am a fallen hero who wants to save the land he once lived in.

But I was the owner of the cursed sword that corrupted this world. The cursed sword was crafted by the world's top demons and dark mages it was infused with so much dark energy that if a normal person came near it. It would corrupt them, making them lose their mind and making them give in to the darkness. I thought I could handle it and I did for 3 years until there was so much dark energy stored up in me that I was starting to lose my head. Before that happened I retrieved the Soul Reaver Scythe and stabbed through my chest with it killing myself. But with the Soul Reaver Scythe it is a weapon where it sucks out your soul not letting it go to either heaven or hell and letting it wander free or whoever killed you is able to do whatever they want with it and the sword without an owner plummeted itself into the earth connecting with the world and is corrupting monsters and people in this world and I need someone who is able to handle it to save this world from its a curse." The old man explained. "So I just have to pull out this cursed sword right? Seems pretty simple." I remarked. " Well, I assure you it is not. The sword has cursed many powerful beings who protect the sword from whoever dares to pull it out." The old man explained. "So young one I ask of you to please become strong, make friends, and save this world from what I have done." He asked. "Hmmm. Yeah, no thanks." I said. "Hm?" The old man said in confusion. "With this whole new opportunity to start over with my life why would I want to spend it on saving the world. I wanna live life how I want and do what I want. Maybe when I have some free time I'll consider doing what you just told me. Now goodbye ya old geezer see you again sometime." I said to the old man. "Hey, wait-." He tried to say to me as I walked into the mist and back to the real world.

I opened my eyes and it seems I have arrived in a small shopping district where I see people going around and buying things. "Ah shoot, I forgot to ask for that guy's name well I might as well ask next time," I said to myself. And then I wandered around a little looking at the magical fantasy world around me and still couldn't believe I was in this fantasy world. There were elves, demi-humans, and other species as well it all seemed so magical like right out of a fantasy adventurer book. I always wanted to be in one of those, the heroes get so much respect and glory.

I looked around for a little bit more looking at a ton of weird products like raptor fangs which were the alligator looking things that I got trampled by which traumatized me. There were monster hunters who were selling pixies in a bottle which supposedly will grant you a lot of good luck and if you're lucky enough it might even be able to grant you a wish as I wandered around more and more I couldn't brush off this weird feeling and I looked at all the people and they were all staring at me in disgust all I thought was what is wrong these people until I looked into a mirror. I looked like some witch who was gonna possess you. I had long dark hair that was as long as Rapunzel's. I can probably become a male rapunzel at this point. I had violet eyes and long fingernails with pale white skin. I looked like a little girl's nightmare and what bugged me the most was that I had worn my shirt backward this WHOLE time. So I quickly switched it around and heard someone yelling "HEY KID! I'm trying to run a business over here I'm not letting you use these mirrors for free ya know!? You either pay up or scram!" The angry shopkeeper yelled at me and I ran away to a little building that said "Gibblers Salon" I thought I could get a new look because I haven't taken care of myself for 2 years so I walked in.

Still, everyone looked at me in disgust. At least I understand why now. I grabbed a seat and waited and then I got called up "Mister Kazuki Maiyato, it's your time for a haircut!" A woman shouted. I walked up and sat myself down and then the lady walked out with a creature on a scepter. It had super sharp teeth and was silver with black lines running through its body. It was quite a small creature but those fangs look like they can bust my skull open. So I asked nervously "Uhm, what is that?" I asked. " This is a Gibbler, a creature that feeds on hair and fingernails. They get frightened easily and when they do they attack. But we have scepters with an orb that calms them down so there is no need to worry and we work with extreme precision so I guarantee you'll look fantastic after we're done." The lady explained. I agreed and sat down while I was getting my haircut.

The door suddenly flung open to reveal another man with beautiful skin and sky blue eyes with light blonde hair that was combed to the right where it is swooped up so his beautiful eyes shone beautifully. He was also wearing a nice and refined white suit with a yellow outline and then he suddenly shouted "I am Stuart Cavalier! The son of the royal family and I have come to search for an ugly beast that has wandered into this shop!" As he was saying that all I was thinking was "oh no. Here comes another weird character. "

Hey, I'm a beginner author and I hope you enjoyed chapter 1 of my book. I can't really draw but I still hoped you enjoyed it. I will be releasing more chapters in the future so look out for those and I hope you guys give me some feedback. I am still a beginner after all and really want to improve but. Thank you very much for reading.

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