

Standing with him were Lieutenant Obran Dorrell and Third Seat Isshin Shiba. Like their Captain, both men were also taking and answering questions from visiting students, but Visaelya could tell that they also had another task; to keep the pupils at a safe distance from one of the greatest of the Drakken Clan's legendary beasts.

I'd heard that he would be bringing his personal mount, she thought, I haven't seen it myself in a long time…

As majestic as he was fearsome, Daeloron The Infernal, mascot of Squad Ten and the personal dragon of Rhaegon Drakken, loomed menacingly behind the Captain and his subordinates. At least a hundred feet in length, it was a miracle that there had been room enough for the rest of the exhibits in the courtyard given just how much space the great beast was taking up. Even curled up and resting, the fire-drake utterly dominated Squad Ten's exhibit, easily putting the archway to shame.

Ashen black scales dominated the creature's hide, although these became intermingled with red ones along his back and neck. Opening his enormous jaws to yawn, he revealed gleaming and dripping teeth that were each the size of a typical Zanpakutō. Flanking its long tongue were two fleshy tubes; these were the vectors from which the beast could unleash the great flames that its kind were so feared for. Its amber eyes had a mildly curious gleam in them as they idly scanned the students milling about the courtyard, and Visaelya sincerely hoped that her uncle had fed Daeloron prior to bringing him here.

Behind his eyes and running down his neck were a series of spines connected by thin layers of pinkish-red flesh. These would normally lie dormant, but whenever the beast felt threatened or wanted to make a display of dominance Visaelya knew that he would raise them, and she could speak from firsthand experience as to how they enhanced his already fearsome appearance. Further back where his neck met his shoulders were the roots of Daeloron's black and red wings. They were currently folded at his side, but she had seen before how massive they were when the dragon took to the sky; his wingspan was almost as great as he was long, and the shadows they cast beneath him while he was in flight served as a foreboding omen to those that were unfortunate enough to face him in combat. The dragon had no front legs, but rather a set of claws that were at the joints of each wing, allowing him to crawl along the ground or rend prey with when he wasn't using his vicious fangs. Near the base of the dragon's tail, which like his neck had rows of fleshy spines running down it, two legs as thick as tree-trunks and ending in feet with claws as long as Visaelya's forearm gave the beast the means to move about on the surface when it didn't feel like flying.

She glanced at Itachi, wondering what he might make of one of the crown jewels of the Drakken Clan. Even if she was leaning towards defying her family this day, that did not change the fact that she was proud of her clan and its contributions to the Soul Society, and she wanted its power and prestige to be properly demonstrated to her friend.

For his part, Itachi remained calm, although she saw his eyes widen ever so slightly as he examined Daeloron. "Fascinating…"

It certainly didn't match the dropped jaws and looks of awe in the eyes of the other students that were gazing upon the dragon, but Visaelya hadn't exactly expected such from Itachi. His subdued but still noticeable reaction was more than enough for her, and despite her earlier apprehension she could not help but smile.

"Not the largest of our great drakes," said Visaelya, "That honor goes to Rhygaron The Blood Wing, the personal dragon of the Drakken Clan's patriarch, my grandfather. However, Daeloron is faster and more cunning than Rhygaron, at least in my estimation."

Itachi nodded. "Our classes gave a cursory examination of your family's creatures, but to actually see one of them firsthand is… well, it'll certainly be memorable."

"That's one way to put it," said Visaelya as she steeled herself for the imminent encounter, "Well, let's go make our presence known, shall we?"

The two of them came to the archway, with Visaelya taking the lead. Of course, it didn't take long for her uncle and his subordinates to spot them; indeed, Visaelya was sure that they'd been tracking her movements ever since the recruitment exhibition had gotten underway. Politely dismissing the current batch of students that surrounded him, he smiled and spread his arms in a magnanimous greeting gesture. Much to Visaelya's relief, the warmth in his expression seemed to be genuine, and it gave her hope that perhaps he was willing to overlook her earlier visit to Squad Two's exhibit.

"My dear niece," he said as he strode forward and embraced her, "Oh, how long have I waited for this day!"

She smiled as she returned the hug. "It's good to see you again, Uncle Rhaegon… I mean, Captain Drakken."

He chuckled as he released her. "Visaelya, if I've already embraced you, I think you can safely assume that I'm dispensing with formality for this occasion!"

That was one of the things she liked about her uncle; he might've been proud and often overbearing, but he had a soft spot for those he considered close family. "I understand… Uncle"

He then turned to Itachi and held out his hand. "And you must be Itachi Uchiha. I've heard a great deal about you. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person."

Itachi nodded as he shook Rhaegon's hand. "Likewise, Captain Drakken. I believe the last time I saw you was the joint Hollow extermination operation between your division and Squad Two."

Rhaegon smiled. "Ah, yes, the one involving the Hollow nest just beyond the Rukon District's eastern borders. You were one of the students acting with our interception groups. If I recall correctly, word was that you gave a superb accounting for yourself by student standards."

"I simply did what I was trained to do," Itachi replied, "and I did not fight alone. Visaelya fought courageously as well in that encounter, and without her aid it might've gone quite differently."

Visaelya smiled at his praise, even though she knew quite well that he was covering for her. After all, she'd been the only one in their group to be wounded in that mission. She'd become the weak link, only surviving due to her friends defending her, not to mention Shisui's timely intervention.

You've become stronger since then, the spirit of her Zanpakutō chimed in, and there is no shame on relying on help from your friends.

Perhaps, but I do not wish to become a burden to them. I will continue to increase my strength and repay them for what they've done for me.

I expect nothing less from you.

She'd grown much more accustomed over the past year to these mental conversations with her Zanpakutō. Now she could have them even in the midst of social gatherings such as the current circumstances without giving a sign of it to those around her. If nothing else, she was certainly proud of that bit of advancement in her abilities.

Rhaegon nodded. "Able to give credit where it is due, I see. A fine trait, and one that befits a leader. Your skills encompass more than just the fighting arts, it would seem."

He studied him carefully for a moment, and to Visaelya it seemed as if this was actually the first time he had seriously regarded him. Had he been so focused on getting his niece into his division that he'd actually ignored Itachi even though he was above her in the class rankings? Had he done the same with regards to Jiraiya?

Perhaps our family's pride truly is a double-edged sword, she mused, I always believed my uncle to be the greatest Captain in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, but if he made such a mistake like this simply because he put greater stock in the Drakken Clan name than what his own eyes would've told him by paying attention to the student scores, then that would be a serious oversight on his part.

Not that you'll tell him that to his face.

Not here. It's not an appropriate setting for it.

For his part, Itachi simply nodded courteously. "You're too kind, Captain Drakken."

Rhaegon then turned to his subordinates. "If your memory's sharp, then perhaps you'll recall my Lieutenant and Third Seat, both of whom were also present during that operation."

Itachi nodded again. "Of course. It's good to see you again, Lieutenant Dorrell and Third Seat Shiba."

Obran smiled. "Likewise. I'll admit that I never caught much more than a glimpse of you that day, but from what I've heard it sounds like you have some serious potential."

"That's the word that's going around," Isshin chimed in as he gave Itachi an evaluating look, "If Squad Two's reports from that mission were accurate, then it seems that there's some truth to it."

"I don't know what Squad Two's reports regarding that operation had to say about me," Itachi replied, "I prefer to let my skills speak for themselves."

Isshin smiled. "Good answer."

Rhaegon chuckled. "Well, Itachi, I'm sure that you and my niece didn't come here simply to reminisce about an old mission! What do you wish to learn about the most exciting division in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads? Ask whatever it is you'd like; we're an open book, I promise!"

Visaelya actually knew quite a bit already about the division thanks to everything her family and private tutors had told her; her Academy education in that regard had really been redundant. Besides, they were ignoring the elephant in the room… or, in this case, the live dragon in the courtyard.

"If I may be so bold, Uncle," she said, "I think it'd be best if we start with your division's mascot. I'm familiar enough with Daeloron, but I'm afraid that the same can't be said for Itachi. After all, the amount of exposure the Academy gives to our clan's dragons is quite limited."

Rhaegon beamed, which was hardly a surprise; Visaelya was sure that he never missed a chance to brag about his prized beast. "Well, who am I to say no to a request like that? What do you wish to know about the greatest dragon all the Soul Society, Itachi?"

Itachi studied the black behemoth carefully. "How do you manage to keep such a creature tame? I can only imagine the kind of damage he would do in a setting such as this were the mood to strike him."

Rhaegon gave a hearty laugh. "You're not wrong there! Daeloron's in his prime; even a Captain of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads would be hard pressed to stop him should he go on a rampage. Fortunately, the Drakken Clan has a most comprehensive process for domesticating our dragons. Ever since he hatched, he's been exposed to my spirit energy, and dragons have remarkably keen senses when it comes to such things. In his early days he was certainly a willful creature, so exerting my spiritual pressure back then was an expression of dominance and intimidation. Of course, he still tried to press his luck, and he got a few firm lessons as to who was more powerful. To put it plainly, he's well-behaved because he knows better."

"And what about when you're not around?" asked Itachi, "He wasn't present during the joint operation with Squad Two, after all."

"We made sure he was well-fed before we departed," Obran answered, "A dragon with its hunger sated is a happy and content creature."

"Besides, we always have squad members assigned to keep an eye on him while the Captain's away," Isshin added, "They're not as strong as the Captain or the two of us, of course, but they're people that Daeloron's grown familiar with over the years thanks to the Captain training them. They know how to keep him calm."

Itachi nodded. "I see. What's his diet? Would I be wrong in assuming that he's carnivorous?"

"Not wrong in the least," Rhaegon replied, "His fangs and claws are proof enough of that, I think. Dragons will consume most kinds of meet, although each one eventually finds a favorite. Daeloron's no exception, and in his case, he has a particular fondness for seafood."

Isshin chuckled. "That's an understatement. He gets pretty enthusiastic whenever we're on a mission that's close to the ocean."

Obran smiled. "He's a magnificent sight to witness hunting. He'll circle over the waves for hours until he finds exactly what he wants. Typically, he'll go for either a shark or a dolphin. He'll swoop right down, pluck them from the water with his claws, and then toss them up in the air before making barbeque out of them. Then he'll take the meat back to shore and dig in."

It was a gruesome mental image, but one that Visaelya had long since grown accustomed to. After all, dragons were at the top of the Soul Society's food chain; all other creatures were fair pickings for them, regardless of Visaelya's personal fondness for some of them.

"I imagine he's as lethal against Hollows as he is against the creatures he considers to be his food," said Itachi.

Rhaegon grinned. "Oh, yes! A dragon in battle is both a wonderful and terrible sight to behold, and Daeloron has plenty of experience in burning Hollows to naught but ash and cinders. His roar alone is enough to send the lesser specimens fleeing, and those that remain do not last long against his flames. Only Menos-level Hollows can stand up to a fully-grown dragon, and even then, Daeloron's more than capable of holding his own against Gillians. An Adjuchas might be a bit more of a challenge for him, but considering that when he goes into battle it tends to be with me riding upon his back, he never has to fight those alone."

Obran sighed. "Unfortunately, as tremendously useful as he is in battle, there are limitations on where we can deploy Daeloron. For instance, the Central Forty-Six has decreed that none of the Soul Society's dragons can be brought to any of the Realms of the Living under any circumstances."

Isshin shrugged. "It's a bit of a drag, but it's also one of their few rulings that actually makes sense. After all, a big guy like Daeloron can cause a lot of collateral damage, and it's not like his flames discriminate between Hollows, souls, and living people."

Visaelya nodded. "That seems like a reasonable concern."

Itachi's eyes narrowed. "What about Hueco Mundo?"

Rhaegon seemed a bit taken aback by the question. "Well, there's no explicit decree forbidding us from taking him there, but since the Thirteen Court Guard Squads has no way to make incursions into the home realm of the Hollows it's a moot point."

"If you managed to change that, though, what do you think the Central Forty-Six would say with regards to bringing the likes of Daeloron there?" Itachi pressed.

Isshin gave him a thoughtful look. "Well, I don't know about you, Captain, but I think the big guy could wreak some havoc there."

Obran nodded. "A considerable understatement. Keeping him fed might be an issue, though; Hollows tend to dissolve pretty quickly when they're killed, and even if they didn't I have a hard time seeing Daeloron finding their flesh to be appetizing. We'd have to pack meat and bring it with us, not to mention keep it from spoiling."

"This is all a fascinating exercise in hypotheticals," said Rhaegon, "but nothing more than that."

"If that's the way you see it, then you lack vision," Itachi countered.

Visaelya's breath caught in her throat. Was Itachi seriously calling out a Captain not only to his face, but in front of his subordinates? She wasn't the only one taken aback by this turn of events; Isshin and Obran both did a double-take at that.

What in the name of the Soul King are you doing, Itachi?

Making things interesting, it looks like.

I do not find this to be amusing!

A tense moment passed before Rhaegon burst out laughing. "I'd heard rumors, but I hadn't imagined… you are a bold one, Itachi! Here I was thinking that the only student to look forward to meeting today was my niece. You're just full of surprises!"

Itachi was nowhere near as amused as Rhaegon appeared to be. "I hardly think it would be surprising to consider such a notion. Hueco Mundo is the home of our enemies, and just because it is not accessible to us at the moment doesn't mean that we should not make plans regarding it. A time may come when Soul Reapers find a way to break through in a manner that doesn't involve slipping through the Garganta opened by retreating Hollows. Should that day arrive and an assault on the home realm of the Hollows becomes possible, a dragon as powerful as Daeloron would be a crucial asset, even if it were just for a quick strike rather than an extended campaign."

Isshin looked like he was actually considering the notion. "It would be nice if we could actually find a way to pull that off…"

Obran smiled. "You're right. We're almost always reacting when it comes to Hollows; it'd be nice to turn the tables on them."

Rhaegon nodded. "Yes. Creating a breach like that would likely require great advancements in spirit energy manipulation. It sounds like something the Kidō Corps could eventually tackle, although not likely a project that they could undertake anytime soon."

Visaelya raised an eyebrow. "Why's that?"

"They're a much smaller organization than the Thirteen Court Guard Squads," Isshin answered, "Put it simply, it's a matter of manpower and resources."

"Corps Commander Tsukabishi is skilled, as are his subordinates, but the Soul Society tends to keep them quite busy," Obran added, "Their work in defending the Seireitei and fighting against Hollows is no less important than our own, after all."

"Perhaps the Central Forty-Six could permit an increase in their numbers?" Visaelya suggested, "It certainly couldn't hurt."

"It couldn't," Rhaegon concurred, "but, then again, one could say that an increase in numbers is also owed to each division along with the Stealth Force. Ultimately it comes down to finding qualified recruits, and there are only so many of those to go around. It's unfortunate, but that's just how things work."

He then gave her a proud smile. "Besides, last I checked, you didn't come here to talk about the Kidō Corps. This is my division's exhibit, after all! I think we're getting a little off-topic here."

Visaelya sighed. "Yes, I suppose that's true."

For a moment, Itachi appeared like he still wanted to continue down the current track, but eventually he relented. "Very well, then."

"So, what else do you want to know about us?" asked Obran.

Now it was Visaelya's turn. "I know that Squad Ten's one of the frontline divisions, but does it have any specialized secondary roles?"

"We're one of the more versatile divisions," her uncle replied, "Our members are quite capable when it comes to either direct combat or Kidō support. You could say that our flexibility is what makes us special; if we're not called to deal with a threat ourselves, then we're usually assigned to work with another squad and provide cover in an area where they're lacking."

"We're a 'jack-of-all-trades' division," Isshin added, "Any environment or situation you can think of, we can adapt and handle it."

"A valuable trait," said Itachi.

Rhaegon nodded. "It certainly is. We're one of the more dynamic divisions of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads; if something exciting's in the works, Squad Ten's likely to be involved in one form or another."

Visaelya smiled. "Good to know."

Rhaegon's smile grew. "We also have plenty of advancement opportunities. Prove your strength and you'll find yourselves climbing the latter quite quickly. If you want to hit the ground running, there's no better division for you."

He spoke as if he was addressing the two of them, but Visaelya could see through it; she knew that the message was meant primarily for her. It was a good pitch, but after her and Itachi's visit to Squad Two's exhibit and all that Yoruichi had told them it also felt somewhat lacking in effort. Perhaps he wasn't trying to give off such a vibe, but to Visaelya it seemed like he was taking her decision for granted.

Then again, couldn't the same be said for the rest of her family?

Her mother, her father, the clan patriarch; as far as they were all concerned, her course was already planned out. Glory and honor would await her, but it would all be tied to her family name.

And the more she thought about it, the greater her certainty became that it wasn't what she wanted.

She bowed respectfully to Rhaegon. "I appreciate you taking the time to speak with us today, Uncle. This has been most informative."

Rhaegon raised an eyebrow as he looked between her and Itachi. "No further questions from either of you?"

Visaelya turned to her friend. "Itachi?"

He shook his head, and there was a knowing look in his eyes; he could tell that she was ready to move on from both this display and her family's connection to it. "I believe my curiosity has been sufficiently satisfied. Thank you, Captain Drakken; Lieutenant Dorrell; Third Seat Shiba."

Her Uncle seemed a bit taken aback by the abrupt ending of their session, but he composed himself quickly enough. "Very well, then. Enjoy the rest of the recruitment exhibition, and do not wander too far; I can assure you that messengers will be seeking you out soon enough."

I have no doubt of that, Uncle, she thought, just as I no longer doubt what my answer will be…


Jiraiya smiled as he approached Squad Eight's exhibit; the last time he'd seen Captain Kyōraku had actually been a little less than a year ago, when the senior officer had stopped by to congratulate him on the release of the latest book in his series. Having an avid fan of his work so high up in the ranks of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads was an advantage that Jiraiya certainly wasn't above making the most of, and in fact he'd been planning on visiting Squad Eight's display even before Unohana's recommendation.

If nothing else, this should at least be fun, he mused, I'm not sure what the connection between Squads Four and Eight is that Unohana was speaking of, but I suppose I'll find out soon enough.

It wasn't hard to pick out Squad Eight's display from the others, and based on Jiraiya's previous interactions with Captain Kyōraku it certainly lived up to expectations. A bright pink banner with the characters for 'Squad Eight' written in black was hoisted high for all to see from a flagpole that was mounted atop of what appeared to be a kabuki theater stage. A small staircase built at the front led the way up to the Captain, who was sitting on a comfy pink cushion. The stage had a painted background consisting of cherry blossoms in full bloom, and there were even petals wafting through the air outside the painting around the Captain himself. It didn't take long for Jiraiya to find the source; Lieutenant Lisa Yadōmaru up in the rafters with a basket that she was constantly reaching into and pulling fresh petals from. She didn't seem to be particularly pleased with this assignment if the scowl on her face was anything to go by, and Jiraiya idly wondered just how much longer she'd be willing to keep up the performance.

Apart from the Captain and his Lieutenant, the only other Soul Reaper that Jiraiya could spot was one that looked entirely out of place. For starters, she appeared to be far too young; were he still in the Shinobi World, Jiraiya would've pegged her as either an Academy student or a fresh Genin at the oldest. She certainly appeared too young to be even a freshman student at Shin'ō Academy, yet her robes were those of a full Soul Reaper. She had black hair that fell to about halfway down her neck, and like Squad Eight's Lieutenant she wore glasses, although hers were wider and her eyes were a darker shade of blue. Also, unlike either the Captain or Lieutenant of the division, Jiraiya could not see a Zanpakutō on her. However, her spirit energy, while far overshadowed by Captain Kyōraku and Lieutenant Yadōmaru, was considerable and indeed quite shocking for one who appeared to be so young.

Then again, I've only been in the Soul Society for six years, he thought as he evaluated the girl, I've still got a lot to learn about the people who live here. This girl's just one more surprise that this afterlife's seen fit to throw my way…

The Captain smiled as Jiraiya came up the stairs onto the stage. "Well, now, this is more like it! I was wondering when you'd pay my division a visit, Jiraiya."

Jiraiya grinned. "I would've come by sooner, but there was a lovely lady that I had pay my respects to first! I hope you won't hold it against me."

Shunsui chuckled. "Considering the lady in question was Captain Unohana, I'd hardly be in a position to do so."

Jiraiya smirked. "The funny thing is, she recommended that I visit you after I was done with her division's exhibit. Strange how that works out, don't you think?"

Shunsui gave a small laugh. "Strange is one way to put it."

Jiraiya then looked up at Kyōraku's and grinned. "Hello there, Lisa! It's been far too long!"

She gave him a curt nod. "As much as I might enjoy your books, Jiraiya, I insist that you call me Lieutenant Yadōmaru."

"Oh, come on now, Lisa," said Shunsui, "There's no need for formalities with our guest here!"

Her eyes narrowed. "Don't make me dump these blossoms on you, Captain."

Shunsui sighed and shook his head. "Oh, all right, then. I suppose we've got more important things to discuss, anyway."

"Maybe," said Jiraiya as he turned to the girl sitting next to the Captain, "but it'd be rude not to greet everyone here first. What's your name, little lady?"

The girl gave him a friendly, if somewhat shy, smile. "I'm Nanao. Nanao Ise. It's nice to meet you, Mister Jiraiya. I really like books, but Lisa won't let me read yours yet. She says I'm too young."

Lisa smiled down at her. "That's because you are. There's a time and place for everything, Nanao. I'll let you know when I think you're old enough for Jiraiya's books."

Jiraiya gave Nanao a friendly smile as well. "As much as I like to expose new readers to my material, I think your Lieutenant's right this time. Just wait a little bit, and I promise it'll be worth it."

Shunsui chuckled. "I don't think there's anything wrong with introducing her to them now. After all, she's got to learn about that sort of thing sooner or later!"

Lisa glared at him from on high before promptly flipping over the basket. A torrent of blossoms rained down, with the bulk falling on the Captain, although Jiraiya and Nanao weren't completely unscathed.

"Now why'd you have to go and do that, Lisa?" asked Shunsui as he attempted to clear out the pile of blossoms that he'd been engulfed in, "I went through a lot of work getting all of those for you."

"You know exactly why," Lisa calmly shot back, "and you completely deserved it."

Nanao giggled. "Can you do that again, Lisa? That was funny!"

Lisa smiled at her again. "After we clean these up, I might dump them back on him later. That's only if you promise to be a good little girl, though."

Nanao nodded. "I promise."

"Good answer," Lisa replied as she hopped down, "Guess I'll clean these up… this time."

Jiraiya leaned towards Nanao as Lisa got to work while her Captain looked on with a smirk on his face. "So, Nanao, what brings you to Squad Eight? I'm sure you're talented, but aren't you a little young to be a Soul Reaper?"

"Well, I actually applied for the Kidō Corps first," she answered, "I'm really good with spells, but not so much with swords. Captain Kyōraku came to visit the Academy one day before graduation, though, and after that I wound up here."

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow as he looked at Shunsui. "Is that so?"

Squad Eight's Captain smirked. "What can I say? I've got an eye for talent."

The look in his eyes was enough to tell Jiraiya that there was more to it than that, and also a hint that he didn't particularly feel like going into the details at the moment. That was fine; Jiraiya could shelve his curiosity for another day.

"Sure seems that way," he replied, "What's your rank, Little Nanao?"

Nanao shook her head. "I'm unseated."

"That'll change soon enough," Lisa chimed in, "You're just a bit too young for field experience at the moment, Nanao. Keep practicing your spells and you'll get the rank you deserve in time."

Nanao smiled. "Okay!"

Shunsui smiled as well. "You could say that Nanao's become something of a mascot for our division. That's why I brought her along today."

Jiraiya grinned. "Well, I can't blame you there! Who can say no to such an adorable face, after all?"

Nanao blushed. "Mister Jiraiya…"

"Don't tease her, Jiraiya," said Lisa as she gave him a sharp look, "You'll answer to me if you do, and you won't like it."

Shunsui laughed. "Now, now, Lisa! Don't go scaring away such a promising recruit!"

Lisa folded her arms. "If he's going to be as ill-behaved as you, Captain, then I don't think he's worth recruiting, remarkable finals scores notwithstanding. You're a big enough handful as it is!"

Jiraiya gave her a wink. "Hey now, I can behave for a beautiful woman like you, Lisa!"

"That's 'Lieutenant' to you!" she snapped as she hopped back up to the rafters again, basket of blossoms full once more.

Shunsui shook his head in amusement. "Fussing over rank aside, we really should get this moving along. I like you, Jiraiya, but I don't have all day to spend on this."

Jiraiya nodded. "Fair enough, then. Let's cut right to the chase."

"Sure thing," said Shunsui, "So, what do you want to know?"

"Let's start with the basics," Jiraiya replied, "I know that Squad Eight is another one of the combat divisions, but there's got to be more to it than that."

Shunsui grinned. "Well, if nothing else, we're a division that knows how to have a good time! We've got the best sake stash in all of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads!"

Lisa shook her head. "I know you pay for it out of your own pockets, Captain, but storing it all is still a gross misuse of the space available in our division's barracks. You need to cut back."

Jiraiya chuckled. "So, I take it that means Squad Eight throws the best parties in the Seireitei? It sounds like you appreciate the value of knowing when to unwind and loosen up a bit!"

Now Shunsui was practically beaming. "Ah, finally, a recruit who gets it! Sure, we take our duties seriously, but at the end of the day what are we fighting for if not for the chance to enjoy in peace the sweet little things that life has to offer?"

"How about the balance of souls and the very foundation of existence?" Lisa deadpanned.

Shunsui shot her a knowing smirk. "Lisa, there's no need to put on such a serious front for our guest here. I've seen you let your hair down and enjoy yourself in our division's parties on more than one occasion, after all."

His Lieutenant nodded, although she looked just a tad bit flustered. "I'm not opposed to relaxing and enjoying myself, but things need to be kept in perspective. After all, you're one of the senior Captains of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, which means there are greater expectations of you and those under your command whether you like it or not. I like our parties, Captain, but I also want Squad Eight to shine in the line of duty."

Shunsui smiled, and Jiraiya detected more than a hint of pride in his expression. "I know you do, Lisa. I couldn't ask for a better Lieutenant."

She actually smiled at that. "Thank you, Captain."

"So, apart from knowing how to have a good time, what else makes Squad Eight special?" asked Jiraiya.

Lisa answered before her Captain could. "Those who cherish sophistication and elegance find themselves right at home in our division. We run a tight training regiment too, of course, but there's nothing wrong with looking good while you're slaying Hollows."

Shunsui nodded. "Couldn't have put it better myself. I suppose you're looking for something a bit more substantive, though."

"That's right," said Jiraiya, "Not that I'm opposed to putting on a show and impressing others while fighting, but shouldn't a division have something more to set itself apart from the others than that?"

"We tend to get quite a few recruits with high Kidō marks," Nanao chimed in, "We work really well with the Kidō Corps as a result."

"That's right," said Shunsui, "A lot of times, we'll provide reinforcements for them in the field, maintaining frontline defenses for them while they focus on spell casting. Our members can also provide additional casters should the need arise."

"Cooperation is crucial in such missions," Lisa added, "Our strong working relationship with the Kidō Corps is one that's been forged in fire; they trust us to keep the enemy at bay, and we trust them to provide the pivotal ranged support required to win the day."

Jiraiya nodded. "I can only imagine just how effective in the field your combined forces are. It must be an inspiring sight."

Shunsui chuckled. "You could say that. More than a few Hollows have been unfortunate enough to find themselves on the wrong end of our spells and swords."

Nanao smiled. "We have joint spell practice sessions with the Kidō Corps back at the barracks sometimes, too. They're really fun!"

"Especially when you get to show off," said Lisa, "Isn't that right, Nanao?"

Nanao looked down in embarrassment. "Well, I mean, it's not like I try to show off…"

Shunsui laughed and patted the girl on the back. "You're too modest, Nanao! There's nothing wrong with wanting to show the others what you can do. It means you've got pride in your skills, and you're not the only one; Lisa and I are always happy to see how far you've come since leaving the Academy."

Jiraiya gave the girl a friendly smile. "You're really something special, aren't you?"

Nanao smiled sheepishly in return. "Maybe I am…"

"There's no 'maybe' about it," said Lisa firmly, "You're going to be a fine Soul Reaper once you've got more experience under your belt, Nanao."

Shunsui nodded. "Indeed, you will."

"So, is that the real secret to Squad Eight's strength?" asked Jiraiya, "A good balance of Kidō ability and skill in Zanjutsu?"

"It certainly doesn't hurt," Shunsui replied, "The Kidō Corps aren't our only partners that take advantage of our proficiency in spells, though. We've got a good working relationship with Squad Four as well. In fact, that's the main reason why Unohana sent you my way."

That piqued Jiraiya's interest, as well as his suspicion. "You two haven't been in cahoots since this exhibition began, have you?"

Shunsui gave him a mischievous smile. "And what if we have?"

Jiraiya grinned. "Well, then I for one want to know what the game here is. You going to let me in on the big, juicy secret now?"

"Not exactly a secret," said Shunsui, "or at least, not a closely guarded one. Like me, Unohana's another one of the more senior Captains of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. We've worked together on quite a few occasions, and… well, I guess you could say that you came along at just the right moment, Jiraiya."

Jiraiya leaned forward and clasped his hands; this was getting good. "Is that so?"

Lisa took that moment to chime in. "Consider this; thanks to their decision to concentrate all our healers in the Fourth Division, the Central Forty-Six has essentially put a bunch of very valuable eggs all in one basket. Think of what would happen if Squad Four was the target of a concentrated surprise attack."

Jiraiya already had an answer. "It'd be a disaster. Captain Unohana might be powerful, but most of her subordinates aren't fighters and she can't protect everyone. Without support from other divisions, it'd be nothing less than a slaughter."

Shunsui nodded. "You're right about that. Captain Unohana's well aware of this, which is part of why she's worked to forge cooperative ties between her division and others that are capable of defending her subordinates in the field. The risk of the healers getting wiped out in one fell swoop remains, though, which is why we've been trying to set up a special project… one that you would be an ideal candidate for, Jiraiya."

"And what's that?" asked Jiraiya.

"We're normally supposed to wait for later to start throwing out recruitment offers," said Lisa, "but given the circumstances, I think we can be forgiven for bending the rules a bit."

Shunsui chuckled. "If the other Captains get angry, it's always easier to apologize once it's all over. Anyway, here's the deal; I've got an officer slot open with your name on it, Jiraiya. Since you don't have your Shikai yet, it's the 17th Seat in our division. Officially, you'd be much like any other officer of that position; you'd be responsible for leading teams in the field, hunting Hollows and performing the Konsō, and other such duties."

Jiraiya smirked. "What about unofficially?"

Shunsui leaned forward. "Unofficially, when you're not carrying out your regular division duties or training, you'll be undergoing personal instruction from Captain Unohana in the healing arts. You teachers at the Academy have all noted that you have considerable reserves of spirit energy, meaning that you'd have the necessary power for both combat and support roles."

Jiraiya smiled. "I see where this is going. You want a field officer that can also be an emergency healer should one of Squad Four's relief teams not be close by."

"Exactly," said Lisa, "We'd be bypassing the regulations of the Central Forty-Six in order to do this, so secrecy is important. If those sorry excuses for judges had any common sense then we wouldn't have to resort to such measures, but here we are. Their bureaucracy and dogma will be the end of us all if it goes on unabated, so we're taking a proactive approach."

"Squad's Four and Eight are taking the initiative here," said Shunsui, "If we can make this work, though, then you can expect this model to expand to other divisions. Squad Four will still hold the bulk of the Seireitei's healers, but at least this way we'll be able to improve response times and ensure that not all of our eggs are in one basket."

Jiraiya nodded. "So, I'd be a combination of frontline fighting power and a first responder in the event that no Squad Four healers are close by. Interesting…"

Nanao smiled. "It'd be a very important role in the division. I wanted to do it myself, but the Captain and Lisa said that I need to work on my fighting skills first. Since you'll be able to cast spells and fight with a Zanpakutō, you'd be perfect."

That once again brought up the question of why Nanao didn't have a Zanpakutō, but it was one that Jiraiya doubted he'd get an answer to at this time. He had something much more important to consider at the moment; was this an offer that he wanted to accept?

He found that it was. Of the three Legendary Sannin, Tsunade had been the renowned healer, so by taking on this role Jiraiya would get to understand her perspective a little more. It was clearly an important project for both divisions, and even if his starting rank would be relatively low it was actually a major opportunity to not only prove himself to the Thirteen Court Guard Squads but also to further develop his skills. How many times would more detailed knowledge of the healing arts have come in handy during his previous life? This was a chance to branch out of his comfort zone and learn new abilities which would likely be very useful out in the field.

Of course, all those considerations were secondary when compared to the fact that it would be Unohana herself providing the instruction. Jiraiya knew full well his reputation for turning on the charm when it came to the ladies, but he hadn't been blowing smoke when it came to praising the beauty of the Captain of Squad Four. Not only that, but his brief interactions with her had shown that there was much more to her than just her appearance. She was strong, intelligent and compassionate, but at the same time there was that shadow he'd caught glimpses of just below the surface. This would be a good way to gain further understanding of her, while at the same time he could still play to his strengths since he wouldn't be a full-time healer.

When all of that was considered, the choice was actually fairly simple. He doubted that he'd get an offer that was more tailor-made for him from any of the other divisions this day. Still, he didn't want to come off as too eager, and it might lessen the impression his would-be superior officers had of him.

Shunsui gave him a knowing look; the seasoned Captain could sense the gears turning in Jiraiya's head. "What do you think? I can't say for certain, but I doubt the other Captains would give you a pitch quite like this one."

Jiraiya smiled. "You're probably right."

"Can we take that as a 'yes', then?" asked Lisa.

Jiraiya smirked. "Well, how about this? The recruitment exhibition's still young, so I'd at least like to take in the other displays before the day's out. Once I finish my rounds, though, I'll come straight back here with my answer. You won't even need a messenger."

Shunsui nodded. "I guess that's fair enough. We're not going anywhere, and you really do only get to experience the recruitment exhibition once as a student, so you should make the most of this. Still, don't take too long."

"Tell us soon, okay?" said Nanao with a hopeful look in her eyes.

Jiraiya smiled as he stood up. "Oh, don't worry. You'll know my decision soon enough."


"That went much better than I had thought it would," said Visaelya as she and Itachi put Squad Ten's exhibit behind them.

Itachi nodded. Her fears regarding her family's expectations, particularly those of her uncle, had clearly weighed heavily upon her, but the former Shinobi had been confident in her ability to handle them. She hadn't disappointed him in the least.

"You were able to summon the strength to confront your doubts," he said, "You might've been apprehensive going in, but you had the courage necessary to hold your own and decide for yourself what path you want to take."

Visaelya smiled. "You make me sound much stronger than I felt back there. Honestly, I'm amazed I didn't pass out from the stress."

"Well, you made it through the flames of your trial," Itachi replied, "Your final decision is still before you, but from what I've seen I think you'll be able to make it with open eyes and conviction."

Visaelya nodded. "I'd like to think so. Even so, I appreciate your support. Were it not for you and Shisui… or even Jiraiya, for that matter… I doubt I would've come this far. I'd still be on the track my family wants me to be on, and I might not have found the courage to question it and look for another path."

Itachi allowed himself a small smirk. "Should I tell Jiraiya that you're in his debt? I'm sure it'd be music to his ears."

Visaelya scowled at him for a moment before breaking out into laughter. "Don't you dare! He'll never let me hear the end of it!"

Itachi chuckled. "Very well, then. Your secret's safe with me."

Visaelya smiled. "Let it not be said that you don't have a sense of humor, Itachi… even if it could use some work."

"If you're looking for humor from an Uchiha, you should try Shisui," he said, "He always had a better head for that sort of thing than most of our clan did."

"He does seem much more easy-going than you are," Visaelya noted, "No offense."

"None taken," said Itachi, "So, which exhibit do you want to hit next?"

Visaelya looked around. "Well, going to Squad Ten's display was my call, so I think it's only fair that the next one's yours. Do you have one in mind?"

Itachi scanned the courtyard for moment before his gaze found a sufficiently interesting target. "How about Squad Twelve?"

Visaelya nodded. "Sure. It'd be nice to see Captain Hikifune again, especially after our expedition to the barrow with her unit and Squad Two last year went so well."

"All right, then," said Itachi, "Let's go."

It might not have been hosting a live dragon, but Squad Twelve's exhibit was still quite impressive. The entrance consisted of what appeared to be a marble façade roughly one story high complete with a series of fluted columns. A small staircase was at the front, and as Itachi and Visaelya approached they could see that beyond the columns was a rather spacious chamber. Several ornate brass lanterns hung from the ceiling, and when the two advanced track students strode inside they found that they were illuminating a series of frescoes along the walls. Itachi didn't recognize the figures, but they all seemed to have a scholarly air about them. Some pondered scrolls or maps, while others appeared to be exploring ancient ruins. One image in particular caught Itachi's eyes; that of a vaulted haul illuminated with blue-green fire and being examined by Soul Reapers.

The Andunayan barrow, he mused, I guess Captain Hikifune has fond memories of that expedition as well.