
written exam and the start of Forrest

The Chunin exams were about to start. Diego activated his Sharingan to look at all the people he be facing. No one in the room got his interest, untill he lock his eyes on a green haired girl. She had orange eyes with a tan skin, and had a red backpack.

Diego would have maybe looked at her more but he had to head to the first chinin test. A smoke cloud appeared and out came a man with a bandanna on his head.

<< quiet, there is no fighting allowed. My name is ibiki morino and I will be the proctor for this exam now let me explain the exam>> Ibiki said

Ibiki explained all the rules and all the cheating of sorts. Diego was wondering how his test will be graded, since he didn't have a team.

<< That for all the rules with you guys now for the last set of instructions. You in the crow mask since you don't have a team you will be given a 30 question test, and every time you get caught cheating is 6 points lost. Also your last question will also be given 15 minutes before the exam ends>> Ibiki said

Alot of people in the room were shocked others suprize. some questions why he is doing this alone.

The person who sat next to Diego was Sasuke.

Sasuke wonder who the person behind the mask was, he must be pretty strong if he can do the chunin exams alone.

The papers were given out and Diego got his special test. The test started and Sasuke Observed what the crow will do. Sasuke see the crow speed through out the test, leaving enough for the question but not leaving a full detail answer.

Diego actived his sharingan so he could read faster, but when he read the first question he realized this test is gonna be easy. This stuff is basic things and Diego who spent many hours in the library studying certain things. He answered every question easy.

Diego finished and was quite disappointed after all. Most of the questions he had were just figuring out the trajectory of a kunai path.

Diego finnish decided to wait a bit, then he asked to go to the bathroom with the other kid he ment Kankuro. When they reached the bathroom, they were both taking a wize when Diego spoke.

<< You know it pretty smart to have your puppet be a sentinel. Your also probably thinking the others didn't notice, but they did they just think it a smart plan>> Diego said

Kankuro was shocked he thought his disguise was perfect.

<< How did.. did you know and who are you. Why are you aloud to take the chunin exams alone.>> Kankuro said

<< well I can see the chakra in your hand go to the puppet and for why I take this exam alone, that because my sensi said I could. Also just call me Crow.>> Diego said

Diego waited for Kankuro to finnish and they both headed back. Diego went to his seat and took a nap since he had nothing else to do. Everyone looked at him if he were stupid is he not gonna finnish his test.

[30 mins passed]

<< Alright we are nearly done with the test, I will give the final question. But there some rules the first one, you can choose to not answer or not. If you don't answer you get a zero. If you decide to answer and answer incorrectly you will never be aloud to take the chunin exams >> Ibiki said

Diego didn't have any hesitantion when thinking, if the questions were like the others it be easy. Other people in the room started to leave and say sorry to there friends room was dropping fast. Diego saw Naruto hesitant but didn't want to. He saw Sakura going to raise her hand but she didn't.

Naruto rose his then slam it on the table said

<< When I so something I never go back on my word so bring on the tenth question>> Naruto said

Ibiki saw that no one else was going to back down so he looked like he was going to give the tenth questions.

Ibiki said we all passed. Diego was shocked but you couldn't tell since the mask he wore block his face.

Ibiki explained what the test was about and the importance. Right when Ibiki a was about to finnish, the glass broke and in came a woman.

<< Hello my name is anko we will start stage two now follow me>> Anko said

<< Your early >> Ibiki stated

Anko have a little blush of embarrassment.

<< Oh well meet me tomorrow I will inform your sensi where to me me dismissed>> Anko said

Everyone left and when Diego was about to leave.

<< Hey you crow mask I want you to stay for a second >> Ibiki said

Diego stayed and waited for everyone to leave

<< Uhh yes sensi why did you ask me to stay>> Diego said

<< well I wanna ask did you give up on your test, because for most of the time I observed you to see what you do. But I saw you write some things then sleep>> Ibiki said

Anko heard this and thought who the hell is this kid.

<< Ibiki why do care about some test just let him get back to his team, he just a random trying to look cool>> Anko said

<< No Anko he different I gave this one 30 questions. Also he doesn't have a team he is going solo for the chunin exams>> Ibiki said

Diego handed him his test with all the answers filled in. Ibiki had a shock in his eyes, he answered all of them correctly without cheating.

<< So you really know your stuff kid, then I don't know how Anko test will suit you. You seem more intelligent based if you got these right I don't think you will pass>> Ibiki said

Anko smiling << he definitely won't pass if he thinks it will be easy. Diego left to join team 7. Diego took off his gear into some normal cloths.

<< Hey guys how the exam go must of been hard>> Diego said

Naruto said it was easy. Sakura hit him in the head for lying. everything went as usually.

[The next day]

Everyone who passed ment at the spot Anko told them to meet. Diego just arrived and was walking.

Diego saw Anko throw a kunai right near naruto, and flew directly at Diego. Diego caught it and went behind Anko to return it.

Anko did a quick spin and pointed the kunai at Diego, There faces close to touching.

<< Woah chill I just came to give back the kunai. But if you wanna be that close why don't I just give you a kiss>> Diego said with cringe

Anko took the kunai brushing off Diego and gave a little smirk.

Anko explained the basic rules but then she pointed at Diego.

<< you in the crow mask your test is a little different but the same. You will still have to find a heaven and earth scroll. But since your alone, you will haved to find one person without there team and take them with you. They will pass with you but you will be a target>> Anko said

The scrolls were being passed out. Diego got his scroll it was the heavens scroll. Diego read the lips of each team to see if they have a earth scroll.

Diego found each team and went up to them and put a tracking seal on them. As long as it there if they use chakra he be able to locate them.

Diego goes to his starting station. Everyone looks to where he is since he will be an easy target.

3....2.....1.... the test begins now