
Little late

On the way to the village Diego has been meditating, he is thinking if he should take the exam seriously or forfeit. Diego will just find the exam boring, but he thinks about and hit himself in the head.

"God why am I thinking of quitting, I need to progress to jonin. Jonin could help me get more information on Danzo, but doesn't mean I can't have fun with whoever I fight"

Chikara heard Diego little argument with himself and thought it was a bit funny. She also wonders who this Danzo is but she can ask that another time.

[ Two days pass]

Diego still has a couple days before reaching back to the village, Diego been practicing on wind style jutsu as it not one of his affinities but still useful when pair with his fire. Diego been trying to make blast of wind like his fireball. It been doing ok, he has it a little down since it like the same concept as fireball. Diego will continue practicing this till they reach the leaf.

[5 days have passed]

" Hey Chikara shouldn't we be at the leaf by now.

You said it would just take a week."

< Well umm you see while you were practicing I was watching. Soooo I may or may not have flew of course a little bit> Chikara said embarrassed

" WHATTTTTT, so like what it will take maybe another 2 or 3 days, I mean it still gives me to to check the flying thunder god but I won't be able to train very long."

< Oh well you see about that Diego, we uhh flew so off course that it will take another week. So you might be a little late> Chikara said in a quiet voice

Diego looked at her with white eyes and sat down with his head down. He is sad cause he won't be able to learn about flying thunder god till after the exam.

Diego decides to sleep his pain away, after his sleep he will train more with his wind style.

[ 7 days later]

Diego woke up to see the village. He hoped he didn't miss the exam. When they got closer, Chikara could hear what was going on down there and they were saying.

< Crow if you are here head into the area in 60 seconds or you're disqualified. 60...59...58> Genma Shiranui said

Chikara explains to Diego and Diego asked her to dive bomb but down and fly just above the arena.

Chikara started to dive bomb down.

< Hey what that coming down in the air> Sakura said

Sakura continues to try and look at what coming down but she can't see.

Chikara starts to slow down and hovers above the arena, Diego jumps down and causes an impact in the ground.

Genma saw Diego come in and since he knew he was Crow so he called the other people Diego will be fighting.

< Looks like crow had arived so those who will be fighting him please jump down> Genma said

Naruto, Sakura,Shikamaru and Ino were very confused, how Diego could be Crow. Out of them all Sakura couldn't believe it the most.

< Hey Diego get out of there, people who went into the preliminary and won can fight not you > Sakura said

Diego chose to to ignore her as he was focused on his opponents.

Diegos opponents are Fuu, Shino and Kankuro.

In the audience there were many who dislike Diego. Some were saying: what is the fox brat in there for. Some of them did like he was against three means he will get beaten.

< Now let me state the rules since this is a different kinda of match then we have for regular exam. Crow will be fighting these three contestants. Also Crow will not be allowed to fight for the first minute meaning he will haved to doge, and he can't use ninjutsu after that minute for another minute. Also the three get 5 minutes to plan and strategies> Genma said

< But that not fair why does Diego get handicap so much> Naruto said

Sakura and Ino also thought that but didn't shout like Naruto.

< Well here the most honest reason. If Crow were allowed his ability from the beginning this match wouldn't be fair. Also you three your planning faze starts now> Genman said

(In Diego's head)

WHAT THE HELLLLL IS GOING ON. I'm fighting three people and then I can't even fight. There now way I'll win, I should just give up now.

( Out of Diego's head )

Diego looks to be as calm as water but inside he freaking out. He decided to just look at the three and thinks about what he know about them.

"Shino is a bug type use and he could do alot of things, I don't know to much about them but I think they can suck chakra. Fuu I also don't know but she seems to have a tail beast inside her so she is the most dangerous. Diego activate his sharingan and looks at Kankuro. There are string coming out of the cloth and into Kankuro so it seems that not him, it a puppet ."

< Ok that is it for planning we will begin the match in, three...two... one.. go> Genma said

Fuu was the first one to move as she tried to speed blitz Diego. The other two would just stand there not seeing a point in moving. For them 3 people against one it was overkill, Kankuro had listen to what Shino said. Shino said that Diego was in last place in school.

When Fuu got close to Diego she punched him in the gut launching Diego into the wall.

< I guess he wasn't to tough after all> Fuu said Sadly

Diego just sat there against the wall faking to be knocked out. Diego is hoping he can keep this faking up for a little so he doesn't haved to doge.

< Hey ref it been about ten seconds why haven't you call the match. He clearly knocked out and not getting back up> Kankuro said

< Well cause why would I end a match when it only just began> Genma said

It been around 30 seconds since the start of the match. Fuu files at Diego again and goes for a kick in the head.

Diego the kick coming so when it was the last second he moved his head. Fuu's kick hit the wall causing a hole.

" Well you could have gave me a second before blitzing me"

Diego just decided to laugh, they really do underestimate me he thought to himself. Diego slipped between Fuu and went to an open area so he could doge better.

Diego has 20 seconds before he can use taijustsu.

Shino decides that maybe he should take the fight a bit more seriously. Shino sends out his bugs at Diego. Diego activate his sharingan so he could see each bug and runs. Fuu decided to fly in again and kickes at Diego stomach. Diego jumps over her leg but Fuu throws a punch at Diego chest and hits.

Diego get launched at the wall again and coughs out blood.

< Ten more seconds before you can use taijustsu> Genma said

Kankuro still just stands there like he isn't gonna do anything, while Fuu flies at Diego again she punches at Diego. Diego doged the punch and the minute is officially up.

" This is where the fight actually begans"

To be honest I don't think this is very good chapter. So if you enjoyed let me know and you didn't also let me know

ChronoDragoncreators' thoughts