
1 v 3

Diego hears his minute is up, he sees the three all group together. Diego looks at the three and smiles.

" Your minute is up let's see if you can dodge my moves like I did yours"

Fuu, Shino, Kankuro look at Diego with skeptical looks. They all thinking that he is pretty fast so he could dodge well but he probably doesn't have the power to back it up.

Diego takes a step forward and speed bliz Kankuro because he is the weakest in the group and punched him in the stomach lauching him back. Diego then went to kick Shino in the face but Shino blocked with his bugs geting pushed back.

Fuu went throws a paper bomb at Diego.


Fuu doesn't think that would take him out so she goes in for a punch, using the the dust from the bomb as a smoke screen. Diego being blinded doesn't see where Fuu is coming from, but at last second Diego crossed his arms and blocked Fuu punch.

Diego is launch back flipping on to his feet.

< The second minute is up Diego is now allowed to use justu> Genma said

As soon as Diego hears this he starts doing hand signs and lauches a great fireball jutsu at Shino. Shino was still recovering from Diego's kick, so when he saw the fireball it was too late . Shino get hit knocking him out and burns over his body.

Kankuro was still in the fight and used his Crow to attack Diego.

Diego activated his base sharingan and saw where the chakra strings were. Diego coated his hand in chakra and when Crow got close Diego dodge Crow's attack and then sliced the chakra strings controlling Crow. Diego was getting rather annoying so he decide to run up to Kankuro and lightning bolt justu point blank. This launched Kankuro into the wall knocking him out.

" All that is left is you now Fuu. Are you sure you can defeat me alone"

< Well I think I have seen the extent to your abilities so you won't have anymore surprises, but me I have something things in store for you > Fuu said while smirking

Diego smiled at her statement, then Diego look around the stadium to see if Danzo was here. Diego found Danzo and pointed at him, then pointed towards his eyes which were in mangekyou state.

This shocked Danzo as he didn't expect to see this brat with mangekyou eyes. Danzo thinking to himself he needed those eyes.

Everyone in the audience was already suprize by Diego show of moves, most of the people who were especially shocked was those who personally knew Diego. Ino, Sakura, Naruto, Choji were wondering where all his power came from, he never showed anything in the academy.

Shikamaru knew Diego was holding back since the academy but not by this much. He was a surprise but soon went back to his usual not caring attitude.

Back with Fuu and Diego

Fuu decided to make the first move she fly up in the air and dive bombs at Diego. She does Scaled Sneak Jutsu which sprays gas out of her mouth toward Diego eyes.

Diego covers his eyes but since he can't see Fuu tries to take the opportunity, Fuu tries to kick Diego in the face. Diego activated his eyes at blood comes out at fazed through her body. Diego backed off farther from fuu.

Red chakra starts to come out of Fuu skin her body starts to develop red spot across her body. She is soon engulfed in the red skin. People watching seem more scared as it look like a demon.

When Diego see this Kurama decideds to give Diego a bit of advice.

<< Hey brat if I were you I would take that girl more seriously. In that form she is stronger and faster than you. One hit and you will definitely break some bones>> Kurama said

Diego decided to trust Kurama word as he thinks this is the first time he told anything helpful.

Fuu not waiting any longer comes at Diego leaving a big imprint into the ground. When she goes to punch Diego dust starts to fly everywhere.

" I really didn't want to use this as it would be a pain to explain to everyone, but you have left me no choice"

When the dust clear all you see is a black skeleton arm blocking Fuu fist. The Kazekage flinch when he saw the susanoo as memories come from the past towards him. The Hiruzen noticed this.

< Is everything ok 4th kazekage> Hiruzen asked

< Ahh yes just some memories coming to mind> The Kazekage said

Diego sees his arm is starting to crack so he jumps back and prepare a great fireball coming at Fuu. Fuu dodge the fireball and continued to come at Diego.

Diego started to walk forward very slowly wait for Fuu to attack. Fuu comes in for a kicked but is blocked my a black rib cage. Diego soon brings out a skeleton hand then grabs fuu leg slamming her into the ground repeatedly.

Then Diego kicked her up in the air and upper cutting her, then does a spinning kick launch her to the wall.

She tries to get up but Diego came over and slams his skeleton susanoo hand into her making the ground crack. Fuu couldn't move, Genma went to go and check her as her red skin seems to disapate.

< The match is over all three ninja have been defeat, Diego wins > Genman