
Eye of universe: The Replicator

The world called Rrihraggard, a place where monsters are common. Bruce, a sixteen year old boy, who had lost everything... family, his home, now he is in a totally unrecognizable space, a totally unusual being appears inside your head through telepathy "you are the chosen one" saying the creature. Bruce, with his new ability will try to survive in this world.

Belador · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Talent for Magic?

"Then folks I'll have to go to the Great Sacred Forest" said Frank.

"I'll go to my house, we had a very busy day" Hudson said laughing a little.

After the goodbyes, only Alozo and Bruce were left in the place. Alozo asked "Could you participate in a test?". He really wanted to know how Bruce survived in that forest, since he was alone with nothing, he was just with his clothes and nothing else.

"What a test" Bruce said doubtfully.

"It's a test to see what your talent is," said Alozo.

"Talent?" Bruce said with even more doubt. He wanted to know what this "talent" would be.

"Talent is to know if you have an aptitude or an ability. Every individual is born with a gift, which will guarantee a class, with this class the user will obtain aptitudes and abilities. But it doesn't mean that if you have the gift to be a swordsman, that o will make you unable to use magic abilities." Said Alozo excited to know what Bruce's talent would be.

"When should we take this test?" Bruce said with a star in his eyes. He wanted to know how that class that came up called "The Replicator", he wanted to know how it would be classified, if that class is rare or not.

"We should just get the materials" said Alozo.

"Where will we get them?" Bruce said.

"We'll pick it up at a store I know" said Alozo.

"What store?" Bruce said doubtfully.

"You'll know when you see her" Alozo said laughing.

Bruce and Alozo started to go to the store, Alozo showed them all the way, but they were standing in a simple alley. Bruce wondered why they were looking down that alley, that's when Alozo said "Just keep going" Said Alozo. Bruce wasn't getting it when suddenly the wall kind of swallowed Alozo, like she was jelly. Bruce was delighted with that he went and managed to get through the wall.

"Amazing" Bruce said finding all that simply the best thing he's ever seen.

They were already inside a store, the place displayed an incredible amount of books, ingredients. Everything didn't look like anything Bruce had seen. The place seemed to be moved with magic, brooms that could clean themselves, Bruce saw that there was a person beyond them.

"Good afternoon, welcome to our Haumea store! What would you like?" Said the girl.

"Hello, I would like magic ingredients, also magic equipment" said Alozo.

"Which types" Said the girl smiling.

"Hokura Leaf, Anatrak Powder, Lubrulla Brush and also an Energy Classifier" Said Alozo.

"Annotated" Said the girl. She was heading towards a strange circle suddenly appeared items. She took them and gave them to Alozo. "There are 75 Vorks" Said the girl.

"Would you like anything else?" Said the girl.

"We have everything we need, thank you" said Alozo smiling.

"Thank you, come back often" Said the girl waving and smiling.

They left the store and were already outside, but they weren't in the alley they were in before. Bruce was confused. He asked Alozo "Why are we in a totally different place?"

"Ah, that store exists in several places. It is of huge size, we only went to a part of it" Said Alozo.

"What are we going to do with these things?" Bruce said doubtfully.

"We're going to do a kind of ritual," said Alozo.

They went to a place where no one was around. Alozo started using the brush, even though it didn't contain paint, the brush was painting. He was making a kind of circle, then he started making a lot of strange symbols, after that he threw the anatrak powder, then he recited the word "Classifairus". After that the circle started to glow white, but soon after changing to black.

"It's almost over" Said Alozo, happy to know what Bruce's talent is. Then he placed the energy classifier in the circle. He sent Bruce into the circle, Bruce nodded, he was inside the circle not knowing what to do.

"Touch the classifier!" Said Alozo.

"O-okay" said Bruce. He touched the ring binder which looked like a black square, it didn't look amazing in Bruce's eyes. Soon after the square changed color turning a bright white, it seemed to emit tranquility, after having glowed, the glow started to stop.

"What do I do now?" Bruce said not knowing what to do.

"Now take this Hokura Leaf". Bruce took it and said "What does she do?"

"This plant confirms its magical nature, the classifier serves to know its magical amount, because it is white its mana is quite high Bruce!" Alozo said laughing.

Suddenly the leaf began to change shape, its shape was very different from a leaf, it didn't even look like it was a leaf anymore, but something that looked like flames, but didn't burn, its coloring was emerald green. Bruce stared at it with shocked eyes.

"A-Amazing" Said Alozo with bulging eyes, he was really amazed by that.

"What does it mean?" Bruce said wondering.

"That means you have the ability to use mystical flames, it's quite rare" said Alozo.

Shortly after Alozo told him what it was, the following messages appeared.

[Congratulations, you got the green flames skill]

[Green Flames Lv1: The skill is able to create, manipulate and mold green flames, the flames have this color because of the influence of some mystic being, or by the user who can use this skill. This fire can be immune to water, to use this skill, the user needs to use their mana, the amount needed is 10 mp, the skill does 90 damage.

"A-Amazing" Said Bruce he was quite happy. Bruce forgot to look at his stats, so he thought "Status".

[User: Bruce]

[Class: The Replicator]

[Level: 2]

[0/200 EXP]

[HP: 225/225]

[MP: 175/175]

[Race: Human]

[STR: 12]

[VI: 10]

[AGI: 11]


[SAB: 7]

[LUK: 8]

[Status Points: 10]

There were a lot of questions in Alozo's mind, as Bruce just looked like an unlucky boy, but what he got was an extremely rare skill, he was still finding it amazing for what Bruce had achieved.

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