
Eye of universe: The Replicator

The world called Rrihraggard, a place where monsters are common. Bruce, a sixteen year old boy, who had lost everything... family, his home, now he is in a totally unrecognizable space, a totally unusual being appears inside your head through telepathy "you are the chosen one" saying the creature. Bruce, with his new ability will try to survive in this world.

Belador · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Learning more about the system

While Bruce was trying to find things the system might have, then he thought out loud, "Does it have the options part?" Thought Bruce. When he thought about it a holographic tab of information appeared before him.

Although there wasn't much information, what he found most interesting was that the system had a name, so quickly he looked at the name and found it strange because it was written replicator system.

"So my class wasn't chosen at random? Why before he uped he had not determined my class?" Thought Bruce.

After thinking about countless theories, he left all that behind, maybe it might be important for him to think about what the system is, but he doesn't even have any information. So all he needs is to calm down, even if that information is very important.

He had gone back to the other information.

[Level Notification - On]

[Replication Notification - On]

[Store - Unable to Enable]

[Damage Notification - On]


"I think I'm going to turn off the level notification, I don't think I'll ever be able to hear that sound, but I don't think I'm going to take the damage notification for now," Bruce said. Until now, all the information he had looked at was in a strange language, so he couldn't read.

[Level Notification - Off]


Leaving aside the options that the system has, Bruce began to prepare to leave. When suddenly he heard sounds that sounded like a howl of a wolf. So he was now preparing for the worst, he knew he was minimally strong now, but what if a monster comes that he can't even touch? Still, he needed to get out of this place safely.

Then he quickly sneaked in, so he could hide even minimally his presence. While in the distance he managed to catch a glimpse of something, then he managed to see what it was, it didn't look like a wolf, but rather a golden fox, it had two tails. He thought that animal was very amazing, it didn't look like it was offensive, but it was harmless. However, he remembered that this forest, not if looking at appearances, even a simple rabbit can be lethal in this forest.

Bruce wanted to know what that monster was about, so he used his Appraisal.

[Name: Slyphie]

[Level: 79]

HP: 74,000/74,000

[MP: 90,520/90,520]

[Race: Nýrkinn ]

[STR: 87]

[VI: 63]

[AGI: 187]

[INT: 122]

[Sab: 74]

[LUK: 32]

At first, Bruce tried to be quiet, but there was a certain problem... He sneezed unintentionally, the sneeze was very loud. The creature looked at Bruce innocently, as if he represented no danger to the creature. When she soon stopped looking and quickly ran through the darkness of the forest, thus disappearing from view.

He was embarrassed by what just happened, it was great that he didn't turn into a dinner party for that fox. Although that fox ran away, he still needed to be alert because he was in a totally unknown place, not having a map in this place is a terrible mistake.

"What part am I in the forest?" Thought Bruce.

From day one in this world, Bruce was quite lucky, for the simple fact that the place he appeared was the safest part of the forest. But the place he is is quite different, because the place where he is is even more dangerous.

Soon after he went into a comfortable tree place to sleep, he needed a great place to rest as it was starting to darken. And because of that he needed to walk at a favorable time, so he needed to sleep.

[12 hours have passed]

Judging by how long Bruce remained asleep, it could tell that he was quite tired by the countless events in a short time. So for his body and mind everything was on edge.

Bruce then opened his Statuses to know if they were all restored, he had not yet looked at his status before, so he needed to look.

[ User:Bruce]

[Level: 10]

[EXP> 376/10,000]

HP: 2,300/2,300

[MP: 1,411.5/1,411.5]

[Race: Human]

[STR: 25]

[VI: 23]

[AGI: 23]

[INT: 40]

[SAB: 30]

[LUK: 16]

[Status Points: 0]

He didn't know what the regeneration speed of his MP was, so he tried to click on the Mp bar, then showed what his regeneration rate was at the time.

[ 45 MP are recovered per minute]

"It really worked" Said Bruce trying to see the same for his HP.

[ 23 hp are recovered per minute ]

Bruce was very pleased with his current status and the recovery of his HP. But soon he wondered if his HP could reach zero, would he die immediately? But he didn't want to find out that part. So he put that thought aside.

Coming out of the tree he was in, he was now heading for something that could help him get out of the woods. His stomach began to roar, so he thought about his inventory and then his inventory appeared.

Within his inventory, he was looking for the part where the meat was, and then the meat was in a part that was left but animal remains. With a thought he managed to remove the meat from storage. "Can I leave the meat consumable with the green flames? Or can they toast the meat completely?" Said Bruce murmuring.

With the flesh in his hands, he was afraid of toasting the flesh. But he needed to confirm and then he quickly used his green flame ability, although the flame was small, now the meat was totally perfect, its smell seemed to have a pleasant aroma, so with a bite Bruce bit that juicy meat.

When suddenly a bell was heard.

[ You consumed meat from a magical animal]

[ You are currently in a status effect]

[ Current Buff: Iron Body Strengthening]

"What?" If he asked Bruce what it was about, then he used his Appraisal to identify the effects of this buff.

[Iron Body Strengthening, gives the following buffs: Your defense is increased by 5%, your maximum health is increased by 7%.]

[Effects will be present for 45 minutes]

"I didn't think by eating a meat, I would gain such effects" Bruce said thinking about the potential to eat these foods, but he wondered, why the food he had eaten from Alozo had not given such effects. Then he soon found the answer, "Maybe it is, that he hasn't used magic ingredients?" Thought Bruce.

Then he began to walk toward some trees that seemed to have those same fruits he had consumed, to make sure he used his Appraisal.

[Durth Fruit - It is a fruit used in mana recovery potions, this fruit has high mana concentration, it is a fruit that few can create remedies. If you consume your internal mana, you will be recovered, but if you have excess mana, a negative effect may occur on the body]

"So it really was this fruit that made me feel tired, but I really went dumb for overeating" Thought Bruce laughing at himself. It's about time he explored then, before he forgot something he picked up some fruit, sent all to his inventory.