
Eye of universe: The Replicator

The world called Rrihraggard, a place where monsters are common. Bruce, a sixteen year old boy, who had lost everything... family, his home, now he is in a totally unrecognizable space, a totally unusual being appears inside your head through telepathy "you are the chosen one" saying the creature. Bruce, with his new ability will try to survive in this world.

Belador · Fantasie
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22 Chs


"Okay, what exactly do I have to do?" Said Bruce wanting to know as soon as possible.

"How exactly did you get here, huh?" asked the female head. She was looking at Bruce with a look she already knew from how he arrived.

"Do I really have to talk?" thought Bruce.

Bruce wouldn't mind talking, with just one hit they'd kill him, so it wouldn't change a thing. Maybe they're just playing with his head, but he really wants to believe he can save his master.

"Something brought me here, but I don't know what she was like, like she was something nebulous..." Bruce said.

The two animal heads laughed and said "He really did."

The female head began to speak several unfamiliar words. Bruce was starting to float, he was starting to go into despair, but soon he was in a totally different place than he was, a space like a distorted dimension.

Even looking at all the places, it seemed that he didn't change his place, Bruce was already getting into despair, because it seemed that the place was getting smaller. The place continued to get more and more distorted, but soon it stopped, a woman appeared before Bruce, she looked like a moon maiden in her robes.

Bruce was silent for a moment until he replied, "H-Hello? Who are you?"


In an instant the ground began to shake, pillars emerged from that distorted place. The place was changing abnormally. Bruce, seeing all those pillars and the change in place, felt a certain danger, just as he was about to move to save himself, a voice was heard, but because of the rumbling it was not possible to hear it.

As more pillars appeared around her, the entire terrain was in such difficulty of locomotion. As soon as he saw the ground open up, he jumped to a nearby place to catch himself, but he couldn't hold on long enough, because of that he would fall into that vast hole.

So just as he was about to fall into that abyss of despair, a hand caught him, the same woman he had found. She then pulled him up, Bruce felt relieved to have been saved, before he could thank the stranger for help he was interrupted "Sorry for the inconvenience, but my mind is not something to play with, even I can't control it" He said. the woman.

"Mind?" Bruce said, not understanding anything.

"Seriously you don't remember me, you brat!" Said the woman frowning in anger.

Bruce then saw her face filling up with anger, afraid he quickly asked: "I really don't know! I was sent here involuntarily..."

"I'm that woman's head... Call me Frida.

"What? But you're completely different!" Bruce said gaping.

Black hands came out of the woman's back, pulling and shaking him. Bruce was already getting dizzy, so he replied, "Sorry!".

"Now I feel better" Said the woman smiling.

"That crazy..." thought Bruce.

"I can read your mind" coughed Frida.

"Enough of the bullshit, I'll tell you who you are soon" Said the woman.

"But I'm just a person who was sent to this place, what's the point of that?" said Bruce.

"The important thing about this is that you are a herald" said Frida and added: "You are in a battle to free your master".

"I'm nobody's servant, I was sent here by whoever, I was practically forced to be here" Bruce said with a certain anger.

"Geez, you really don't know, do you?" said Frida

Bruce hearing those words, slowly scratching his forehead, he opened his mouth and said "I don't know what?"

"Let me give you a hint, do you remember your family's names or your very memorable memories? No, right? Yeah... All people kidnapped from other universes, this happens a lot, all because of a stupid fight to free themselves" said Frida.

Those words attacked Bruce in a way, as if they threw countless knives into his heart." Said Bruce who stopped to think, no matter how much he tried to know the names and his life on earth, he only knew simple things, everything seemed just a blur.

Frida waiting for him to compose himself, looked at him and said "Are you ok?".

"No…I'm really not okay, like I should be okay…" Bruce said sadly.

"Look, this is really all quite impressive, but don't be like that, you just need to be strong enough to get out of his clutches" Frida said smiling.

"Really? I can't even save Alozo, how could I save myself from this situation?" Bruce said waiting for the answer.

"Stop being a child, it's not because you failed once that you have to give up immediately" said Frida.

Bruce was remembering what he said to Alozo, now he saw he was being hypocritical. Since, before, he had told Alozo not to give up, but now... He's the one who wants to give up before trying. Now he composed himself and closed his eyes and said, "True" said Bruce smiling.

Frida smiled back at Bruce

"But, you know what?" asked Frida.

"Which?" Bruce replied not understanding

"So... You know Alozo? What happened to him is just a test, you know?" Frida said laughing a little.

"What?" said Bruce, not understanding, he started to pay more attention

"Well... He's just sleeping, you know? He wasn't really hurt, it was all just a harmless illusion" Frida said rolling her eyes.

"So you're telling me that everything that happened to him is a mere illusion?" Bruce said angrily inside.

"Yes..." said Frida.

"So are you going to tell me now, that where we are is not your mind either? Or maybe say that all that destruction is also a lie? Said Bruce wanting to know everything that could be a possible lie or truth.

"Uhm..." Frida said looking at Bruce.

Frida's arms immediately touched the floor gently, with that touch a door opened. The door is blue as the beautiful sky, Frida immediately called Bruce to that door. As soon as Bruce got close, though suspiciously, he was going to ask Frida about it.

In an instant a light covered Bruce, a light as white as cotton. The whole place was going from distorted to empty, not knowing what was going on. Bruce tried to move, but each time was useless.

"Sorry, but the time is up" said Frida.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sorry for the delay in uploading the chapter.

Sorry if the quality is bad

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