
Eye of universe: The Replicator

The world called Rrihraggard, a place where monsters are common. Bruce, a sixteen year old boy, who had lost everything... family, his home, now he is in a totally unrecognizable space, a totally unusual being appears inside your head through telepathy "you are the chosen one" saying the creature. Bruce, with his new ability will try to survive in this world.

Belador · Fantasie
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22 Chs


Soon after seeing his new status, Bruce started walking towards the purple rabbit.

"I can't waste food, right" Bruce, started looking around to find a sharp stone, after a few seconds he found the perfect stone, but it wasn't sharp enough. Bruce started to sharpen the stone on a stone, which was quite large, soon after he finished, Bruce heard a snore, which was his.

"I'm hungry..." Bruce said embarrassed.

Right after Bruce started pulling the dead rabbit's fur, this was the first time Bruce cut an animal, cutting in a totally disoriented way, if anyone saw how he cut, these people would laugh at how horrible he was.

"How difficult this is," Bruce said irritably.

After finishing, Bruce looked around if there was any branch on the ground, seeing that there was no branch nearby, he was disappointed. But soon recovered, Bruce started to walk, but soon remembered that the rabbit would be left behind.

"What do I do, if I don't get the branches, there won't be a fire" Bruce said, getting ready to go get the branches, but when he looked back he got scared, because it was the shadow of something flying, and that something wasn't little. Bruce thought fast, he hid in the bushes.

"What is this thing?" Bruce thought, he furtively began to visualize what the creature was like.

Getting scared, he saw that it was not normal, the creature looked like a wasp, but it was totally different, the height seemed to be between 60-80cm, similar to the size of a cougar. Bruce was very scared, because the rabbit was one thing, but a wasp... it's dirty right.

The wasp landed on the ground, Bruce began to hope that she wouldn't find him, the wasp started towards him. Bruce was starting to get desperate, but suddenly the wasp stopped, started to change direction. The wasp was heading towards the purple rabbit.

Glad she didn't see me, Bruce thought, but he was sad because rabbit meat was his only food. The wasp started carrying the rabbit meat, she took it and left. This ended the tension Bruce was feeling as he watched the wasp pick up her food, but what if she just didn't want to anymore and headed for him again.

After leaving the bush, Bruce started to think about how he would get more food, but since it was a forest, maybe he could find fruit easily. He started walking in search of fruit, after a few minutes of walking he found a tree that seemed to contain fruit. "But what if they're poisonous?" Bruce said, they might even be succulent, but I would like to know if these fruits were edible, when all of a sudden...

[skill achieved: Appraisal lv 1]

[Appraisal is a skill used to discover information of the target.]

"What is this? I've gained a new skill," Bruce said. Once you have acquired the new skill.

"Appraisal" Bruce disse olhando para o alvo.

[Fruit Durth - It is a consumable fruit]

"That's it? I thought she was going to give me more information, I think that's all she does since the skill is level 1" thought Bruce. Thinking about it, Bruce decided to eat the fruit, because there was no danger of consuming the fruit, when he ate it was sweet, but also acidic, it had a very pleasant taste on the palate.

With no choice, he began to eat the fruits, as if they might run away if he didn't eat soon, consuming each fruit until it filled his stomach. Eventually, he managed to satisfy his hunger, but a message suddenly appeared.

[Your body is quite tired due to high fruit consumption durths]

"But what ?" Bruce thought, he was too tired, he was running out of strength to stay awake. With no other choice, he closed his eyes and lay down.

When he woke up the next day, Bruce was looking around him, he was happy that nothing happened while he was sleeping. Then Bruce went to check his status to see if there were any problems.

"But what ?" Bruce thought, he was too tired, he was running out of strength to stay awake. With no other choice, he closed his eyes and lay down.

When he woke up the next day, Bruce was looking around him, he was happy that nothing happened while he was sleeping. Then Bruce went to check his status to see if there were any problems.

[6 hours have passed]

[Nível 2]

[User: Bruce]

[0/200 EXP]

[HP: 200/200]

[MP: 100/100]

[Race: Human]

[STR: 12]

[VI: 10]

[AGI: 11]

[INT: 11]

[SAB: 7]

[LUK: 8]

[Status Points: 5].

"I think it's okay, in my opinion it doesn't have any status effects like poisoning, but there wasn't any of that. Bruce was glad he didn't have any problems with his body.

Bruce started to look around, he saw that the tree that had taken the fruit was quite big, because of that he used it as a shelter

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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