
Eye of universe: The Replicator

The world called Rrihraggard, a place where monsters are common. Bruce, a sixteen year old boy, who had lost everything... family, his home, now he is in a totally unrecognizable space, a totally unusual being appears inside your head through telepathy "you are the chosen one" saying the creature. Bruce, with his new ability will try to survive in this world.

Belador · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Back to the Gamevul Forest

He began to look in the distance, not knowing exactly what part of the forest he was in, all he could see, it was just more and more trees. But the important thing of all this, it seemed that there was no danger that lurked, all it had was some "normal" animals. So for Bruce it was kind of a guaranteed victory, so all he needs and be careful not to get shot by such creatures.

Although the situation he found himself in was not something so dangerous, he felt he could defend himself now. As long as he can hide, until he can find a way out of that place, he had to stand firm, no matter what happened.

"I'll just use Appraisal on the creatures, so maybe I can know who I'm facing. He looked at a creature that looked fragile, so he quickly used his ability.

[Name: None]

[Level 7]



[Race: Iron Boar]







[ Iron boar is a creature that has consumed a reasonable amount of metal, although they are not very intelligent creatures, this lack of intelligence is solved by their hardened bodies]

"Now Appraisal demonstrates a certain information of who this creature is" said Bruce.

So he was shooting at attacking the Boar, although he wasn't worried, he needed to be on the lookout. Now he was coming down the tree quite slowly, so that the boar wouldn't run, he needed to attack with a surprise element.

He was now on the ground preparing for the stealth attack. Then he remembered that he had forgotten to use his status points again. "Oops my status points, I have to use them to have a higher chance of slaughter" said Bruce.

"Status" Thought Bruce.

[ User:Bruce]

[Level: 10]

[EXP> 0/10,000]

HP: 2,225/2,225

[MP: 955.5/955.5]

[Race: Human]

[STR: 20]

[VI: 18]

[AGI: 19]

[INT: 19]

[SAB: 15]

[LUK: 16]

[Status Points: 50]

"So I'm going to use a lot of my points in INT, since all the skills I have are all mana-based" Bruce thought.

"I will put twenty one points in the INT, of the remaining points I will put a little in SAB. The rest I'll put in STR, VI and AGI.

[ User:Bruce]

[Level: 10]

[EXP: 0/10,000]

HP: 2,300/2,300

[MP: 1,411.5/1,411.5]

[Race: Human]

[STR: 25]

[VI: 23]

[AGI: 23]

[INT: 40]

[SAB: 30]

[LUK: 16]

[Status Points: 0]

"Okay, now I'm really prepared" said Bruce feeling much stronger than before.

He went towards the boar, he was able to sneak through the bushes. Now he was close enough to strike a blow, Bruce was now going to test how his strength really was, so he aimed his hand toward the boar to strike a mana arrow, but he would use the full potential for damage to his ability.


[895.5 damage was dealt]

"Winch!" The boar went to Bruce to attack him, but he was already ready. Soon after, he created a small flame. "Green Flames" thought Bruce was striking a blow that was aimed at the animal's legs.

[259 damage was dealt]

The boar was already badly injured by these consecutive blows, when Bruce was going to dodge the other blow that the Boar was going to inflict, the boar fell to the ground. But soon his whole body began to glow, Bruce finding it strange began to use a reasonable amount of red flames.

[25 damage]

[25 damage]

25 damage was inflicted]

I said, "What?" You thought Bruce thought it was weird. His attacks weren't affecting the boar, so he changed his strategy and then used Appraisal.

[Name: None]

[Level 7]



[Race: Iron Boar]







[ The target is currently hardened, through a defensive ability]

"He's practically out of power, but his defense is gigantic, now I understand the low damage" Thought Bruce. Then he started using his arrow again, using the maximum damage potential.


[626,85 de dano foi causado]

Embora o dano que ele infligiu tenha sido menor, ele viu que realmente a sua habilidade de flecha era mais letal contra o Javali. Então, ele começou a carregar outra, mas o tempo que seria seria menor.


[313,425 damage was dealt]

"It's not long before" Said Bruce seeing that the skill that the boar had used, was over. Now the boar was helpless for any attacks to come against him, so Bruce quickly used his red flame going towards the boar.

[259 damage was dealt]

[279 exp were acquired]

[Additional reward for killing the first Iron Boar, 97 exp received]

[ Minor magic Iron Ore, was received]

[Iron Boar meat was received]

[Iron Boar tusks were received]

"What? Like they were received if I have nothing on hand" thought Bruce. So he stopped to think, "wait... Did I have an inventory this whole time and didn't notice?"

"I-Inventory" Said Bruce closing his eyes, but soon after opened them. An inventory had opened up in front of him, looked like a cashier, but smaller, so he touched it. His entire interior seemed to have increased, but all he saw was only in his mind. Soon after, he stopped playing.

"I really had an inventory this whole time... I'm really pretty dumb" Thought Bruce frowning.

On the creature's side, he soon realized that she was missing, as if she were turning to dust. The unexpected thing was that it turned into little sparks, "is that all that's floating are magical particles" Thought Bruce. But soon all that was gone, along with the boar's body, it seemed that the battle they had just done, had never happened, including all the blood that the boar had lost on the ground, had also disappeared.

"I'll climb the tree again and see how exactly my inventory works" Said Bruce looking back for a few seconds, but had no danger, so he went toward the tree he had climbed before. He just wanted to see how the inventory was organized, all he saw was quickly, so he didn't really know how the inventory was fully working, all Bruce wanted was for it to be simple to understand.

Bruce was now at the top of the tree, although it took a while to climb, it was worth it. Then he sat on a part of the tree and thought again of the inventory, again the same box was in front of him. Soon after, he touched her again seeing everything in detail.

Bruce then saw that the inside of the box was not anything disorganized, but rather quite organized, he saw that the inventory had several parts, functioning as a warehouse, although it was all in his mind, he could feel that he could quickly remove the items, so he went to the part that had the magic iron ore.

[Magic Iron Ore, was successfully removed]

Now the metal was in Bruce's hands, so he again took the metal, and put it back from inventory. The metal was now again in the inventory again, with this, he now had a great important skill at hand.

"Is Alozo okay?" If he asked Bruce hoping he was really okay, but soon he remembered that his master would not be killed easily, so he relaxed a little.

Sorry if the inventory the protagonist has is weird.

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