
Prologue 2: Hunger For Power

Y/N was currently making his way to the hotel named Glass Unicorn. As he was making his way there, he was having a conversation Vinshki.

Vinshki-'I have to say, going through your memories I never could have thought that in humans terms, you mortals were that cruel, even to your own kind.'

'That's life. Nothing ever goes the way we wish it does, people suffer and die, but being in a dream state for eternity will relieve them of that. They'll be given whatever they want.'

Vinshki- 'Hm, your determination is admirable.'


Vinshki- 'Haha! The famous Uchiha grunt huh?'


Y/N continued to run before coming to a halt as he finally sees people. Knowing it'd be better not to drag anyone's attention, he jumps onto a nearby roof and uses Kamui to get to the closest alley near the hotel.

Activating his Sharingan, a swirl appears sucking him in and disappearing from the roof and reappearing in an alleyway. Walking out of it, he makes his way to the hotel, not bothered to distract himself with the people around him.

Vinshki- 'Everytime you use the Sharingan, an unnecessary amount of your aura is being used. You're gonna have to learn how to control and balance it so you don't end up having to waste.'

'I'm sure you'll be helping me with it.'

Vinshki- 'It's only natural and with your potential, you could learn to manipulate your aura however you see fit.'

'That's good, because I'm already coming up with ideas.'

As he opens the door and walks in, he sees a few people look at him then turn away, resuming their conversations. It's expected for someone wearing a mask to gather a few people's attention.

As Y/N was walking, his eyes immediately darted towards the right, above him. There, on the floor above, he saw a black-haired girl with amber eyes, sweeping the floor. He could easily tell she was a fighter, but what made his narrow was the necklace she was wearing.

'That necklace...'

Vinshki- 'It's not just a necklace, but something you humans refer to as a shock collar.'

'I see.'

Vinshki- 'Your not going to act?'

'Let's call this a hunch, but I feel something interesting will happen in the coming days.'

As Y/N inspected her, he could tell she's being starved and it goes without saying that she's suffering from abuse. Y/N noticed two blondes, who were presumably the daughters of the owner of this establishment, were smirking and laughing as they stared at the black haired girl.

Y/N could already tell her situation, she's the step daughter of the owner and being forced to work like this. Although Y/N says he won't do anything, his eyes were twitching as memories were coming back to him.

Taking a deep breath, he continues to walk towards the front desk where he sees the receptionist, who greets him;

"Good Evening, welcome to the Glass Unicorn Hotel, how may I be of assistance."

"I want a room, for the next week." Y/N says as he throws 500 Lien at her.

Her eyes light up as she spoke. "O-of course sir, we already have the best room prepared. Here's the key to the door, the room number is 82."

She tells Y/N this as she points to the second floor on his right, which seems to be just past the girl he was observing before. Nodding in appreciation, Y/N starts walking up the stairs to his room, but as he slowly reached the top, he hears the hotel building's front door open and a man walks inside.

But that wasn't what caught his attention, he noticed that the girl from before had stopped sweeping and was smiling as she saw the man. Y/N quickly connected the dots that he was a huntsman and the girl had some sort of affiliation with him.

Vinshki-'A secret apprentice perhaps?'

'Why do you think that?'

Vinshki- 'If I recall, from the information we were given, a child can be free from their parents when they turn 17 by becoming a huntress in training. She can't simply run away now or her step mother will have the police looking for her.'

'Then it seems the hunter knows of the girls situation and thinks this is the best way to help her.'

Vinshki- 'That's right. Looking at the girl's eyes from when we first laid our eyes on her, she was on a thin line from snapping and letting her emotions run amuck. They were full of hatred and wanted to do nothing more to promise pain.'

'That was before, but now?'

Vinshki- 'She's calmed down, like everything will be fine for her and he must be the source of it.'

As Vishnik said this, Y/N's eyes lingered on the hunter for a little longer before continuing his walk to his room. As he walked past the girl, their eyes landed at each other, amber meeting black.

As Cinder looking at the figures back, who continued walking, she couldn't help but think there was some sort of mutual understanding between them. Shaking her head and not wanting to be punished, she ignores the thought and continues working.


Days went by as Y/N continued to stay in his room and not leave. Food was brought to him by the amber eyed girl, who always looked at him with curiosity when passing him his food.

Y/N decided to stay in a meditating pose and practice his control on aura, which was exceeding the expectations of the Otsutski inside him. The best way for him to practice the control was to enter his consciousness, which looked like a sewer, as time moves slower inside there, than the outside world.

The first time he entered it, he met Vinshki face-to-face. He wasn't surprised to see an almighty being, but the amount of pressure V kept on exerting directly at Y/N, annoyed him. However, Y/N understood that Vinshki was merely doing this so he can get used to it and handle any kind of situation under pressure.

Y/N looked at his hand as it glowed purple, he was concentrating and controlling it for it to only appear on his hand. When someone activates their aura, it appears on their entire self, but Y/N was practicing to make it appear wherever he wished.

"When one has their aura activated and is attacked, they may not feel pain, bleed or have any injury visible on their body, but they still feel the impact, strength and force behind said attack. This is what the past few days training has been leading towards, I'll throw a punch at you and I want you to simply catch it." Vinshki explains to Y/N and instructs him on what to do next.

Y/N nods his head and hold up his palm for the incoming punch. As Vinshki's punch was coming towards him at extreme speed that Y/N's Sharingan needed to be activated, he caught it but his hand was still moved back a couple of inches and slightly grit his teeth but instantly calmed down.

"I'm sure you can understand the entire purpose of this?" Vinshki asked.

Nodding, Y/N spoke. "Simply put, I controlled my aura to a state where I can focus it on a certain part of myself. If I was being punched in the chest, normally I'd be thrown backwards a couple of feet from the impact, but now that you taught me to control my aura, by focusing it on my chest, the most that would happen would be me skidding back a few inches."

"Exactly, you'll be able to withstand incoming attacks. But that's only if you know where they're gonna hit, but it won't work well on surprise attacks, feints or any from the back. That's why you should make sure not to get cocky with this and still rely on having your aura surround your body like everyone else."


Exiting from his consciousness, Y/N put on his scarf and boots, getting ready to leave his room. Leaving he looks around for a certain person, before hiding in the shadows to remain unseen.

Vinshki-'What are you planning to do know?'

'I'll be watching her.'

'Vinshki- What was her name again?'

'What impeccable memory for a god.'

Vinshki- 'Shut up, Cylinder was her name right.'


Vinshki- 'Ah.'

A few hours had passed as Y/N as watching Cinder. Y/N needing to use the toilet, went back to his room but a few minutes after coming out, he sees only the step mom in the lobby. As Y/N was thinking of calling it a day, the two spoiled princesses barged in and came running towards their mother and the straight-haired girl spoke in a loud rushed voice to her. Seeing the grin on the other girl's face, Y/N knew something interesting was finally about to happen.

Vinshki- 'About time, I wonder what'll happen?'

"Mom, come quick, we found something. It's Cinder! She has a weapon!"

"Hmm." Madame hummed before looking at the clock.

Since the clock shows 11:38, Madame follows the girls to Cinder's room as the day was basically over. Y/N, staying unnoticed, followed them into a storage, room, presumably Cinder's and watched as the mother confronted her. She started pressing the button on the remote, which is connected to the shock collar on Cinder's neck. As Cinder grunts in pain, she slowly starts resisting it, to the point where it's not even affecting her.

Vinshki- 'Now where have I seen someone else with the same willpower as her.'

Y/N ignored Vinshki's comment and watched as Cinder approached her mother and backhand her face. In those seconds, Y/N quickly appeared behind the 2 girls, who were in a state of shock and disbelief, used Kamui on them, sucking the two into his dimension and hid back in the shadow, leaving Cinder and Madame alone.

Cinder looks for the girls only to see them gone, thinking that they probably went to get help.

"I'll deal with them later." Cinder muttered under her breath as she approached her step mom.

After minutes of torturing her by delivering blows to the face and breaking her left arm, Cinder picked her up by the neck, while Madame profusely tried to stop her step daughter by pressing the button on the remote in her right hand. However this didn't effect Cinder one bit, as she spoke;

"You're right. Without you I am nothing. But because of you, I am everything."

A crunch is heard, and Madame goes limp, Cinder dropping her body on the floor. A rush a satisfaction and pleasure in knowing her abusive mother is dead flowed through her. Cinder and Y/N hearing someone running towards them, look to see the huntsman named Rhodes had appeared.

"I won't have to run now." Cinder says with a wide-eyed broken smile.

He looks at her sadly, Rhodes responds to her remark. "That's all you'll ever do."

As Rhodes draws his dual maces, Cinder's smile turns to anger.

Vinshki- 'And I thought it was over, if she manages to kill the only person who cares about her, she'll have my respect.'

Y/N nods in agreement before paying attention to the fight in front of him. The two trade blows with each other and as Cinder hops onto Rhodes' back and tries to bring the sword to his throat, only to be blocked with a mace. He uses his Semblance to turn his neck to metal, but Cinder uses her own Semblance to super heat the metal, causing him to yell in pain. Pulling her off his back, he throws her at a shelf, knocking down a small bag, which she picks up.

Rhodes uses his maces to try and shoot at her, but Cinder runs toward him, dodging and blocking every shot. She then throws the bag she had picked up earlier at him, creating a cloud of powder to act as a smoke screen, allowing her to steal his other sword from him. With Cinder now dual wielding, the two continue fighting, when Cinder is able to break Rhodes' Aura, but he was then able to break hers, knocking her to the ground and making her drop her swords right next to her, seeming to be unconscious.

Rhodes then drops his maces and walks over to Cinder, reaching his hand out to her.

'He dropped his guard.'

Vinshki- 'A mistake on his part that he'll have to suffer for.'

Suddenly, her eyes shot open as she picks her swords back up and stabs it straight through the huntsman. Rhodes, with his right hand still out, pats her hair and looks at her sadly. Pulling the swords from him, he falls over now dead. Cinder stood up slowly and breaks her necklace off and turns around, looking up at the moon and sheds a tear with a small smile.

She then goes tense and immediately turns around as she hears clapping and sees a person walk out of the shadow.

"An impressive show you put on." Y/N says as he stops clapping.

"Who the hell are you?!" She yells, raising her swords up in the air.

Putting his hand up, Y/N spoke. "Relax, I'm not here to hurt you. For the past week, you could say you interested me."

"It doesn't matter, your gonna turn me into the authorities."

"I can promise you tha—"

Y/N's words were cut short as cinder rushed at him with her last remaining strength and swung her sword at him, intending to catch him off guard. However this fails as she phases through the masked man. Turning around in shock and confusion she asked;

"What the?!"

"Like I said I won't turn you in. Here, how about a piece offering?"

As Y/N said this, a swirl appears from his only visible eye and Cinder's two step sisters come out unconscious.

"What did you do to them?" Cinder asks.

"Don't tell me you care for them?"

"No, I'm simply asking out of curiosity. I thought they ran to get help before?"

"Well they didn't, but I can tell you this, they're getting what they deserve."


"Look into my eye."

As Y/N said this, he takes off his mask halfway to show his right eye and activates his sharingan. It starts spinning and as she looked into it, everything around her disappeared and instantly something else she never could of imagined happened. She sees her sisters crying and screaming in pain for help as they are continuously being stabbed over and over and over, nailed to a cross.

Taking a step back in shock and fear, "W-what is this?" She asked as she looked back at the masked man.

"They are currently in my world, Tsukuyomi. They're unconscious in the real world but in here, I can do anything to them. However, this is all an illusion, but while it simply being an illusion, they can still feel the pain of them being tormented." Y/N explains.

"B-but that's impossible! A semblance of that calibre would be known all around the world."

"It would, wouldn't it?"

"So, this has been happening for the past 20 minutes?"

"Actually, while it's been 20 minutes in the real world, it's been 10 days here. I can't believe how weak they are, they passed out many times, sucking the fun out of it."

"And why are you showing me this? What do you get out of it?"

"Isn't it obvious, I was like you, being tortured, abused and suffered. Receiving no love."

As Y/N says this, the scene changes to a boy growing and being punished and tortured over and over again. After a few minutes, the scene returns to the step sisters being tortured.

"Was that you?" Cinder asked.

"It was."

"Would you like to try." Y/N asked Cinder and he moved his arm toward the girls.

Seeing a sword appear in both her hands, she walks towards her sisters.

"C-cinder! P-please help us!"

"PLEASE! I can't take anymore! IM SORRY!"

The girls cried out through the pain as they shouted for help and forgiveness from cinder.

"You're sorry." Cinder repeats with a dark smile on her face and chuckles. "Hehe, you don't get to be sorry."

As cinder says this, she starts stabbing the girls in different place and cuts off their hand and legs, which seem to reappear magically.

'I think I'm into love V.'

Y/N says this as he watches Cinder get her revenge on her two remaining abusive, stuck up family.

Vinshki- 'You have my approval, I'd say she's worthy to be your mistress.'

After a day of doing this, Cinder suddenly stops as the world around her distorts and hears a groan.


She looks at Y/N who was wobbling a bit, but then looked around to see her back in her room. Blinking, she looked towards her sisters and see blood leaking out of their noses, then looks at Y/N to see him clutching his eye over his mask and his left hand on the wall as support.

Rushing over to support him, she asks. "Are you alright?!"

"Y-yeah." Slowly regaining his footing and looking up at her, Cinder sees the red eye disappear and becomes black. "I just over did it and uses too much aura."

"Oh..." There was a few moments silence.

Vinshki- 'Awkward.'

Cinder started speaking first. "Thanks for doing this, I appreciate it a lot."

As she said her thanks, she went to pick up her sword and stabbed both her sisters, killing them for good. Breathing a sigh, she looked back at Y/N who asked her a question;

"Now that you've killed your family, what will you plan to do now?"

There was a few seconds of silence when Y/N and Vinshki noticed a look in her eye. It was hunger. Hunger for power.

"I see." Y/N said, catching her attention as she hadn't said nothing. "Cinder, I see that look in your eye, so grow stronger. Gain power. Surprise me in ways I couldn't imagine and I promise, when the time is right, we'll meet again."

As Y/N said this, he activated Kamui and appeared back into his dimension, ignoring the yell to wait from Cinder.

Vinshki- 'Y/N.'

'Yeah.' Y/N responded as he jumped up and sat on a cube.

Vinshki- 'That girl... She'll gain power, not more than us, but more than anyone in this world.'

'I know.'

Vinshki- 'I should also warn you about one more thing.' Vinshki said in a serious tone, making Y/N prepare.

'What is it?'

Vinshki- 'Make sure that when you meet her again... To use protection!'

A few seconds of Y/N mind going blank, he registered what Vinshki said and started shouting at him;

"SERIOUSLY?! I thought you were gonna say something serious?!" As Y/N was screaming his head off with a minor blush, Vinshki was laughing his head off.

'Wait! Your a god, when the hell did you learn to joke?'

A few seconds of no response, Y/N asks the same question again only for him to realise he's being ignored.