
Eye of Ophestalus

I'm lazy but I'll give you this: It's delusions + escapism + nightmares. Unedited. Hallelujah/Amen P.S. Fuck Romance. Bipadi Bopadi Bop

Madras_Mayavi_Zen · Fantasie
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12 Chs


The blade stuck on his skull.

So, I plucked a knife off the counter and sunk it heavily into his fucking heart. A fountain erupted. I pushed it deeper. I pushed it so further in, my fingertips turned bloodless red.

I stood up and stamped on his fucking throat. I heard crunches. So, I stomped even harder until it became soggy.

I took out my penis and rubbed it, until I ejaculated all over his bloody shirt.

Once the post-nut clarity hit me, I sat down on the stool nearby and admired how bloody he was. 

I scratched my underbelly.

I took another knife and plunged it into. his. Fucking. UPWARD-STARING. EYEBALL.