
A Bright day

May get up its Monday morning and you need to be in school my father shouted from the dinning for the upteenth time but as usual i remained right on my bed. Its another Monday to start preparing for the week and trust me Monday is a day i labelled black. Why should it suddenly interrupt the weekend i was enjoying unlike Friday which always usher us into a peaceful mind blowing weekends.

Got ya now get up and go freshen up my dad said snatching the duvet away

Dad you know others will never go unharmed if they should do this i whined while stretching on my bed. I opened my eyes to meet the sun ray penetrating straight into the room and i closed my eyes immediately.

Dad i screamed getting off my bed hastily to catch up with him

You know i don't like the sun rays on my face, i will be sitting in front of my system for long and i don't want the sun ray to add to the amount of light rays this eyes will be recieving today i complained

I know that princess but there is no other way to get you off bed on a Monday morning like this and besides i am officially late for work all thanks to you

Well you can get going i will be fine and sure not to cause troubles today i said giving him a reassuring smile.

Alright what to wear i keep saying to myself i may be rash and acting all boyish but i do love to look good especially after i got to know that i look like my mom. Well i am an only child, my mum is late i can't even recall her looks but people says i am her replica. I was brought up by my dad and have been pampered beyond measures. Yes i got you, i said after finding a nice outfit to go by.

Ava have you seen the list uploaded on the class website Ann asked while picking her nails. The merit list Mr Greg talked about i asked finally looking up from the game i was playing on my phone.

Yes and guess what she added

You know i don't love guessing right i said suddenly sounding uninterested

Alright before you loss interest May came top of the list again and you actually came third the new guy Ashton came second, i cant believe you were looking for a way to get May out of her position and then suddenly that Ashton displaced you from your position Ann said non challantly and i lost it

I threw my phone right at her and it hit her head causing blood to drip down her face

I stood up and walked towards her, are you fucking trying to call me a loser i thundered and she began quiverring. I am the only heiress of my father i get what i want however i want it and the overall first position is just for me she said and left everyone knows how her anger can be intense i thought after she left how did i fucking managed to get her this pissed i asked myself

May i heard my name and turned back to see Ashton running towards me. You look all happy what's the goodnews i asked. Have you checked the class blog he asked. No i haven't infact i don't like involving myself with school related matters during the weekend i said, well the result is out and you came out first. Alright i said and continued walking. Aren't you going to ask who came second. Why should i ask that position is reserved for Ava i said well you guess wrong i came second he said beaming with smiles .

That's a first no one have ever being able to take that position from Ava. Well i did and i will be coming right after you he said. Ok i will be waiting i said and wore my headphone as a sign that i was not longer interested in his discussion.

Princess i am home dad said from the sitting room and i just ignored him. He knew i always wanted him around and yet he still comes home late i thought angrily. After sometimes i heard the sound of door opening and he walked in. I sat down still typing on the computer without looking at him. Come on princess i know i am late and i breached our agreement he said squatting beside me. Dad i had a very important goodnews to share but you came home late you just succeeded in making thia bright day glooming for me i said feigning tears

I am sorry we had a report of armed robbery and i want with my team to see how things were. Promise you will at least call me next time i said playfully pulling his ears. I promise he said and we both laughed. So whats the goodnews he said pulling me with him as we both sat on my bed. I came top again, and my friend came second i said while facing him. You are now friends with Ava he asked looking amused. No i thought i told you about this new boy i met