
Extra of My Own Novel

A/N: This is an original novel. If you liked the novel and want to continue reading, then please read it at the following link. https://www.webnovel.com/book/extra-of-my-own-novel_22343756505850705 _____________________________________ Lucas, a small-time newbie writer, who may or may not have stolen a few key elements from different popular novels in hopes of earning some pocket money. But, it leads to him writing an absolute piece so sh*t that even the website he wrote it in deletes his account. However, opening his eyes, he finds himself in that same novel, and now reality comes to haunt him as his absolute garbage writing becomes his everyday life. Lucas thought he could easily reach his pinnacle with the various cheat items that he knows by being the author of the novel. *Ahem*(spoilers ahead) Plot twist It turns out he is a Demon, a noble at that but the family he belongs to is seen as an eyesore by other noble families. Now, the pressure is on him as he has to grow strong in this sh*t show of a world and also hide his demon identity because if the truth is known not only humans, the whole world will turn against him.

Shridal · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

9: Training Starts!

"Is there something you should be saying about the current situation, Mr. Lucas Ross?"

Came a dark voice of Mr. Han, which had a slightly threatening undertone.

"I'm sorry!"

I barely eeked out through my nervousness, after which the pressure suddenly disappeared. After which, a calm voice entered my ears.


"Kid, you had me worried, you know."

"Just disappearing so suddenly without any prior notice and not replying to my messages."

"I thought you had given up by the way you looked four days ago... But it seems I was wrong."

Slightly smiling, Mr. Han continued, "It seems whatever had happed in the last 4 days changed you for the better."

After hearing that, I felt really warm inside; I also felt a bit stuffy around my Nose.

'Damn! this teenage body filled with hormones must be getting to me.'

However, the next moment this beautiful illusion was totally shattered.

"Also, I believe Punishments are in order, for your behavior for the past four days of ignoring my messages and making fun of my question in class... Ah! How about this? I want you to complete all of your assignments for the term within the next two weeks."


My mouth twitched.

'Muther Fu*ker! Give me back all my sentiments which I was just about to waste on your words!!!'

"Also, If I don't see it on my desk on the third week, I will not allow you to pass my examination."


The twitching continued.

'Is it too hard to ask for some kindness from this world.'

I remember something like this happening in the Novel; I remember the MC taking around a whole god damn week straight without rest to complete the assignment. Although it was in the next term and not this one, you get the point. I will have to spend at least a couple of days without sleep to complete it; if I were the old Lucas, that is. Because right now, I don't know Jack Sh*t and have to start reading from elementary school textbooks!

"Ok you may Leave now."

Exiting the Teachers Faculty Building, I dont know how I got back to my room. My mind was in chaos right now with panic. Panic about what? Panic about not being able to sleep for the next two weeks!

I had so many things to do. I had to learn how to use a sword to protect myself from the vampire who would be vising my room very soon to suck my blood dry. Still, as if that wasn't enough, now I had to start studying all the way from elementary school.

"Fu*k my life."

That's the only thing I could say about my current situation.

'Anyway, First things first, I will have to learn how to wield the sword within the next week. Anything else comes after.'

Currently, I was tight on time. However, I knew the exact way that I could hone myself and get used to my current abilities.


Opening the duffle bag, I took out the throwing knife. After a bit of tinkering around, I finally removed the ring from the handle. Looking at the ring in my hand, I put it in the middle finger of my right hand.

Injecting a bit of mana into the ring, I could feel the vast, nearly endless space in the ring where a single sword sat quietly. I was very surprised by the size of this thing since I hadn't written anything about its limit in the Novel. Getting over my surprise, I took out the sword.

The sword appeared in my hand. The sword looked like a Japanese one but wasn't curved like a Katana. It had a plain black sheath and a black handle. Taking the sword out of its sheath, it was a single-edged sword. The sword's blade was around 70 cm and was pitch black except for the edge and had a groove running throughout its spine, along with the handle and the guard. The sword looked totally badass!

Admiring the sword itself, I thought to myself,

'Is this made out of Adamantium or what?'

Adamantium is one of the best materials that a 3 star Earthling could get a hand on, so expecting this sword to be made out of Adamantium is very reasonable.

Grasping the hilt of the sword with both my hands, I braced myself for what was about to come, and I channeled my mana to the fullest inside the sword while trying to keep my head empty.

After which,


I felt an electric shock running through my body. Not resisting it, I let the electric shock run all throughout my body. It didn't harm me in any way but just made me feel a bit uncomfortable. After roaming throughout my body for a bit, the electric shock shot straight up into my skull.

Like a thunderbolt had just struck me, I felt my mind shut down for a bit.

Waking a few minutes after the blackout, I found myself laying on the floor. The sword I held onto was still within my grasp but at an awkward angle and was uncomfortably close to my Lil brother. I was almost scared half to death as I thought my Lil brother might have been harmed in some way by the sword.

Thankfully That wasn't the case.

'Wait! The Sword technique!'

When I thought so, various memories related to sword techniques flowed into my mind. It didn't cause me any discomfort but instead made me deeply engrossed in it.

After returning to reality from the memories, I put the sword back into the dimensional storage. After which, I immediately stood up, changed my clothes, and exited my dorm.


Standing in front of VR capsule cyber, I panted.

"Hoof, Hoof."

I checked in with my watch. Entering the building, It was filled with many capsules, Like around 1,000,000 of them. Unlike other novels where you had to pay for these services, it was free in my Novel. Though it was free, It didn't mean that the capsules were extremely overpowered. You could only either access the virtual arena or access the private training space, which doubled the time.

I saw an empty capsule not that away from me, so I walked towards it and entered it. After sitting down in that comfortable laid back chair, I closed the door above me. After that, darkness engulfed me for a moment, but soon, I saw a dialogue box before me.


Virtual Battlefield

Private Training Space


I chose the private training option without hesitation. After a short blackout, I found myself in a large training dojo. Looking around, I saw a huge wall filled with all kinds of weapons, from guns to swords to spears to halberd.

Looking around for a bit, I found a sword similar to the one in my storage ring. Picking it up, a brief introduction about the weapon came into my view.



The chokuto ("straight sword") is a straight, single-edged Japanese sword mainly produced before the 9th century. Its basic style is likely derived from similar swords of ancient China. Chokuto were used on foot for stabbing or slashing and were worn hung from the waist. Until the Heian period, such swords were called Tachi.


"Oh! So it is called a Chokuto, huh!"

I thought out loud. Returning to the middle of the dojo, I stood in a quick draw stance and started training the sword technique.


The sword techniques consisted of 151 moves. The first 25 were mostly basic moves like attacking, parrying, and blocking. The next 125 sword movements consisted of various elemental techniques like Wind, Water, Fire, Earth, and Metal. Each had 25 sword movements for them, which, when executed together, could form a special attack or defense.

Wind style pursued the extreme of speed, Water style pursued the extreme of smoothness and flawless movement, Fire style pursued the extreme of Destruction, while the metal style pursued sharpness and killing techniques.

Altogether, the basic movements and the elemental styles came together to 150 sword moves. The last single sword movement was a very special one; from what I saw from the memories, It was just an overhead vertical strike. However, it should not be underestimated as this move required the user to master all the previous 150 sword moves flawlessly. It also required merging all five elemental styles with vitality burning as the catalyst to stop them from conflicting. This was also the same strike that killed a 4-star demon.


After training all night, I exited the capsule with a nauseous feeling.

'Damn! I have to puke'

I thought to myself as I ran towards the restroom next to the VR Capsule room inside the cyber.

*Some Puking Noises Later*

Exiting the restroom, I felt a grumble from my stomach along with a pang of hunger which reminded me that I hadn't eaten anything except for some fast food that I had grabbed while teleporting from planet to planet.

'The Cafeteria shouldn't be too packed right now, should it?'

I thought to myself while I walked towards the Cafeteria.


Entering the Cafeteria, My sense of smell was instantly captured by the almost godly aroma that wafted from the various food on the Buffet table.

I almost felt my demon side take over as I smelt that aroma. So without a second of hesitation, I took the largest plate that was on the Buffet table and piled food upon food until a mountain of food half as tall as I came into view. Seeing my actions, I few staff members let out a chuckle.

Walking with extreme balance, I slowly moved towards a nearby table. I sat down, after which, Like a vacuum cleaner, I emptied all the food on my plate in a matter of minutes. Some students near me stared at me in absolute terror as I ate like a hungry beast.

'Fu*king Hell! This is Soooooo Goooood!'

The food tasted the best I had ever eaten in my life. It was so good that I felt like I would swallow my tongue with the food as well. The meat was cooked at just the right temperature, the vegetables were sprinkled with just the right amount of MSG while the bread was still a bit warm. The rice and noodles were cooked in just the right amount of water such that both of them weren't too soggy and wet. All in all, The original taste of the ingredients were retained while the touch of MSG just boosted the already godly taste. The foodie inside of me was fully satisfied.

Thankfully, It was still very early for many students, so only a few were present at the Cafeteria. Coupled with the fact that I ate very fast, I had caught the attention of only a few nearby students. If it had been a crowded time, the action of me eating a comically large proportion of food would have been a sight to behold.

My eating also reminded me that I am no longer a human as I used to be and am a demon with a superior physique and adaptability.


Exiting the Cafeteria, I returned to my room to get ready for classes. Changing into my Academy Uniform, I looked at the time. I realized that about an hour or so was left before classes.

So, I sat down at my study table and started browsing through watch for study materials all the way from elementary school.

After a bit of browsing, the time to get moving to class came.


Entering the class, I felt that familiar stare of a certain girl with green eyes. Unlike yesterday, she was wearing glasses today.

'Damn! Why is she staring at me more intently today? And what is up with those comically big and round glasses that she is wearing! More importantly, Why does she look cuter today.'

'Noooooo!!! My resolve is weakening! I can't let that happen!'

'Calm down! Calm Down! I can't let my lower body take control of me!'

'Quick, think of her...'

'Buddha once said...'

After great difficulty, I stopped my lower body from taking control of my emotions and sat down in my seat. Opening the various study materials, I started studying like a possessed man, ignoring everything around me. Even the girl's stare didn't faze me one bit. That's how focused I was.


A/N: Please leave some power stones. Comment if you liked the chapter and leave a review if you liked the 'Very Original' Novel and think I should continue writing.


A/N: This is an original novel. If you liked the novel and want to continue reading, then please read it at the following link.
