
Extra Is a Demon Prince

This Book Is Noval WSA 2023 please support ___He led a blissfully easy life as an otaku, immersing himself in a world of anime and manga. But all of that tranquillity shattered when he decided to delve into the comments section of an old novel he had authored, like stepping into a storm of criticism: [ "Why do all these characters have to meet such tragic fates? It's like the author enjoys torturing them!" ] "[The narrative feels lost, like a ship adrift in a sea of confusion. The author should abandon this style."] ["It's like a polished gem among ordinary stones—a shiny book worth exploring."] [He fumbles with storytelling as if words elude him. It's painful to watch. Maybe it's time to put down the pen.] With each comment he read, it was as if a thunderbolt of anger surged through him, raising his blood pressure to a dangerous level, leading to a sudden, unfortunate demise—an ending more befitting a dramatic plot twist than he could have ever imagined. --------------------------------------------------------------- In this strange twist of fate, I found myself reborn within the very world I had created, a surreal experience that held both excitement and disappointment. I had hoped to be the protagonist, the centre of attention, but fate had cast me as a mere extra, a bystander in my narrative. As I lay there, grappling with the irony of my underwhelming life and unfulfilled dreams, a voice echoed through the void. "You have the power to rewrite your story, to erase your regrets." "Who are you? Where can I find you?" "My identity is inconsequential. What matters is this: do you wish to erase your mistakes?" A resounding "yes" emerged from the depths of my being, a chance to rectify my past missteps. "Then, take this opportunity: step into one of your novels, face the challenges, reach the end, and survive." "So, you're telling me to enter my creation?" "Exactly. What's your decision?" "I'm in." Suddenly, a luminous system panel materialized before me, unveiling the path to redemption, an epic journey within the very world of my ____________________________________ That's how our MC will be going to his novel to make things right. he will do anything to survive. ______________________________________________ Hello, friends, this is my first novel and it's inspired by [ The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy ] so the first few chapters might be similar. thank you for your understanding.

Ink_Weaver122 · Fantasie
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25 Chs


Mana Core Ranking:

Unawakened: Those who haven't discovered magic within themselves.

Novice: Individuals with a basic connection to magic, but limited control.

Elementalist: People attuned to a specific element, like fire or water.

Wizard: Skilled magic users proficient in a range of spells.

Archmage: Masters of magic, capable of powerful and complex spells.

Celestial Mage: Magic wielders who draw energy from the stars and skies.

Ethereal Mage: Experts in multiple magical fields, bending reality.

Mana Sage: Legendary beings who reshape reality using mana.

Use of Mana:

Mana is the life force of your fantasy world, an invisible energy that flows through everything. People with awakened cores can harness mana for various purposes:

Spellcasting: By channeling mana, mages can cast spells for offence, defence, healing, and more.

Enchantment: Mana allows artisans to imbue objects with magical properties.

Enhancement: Warriors use mana to boost their strength, speed, and senses in battle.

Creation: Skilled mages can conjure simple objects using mana.

Communication: Some use mana to send messages across distances.

Protection: Mana barriers shield against physical and magical harm.

Alchemy: Mana helps alchemists transmute substances and create potions.

Reality Shaping: The most powerful can reshape reality itself, bending nature to its will.

Monster Ranking:

Mana-Touched Creatures: Animals with a touch of mana, showing minor changes like faster speed or tougher hide. Found in various regions.

Dungeon Crawlers: Small creatures affected by dungeon mana, living in caves and tunnels, sometimes showing small magic traits.

Mountain Guardians: Beasts in the mountains changed by mana, often tougher and with adaptations for high altitudes.

Dangerous Monster Ranking:

Magma Fiends: Born from volcanic mana, these creatures wield fiery power and roam mountainous areas.

Spectral Haunters: Eerie creatures formed from mana-rich locations, possessing limited ghostly magic.

Dungeon Lords: The most fearsome monsters within dungeons, wielding potent magic and ruling over other creatures.

Monster mana core ranking

mana core ranking for monsters, ranked from lowest to highest:

Untouched Essence: Basic connection to primal mana.

Vital Flow: Slightly enhanced life force, granting minor abilities.

Elemental Nexus: Affinity for a single elemental power.

Arcane Enigma: Holds magical energy for basic spellcasting.

Wild Conduit: Mastered control over natural energies.

Cosmic Harmonizer: Manipulates celestial forces for advanced magic.

Ethereal Channeler: Wields multiple magic types with finesse.

Chaos Emissary: Commands chaotic energies, altering reality.

These mana cores for monsters will help you create a diverse range of magical creatures in your fantasy world.