
Extra Is a Demon Prince

This Book Is Noval WSA 2023 please support ___He led a blissfully easy life as an otaku, immersing himself in a world of anime and manga. But all of that tranquillity shattered when he decided to delve into the comments section of an old novel he had authored, like stepping into a storm of criticism: [ "Why do all these characters have to meet such tragic fates? It's like the author enjoys torturing them!" ] "[The narrative feels lost, like a ship adrift in a sea of confusion. The author should abandon this style."] ["It's like a polished gem among ordinary stones—a shiny book worth exploring."] [He fumbles with storytelling as if words elude him. It's painful to watch. Maybe it's time to put down the pen.] With each comment he read, it was as if a thunderbolt of anger surged through him, raising his blood pressure to a dangerous level, leading to a sudden, unfortunate demise—an ending more befitting a dramatic plot twist than he could have ever imagined. --------------------------------------------------------------- In this strange twist of fate, I found myself reborn within the very world I had created, a surreal experience that held both excitement and disappointment. I had hoped to be the protagonist, the centre of attention, but fate had cast me as a mere extra, a bystander in my narrative. As I lay there, grappling with the irony of my underwhelming life and unfulfilled dreams, a voice echoed through the void. "You have the power to rewrite your story, to erase your regrets." "Who are you? Where can I find you?" "My identity is inconsequential. What matters is this: do you wish to erase your mistakes?" A resounding "yes" emerged from the depths of my being, a chance to rectify my past missteps. "Then, take this opportunity: step into one of your novels, face the challenges, reach the end, and survive." "So, you're telling me to enter my creation?" "Exactly. What's your decision?" "I'm in." Suddenly, a luminous system panel materialized before me, unveiling the path to redemption, an epic journey within the very world of my ____________________________________ That's how our MC will be going to his novel to make things right. he will do anything to survive. ______________________________________________ Hello, friends, this is my first novel and it's inspired by [ The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy ] so the first few chapters might be similar. thank you for your understanding.

Ink_Weaver122 · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Found him And the Imperial palace

Here I was wondering if I could escape from Sara Hart the princess of the Helixa empire.

The answer is no.

What should I do in this situation? Tell her a lie or something else.

Let's lie This time.

"Princess Sara thank you for looking for me."

She stared at me. As I said lying is the best option. A few seconds have passed neither of us is taking just a starting at the other. In the background lieutenant, Neol awkwardly stood there with the sword In his hand.

Is he going to attack me with that? I better be careful.

"I was worried about you. I'm sorry for the inconvenience I caused for not being able to be with you."

What is she talking about? In the first place, I won't be with her for my safety that's why I ran away. Look like she misunderstood that I lost.

"It's okay Princess You have been in the demon palace for a long period so I know that you want to go home in a hurry."

"But that's not an excuse for you to lost in the capital like that on my watch. "

"It's ok really. "

"But ok fine."

"Princess but I have one question. How do you know that I am here in this dark ally? "

"Oh, I ask one of the main I mat in the imperial market. "

That bastard I should have been more careful about it. I swear if I met him again I would beat him to death.

"Ohh I see I want to hanks that man personally. "

"Princess we have to go it's getting dark here and I think that if we West any more time here we will be in danger "

Ok, let her if we don't I don't know what my half-brother does maybe send his people to kill us here.

Oyee is there now to want my opinion on my matters. It's one of the reasons I don't want to go palace. I don't like anyone ordering me. Maybe I'm now a demon prince body that's why I think I felt like this.

If I want to escape from here now is the time.

U-um princess, can you hear me for a moment?

Hearing my voice she turned towards me raising her brow in question.

"What is Kali we don't have much time so hurry up. "

"It's just that Princess I don't think I can go with you to the palace."

I answered in my calmest voice despite my beating heart.

She was just stunned there believe not what have I said.


She is shouting like crazy. I don't she takes that personally and shouts out like this. She's just lost control of her emotions.

I'm not the only one surprised by Liquitent Neol also seems to not believe that the calm and collets princess lost herself.

Letting in a deep breath and letting out I answer her.

It's just that the people in the palace may think that I am using you so that I can have an easy life there.

Perfect excuse on the spot with this I can go my way and she hers. Literally man I'm a genius.

Nothing like that going to happen If anything like that happens I will personally kill them on the spot.

Maybe I am not a genius. She is really scared now just like that in camp she switches her personally any time she wants to.

Look like I don't have any excuses. I just have to brace myself and go to Tigers Den I mean go to the Imperial Palace.

"Ok, princess as you wish I'll go with you."

"Good now let's go. "

Saying that she took my hands in hers and marched forward.

"P-princess what are you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean my hands."

"Oh don't worry about it I took your hands so you can't get lost like earlier. "

Oh shit, I was going to escape one more time if I get the chance.

Let's all leave to the fait for a moment.

With that, we departed to place with a blush on my face nearly making all red.


It's been a while since we started going directly to the palace Sara still holding me like she is my mom. Luitent who is ahead of me and Princess still looking at me holding Princess wants to ask why Princess holding my hand but after one look at her s, he is glaring at Noeal not asking anything.

The second thing is that my face is blushing like crazy it's all because of teenage hormones. What can I say I was never in a relationship with a woman in my past life. So it's my first time holding hands with a girl.

While I was wondering what my past life was a loser. We reached near to the main entrance of the palaces.

"Lieutenant Neol was in front of us and spoke bringing in reality. "

Princess, we are about to reach the entrance.

"Yes, I also can see that."

Looking at her she seems to not be in the mood to talk to anyone. Well, I also have my problem, Don't think about it or anything else Kali you are also going to your death door.

We approach two guards who stand in front of us. As soon as we reached the shout at the same time.

"Halt who are you and what is your business here?"

Lieutenant Neol who is in front of me said in knight mode.

"I'm Lieutenant Neol, commander of the 9th Platoon, 1st Company, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Imperial Corps. Here's my bach. And the girl you're seeing right now is Imperial Highness the First Princess. Oh, and the boy is with Imperial Highness the First Princess."

"You mean Princess is alive?"

"How dare you say such a thing in front of the Imperial Highness."

"I-im-very so sorry sir I was just shocked. "

Look like this going to take a while. Yareyare.

Sara who was listening conversation spoke first time in a cold voice.

"You go announce to everyone that I'm alive and return to place. "

"Y-yes your Highness"

"And you open the get so we can enter."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Oh, would you look at that I don't have to worry about anything as long as I'm with Sara?

Gate open I entered with Sara, still hand in hand. Gurd steering at the I was holding with Princess, if not for earlier I'm sure I have been in prison in no time.

As I entered stood in front of my large castle It can easily compared to the demon castle in demon realms. Large environment, gurden, fountain and it looks like the entire wall is gold. Man, I didn't even write that much detail about this.

Sara, who is my expression smile for the first time?

"It's beautiful Is it?"

Turning Toward her all I can do is nod my head.

"Yes it's beautiful"

In the hallway of the castle, all types of portray are I'm just turning my head here and there taking new experiences.

As we were about to enter the main hall the maid who was there rushed toward us she spoke in during

"p-Princess His Majesty know that you have provided but it's so late and he said he will hear everything in the morning "

What kind of father he is not even taking the time to see how his daughter doing it.

As I'm about to rush office of the emperor Sara tightly holds my hand.

Turning to her all I could see was that her hair is lowered and she is not talking about anything.

As silence continued she opened her mouth and

"It's fine it's already too late I will meet him in the morning and please show Kalikali the guest room"

That she said. I don't have time to say anything. She just left my hand and turned around.

Sir please this way I'll show you the guest room.

Looking at her back I know that she doesn't want to talk to me right now.

"Alright lead the way."

With that, I started walking toward the guest room.


Sara POV

It's been a long day and I also want to rest right now.

Escaping from demon castle, searching for a kali in the capital market, and now this. I'm tired right now.

"Looking at his distant back I just hope nothing happens to him."

Princess, what is your order for me?

The lieutenant who was silent now spoke.

"Just rest you're retired for tonight "

"Hai, Your Highness."

With that, he went.

Now I'm alone. I want to meet Father but I can't. My half-brother already knows that I'm alive and I'm in the castle. So for now he can't do anything for time being. Tomorrow I'll have an audience with Father and I know that he will be thereto.

Knowing that I'm safe for the time being I'll be able to have my first sleep in a long time.

With that, I headed toward my room.

It's in the main castle and from there I can see the centre of the capital.

With that, I entered the room.

It's still the same. They completed cleaning my room just now. I just want to sleep. With that roll on the bed. Closing her eyes just to sleep in a few seconds shows how tired she is.

Now one noticed in her sleep that a tear rolled over her pretty face as she muttered.

I miss you, Mother.

Not that she knows.