
Extra in The Student Council

[This is a work of fiction, The characters, organizations, and names are fictional and have no real relation to any real people, it's all a coincidence] [The image above wasn't mine, if the owner doesn't want me to use it, please let me know] [English isn't my mother language so grammar is suck. I used tool to help me correct my grammar as I don't have editor nor the fund for one] [Everything except for the MC belonged to their creator]

Lhometo · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

12. I was just reminded of something stupid.

Extra in the Student Council

12. I was just reminded of something stupid.

Shuu had entered elementary school. But his life was no different than before. Even after he managed to complete and master basic combat. The next training session was waiting for him. The same happened with his studies.

As for his life in school, it wasn't any more interesting either. He made a few superficial friends. Why? Because it's necessary. They say a stick that stands out got hammered, no? To prevent that situation, Shuu made friends in school.

It's much simpler than handling things once those brats start to make noise. Shuu is more afraid of what he would do to them if they made a case.

Well, in the end, making friends wasn't that useful because, as he grew older, the things he had to do increased, and he didn't have any more time to care about them.

(Could this still be called education?) How many times had Shuu asked himself that question?.Still, the one making it harder was actually Shuu himself, so he couldn't complain about it.

Shuu's modus operandi was simple; he didn't want to be hall-assed anymore, he wanted to master any skill he tried his hand at, to the point where it satisfied him.

Then, the next question would be to what level Shuu could be satisfied. After all, even a lifetime wouldn't be enough to master one, and Shuu knew it too. So he set a limit for himself. It was to the point where even if he was left with nothing, he could still survive and pick himself back up with that skill. In other words, mastered enough to make money with that skill.

However, even with Shuu, who in his past life had a mature mental age, it wasn't easy, If it were easy, he could just do it in his previous life and wouldn't feel this deep attachment to not being hall-assed in this life.

Yet there was another matter that pushed Shuu even more; whether it was a coincidence or not, Shuu didn't know.

Strangely, Shuu's parents kept asking Shuu to try his hands on many things, like one day when his mother, Aoi, said she wanted to try coffee made by Shuu. So Shuu learned how to brew it deliciously. Ren wasn't that different either. One day, he came and told Shuu, "Why don't you try Kendo or traditional martial arts?" So Shuu started training in that.

It made Shuu unable to stop, and he kept increasing the list of things he had to do even after he finished some. The rate of increase was bigger than the rate of mastery of the said skill, so it keeps increasing without any limit in sight. Sometimes Shuu thought that his parents were really sadists. (Normally, wouldn't you encourage your child not to overwork themselves?) Shuu complained.

Then, Shuu also went and learned how to play the piano by his own choice to relieve his stress. Why Piano? Shuu sometimes listened to Chika training her piano, which somehow rejuvenated him. Unlike the other skill he tried to master, he only played piano for fun, so there's almost no pressure on it.

And in his fourth year in elementary school, Shuu joined the piano competition along with Chika. He thought that even if he was unable to win against Chika, he might be able to get the second or third position. But because of Katsuragi's house motto not to stand out, Shuu was unable to show his full power and stayed at ranking six or seven instead.

It was the same as the other skill he learned; even after he mastered it enough to be comparable to adults, Shuu wasn't able to show it off. to prevent him from standing out. It feels like you spend your time grinding your skills to level up, but there's no reward for your hard work. the same as that gacha game Shuu played before he spent weeks or even months to reach level 60 just to be rewarded with two pulls on standard gacha...

Are you retarded?!

Anyway, Shuu always thought there were two regrets deep inside him. One, he should never do any shoddy or imperfect work. Two, were not to disappoint his parents.

Shuu wasn't wrong about that, but at the same time, he also wasn't technically right about it.

There's the third thing; it's just that Shuu never realized it. The last one is that he subconsciously felt guilty about his parents; it was also one of the reasons why Shuu never rejected his parents.

With that said, Shuu's life didn't change much, and before long he graduated from elementary school and continued to middle school, still at Shuchi'in Academy. However, even in this new environment, there's nothing to change in Shuu's life;

Lately, he even stayed up late to have more time. Shuu even wondered when his life would change. Will it even change? Many times, Shuu wanted to give up. but once he did that, the last few years of grueling experience would amount to nothing.

It was until his second year of middle school,

Shuu who rarely went to his parents' room, yet that day he came knocking on their door and wanted to discuss something with them, However, they were didn't answer. Shuu entered and came looking for them. It's rare for even her mother, Aoi, not to be there without saying anything.

When Shuu was looking around, he accidentally touched something and made a mess on the table beside their bed. When he picked it up to tidy it, a book caught his attention.

"Diary of Our Child" was written on the cover.

Then, the next thing Shuu knew, he joined a troupe—a theatrical company called.... Lalalie Theatrical Company.


The fifth member of Shuchi'in Academy's student council is The Treasurer Ishigami Yuu.

Ishigami Yuu is an expert at analyzing and processing data. Not long after he entered high school, Miyuki personally scouted him to join the ranks of student council, despite being a first-year. It just shows how talented he is. He generally took his work home and only showed his face when there was a meeting or required event. Nevertheless, he is still a full-fledged member of the Shuchi'in student council.

And today… Unlike usual, when he just dropped the work he did before leaving, he had another serious matter to discuss! He chose the perfect time when he could speak to the president one-on-one.

"I want to quit the student council...." Yuu said it with a lifeless face.

"I see. you're resigning…" Miyuki brought Yuu to sit on the couch while he processed his words for a moment.


Miyuki bowed to Yuu without minding any dignity. "Anything but that! The student council will collapse without you! I'm begging you!"


"Why do you just want to quit all of a sudden...?" Miyuki asked panicked.

"It's not like I just suddenly felt like quitting," Yuu replied as he became gloomier. "I do have a reason for that."

"And that reason?" Miyuki asked

"I think.... I'm going to get killed," Yuu said, literally crying tears.

"Kill–!" before Miyuki could express his surprise.

"I think Shinomiya-senpai is going to kill me." Yuu continued, and it blew Miyuki's mind.


"Hmm? Where's Kaguya-san?" Chika asked when she didn't find Kaguya around the drama club room.

"It might be better if we do it like this…." Shuu was giving his opinion to the club members: "You're right!" One member replied, "What do you guys think?" He asked the other members, "I think it's good; we could immediately make that small change." The others responded positively.

After Shuu was done, he went to Chika. "Shinomiya went back to the student council room. She wanted to talk about the drama club's budget.

"Then let's go too." Chika quickly moved, thinking about shocking Miyuki.

"Chika wait," Shuu called, then he suggested, "Do you want to play a prank?"

Shuu walked through the single corridor toward the student council room with Chika in his hands, acting dead. As Shuu walked the corridor…..



#Boku no naka ni…..#

#Dare ga iru no….?#

Shuu quickly shook his head to erase that BGM song from his mind.

"What's the matter?" Chika pulled her head back and investigated Shuu's strange behavior.

"Nothing," Shuu replied with a wry smile. "I was just reminded of something stupid."

"Get ready; we're almost there." Shuu changed the topic.

The moment Shuu entered, carrying the dead ? Chika "Shinomiya Kaguya! How dare you kill Chika!?" Shuu shouted with emotion as a stream of tears could be seen on his face.

"I KNEW IT!" Miyuki shouted in surprise.

"I won't forgive–!" Shuu was about to continue his act, but his brain caught up "Eh?" It was Shuu who was surprised to hear Miyuki's reply. "What's happened??"

"What do you mean, you 'Knew It'!?" Kaguya complained, "That's just special make-up!"

"Right…." Miyuki realized just how absurd his words were before a devil started whispering to him, "No, this is also a trap. Katsuragi-senpai sometimes exchanges glances with Shinomiya-senpai. They must be accomplices," Ishigami said.

Now that Miyuki is able to think calmly, "Treasurer Ishigami…., you're always too paranoid. Have faith in your friends, okay?"

"Have faith…." Ishigami was thinking about the president's words.

"Ishigami-kun, I'm really glad you haven't told anyone about that incident." Kaguya came to him with a warm smile. "It's great how you're able to keep secrets, but if you tell anyone... " With her toy knife and a pretty smile on her face, Kaguya thrust the knife on Yuu's chest, saying, "Then it won't be a toy anymore."

"Also, please don't cause any trouble for the president, I'd rather you didn't mention quitting anymore."

That moment, Yuu felt chills all over his body (she was listening this entire time…?) a doubt creeped up on his mind.

Shuu, the one who observed their entire conversation, came toward Yuu and put his hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, Ishigami," he said, quickly attracting Yuu's attention.

"Katsuragi-senpai…" Yuu stared at Shuu, hoping for assistance, but...

"I'll introduce you to a good physiatrist later." Shuu smiled, amused. "In the worst-case scenario, I knew a good place to rest for eternity."

Result of today's battle: (Due to failing to resign,) Ishigami's loss


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