
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

GarudaTranslation · Anime und Comics
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581 Chs

Chapter 408 This is too weak

This fishman with a height of nearly 80 meters directly punched the head of the lantern fish that wanted to eat the Sunny.

Immediately behind them, a tattered ghost ship-like pirate ship emerged from the dark deep sea. There is no coating on the ship, and a string of characters is printed on the sail.

Flying Dutchman.

No matter from the name or the degree of damage to the hull, it can be seen that this is the same ship that was cursed hundreds of years ago.

Unexpectedly, Straw Hat Crew just came to the deep sea and met this rumored ghost ship, which is really unexpected.

There are widespread rumors about this ghost ship all over the world. Many people thought it was a legend, but they did not expect it to be true.

And the ship is still sailing in the deep sea, but the captain has become the ninth descendant of Van Der Decken.

Seeing that the Straw Hat Pirates and the Pirates are going to fight.

But at this moment, the underwater volcano suddenly erupted, and the battle turned directly into an escape.

In order to avoid the seamounts behind, the Sunny dived toward the dark cracks on the seabed, and after an unknown amount of time, a ray of light appeared in the darkness.

The Thousand Sunny landed on the seabed, and what attracted everyone's attention is an island wrapped in bubble wrap in the shape of a gourd.

The dazzling sunlight shone from directly above the island.

There is no doubt that this is the legendary The Fishman Island.

People all over the world watched the scene in the video with wide-eyed eyes.

This is really amazing.

Unexpectedly, in this dark deep sea, there is such a magical place.

Simply a miracle.

The originally desolate and dead deep sea is still full of magic in this light, and the whole island is full of colorful colors.

At this time, people suddenly realized the importance of sunlight and why the fishmans were so eager for sunlight and wanted to live on land.

In the dark deep sea, sunshine represents life!

But before Luffy and the others could appreciate the beauty of the seabed, a group of sea beasts soon swam towards them, and what is even more surprising is that these behemoths fishman riding on it.

The man who claims to be the new Fishmen Pirates asks Luffy if they'd like to join them.

Hearing the new fish-man pirates, people couldn't help laughing, which is too coincidental.

First the Flying Pirates, and then the New Fish-Man Pirates, Straw Hat Crew had just arrived at The Fishman Island, and had already met all of them.

The Straw Hat Crew didn't want to fight them in their home turf, so a blast of wind cannons rammed the Thousand Sunny into the air-filled The Fishman Island.

The Fishman Island is surrounded by air film, in the deep sea, the island is full of air, living here is like living on land.

They who entered The Fishman Island also temporarily got rid of the new fish men pirates.

And following the vision of Straw Hat Crew, people also saw the scene on The Fishman Island.

There are houses everywhere, all kinds of fishmans live on the streets, shops, roads... are scattered, if you don't entangle these architectural styles and decorations that are different from the human living environment.

This is like a human city.

And since it's in the sea, it's even more dreamy.

Add in the beautiful mermaids frolicking in the bay and it's like paradise.

If it is said that The Fishman Island is just an unknown and mysterious place for them before, and at the same time it is a place with fear of the deep sea.

So now this place is completely a dream land that only appears in dreams or fairy tales.


People follow the action of Straw Hat Crew to enjoy the rare view.

In the process, there is an accident, that is, Mrs. Shyarly, the famous fortune-teller of The Fishman Island, predicted that Luffy would destroy the country.

She is a well-known fortune teller, and the word spread immediately.

And the pirate who was caught by Luffy and the others on the Sunny ship also escaped when they broke into The Fishman Island. After arriving here, this guy began to secretly capture the mermaids and wanted to sell them for money.

The disappearance of a large number of mermaids has caused panic, and even the mermaid prince and the others have been brought in to investigate the truth of the matter.

Suddenly Straw Hat Crew became the target.

At this time, Straw Hat Crew save a shark from the belly of the octopus because of the previous battle with the octopus sea beast, and this shark is Princess Shirahoshi's pet Megallo.

So Straw Hat Crew got Neptune's banquet, and it was Neptune who went to pick them up for the banquet.

Neptune, who didn't know what happened on The Fishman Island, brought Straw Hat Crew to Ryugu Castle, and is about to ask Princess Shirahoshi to come over to thank the benefactor who saved Megallo.

But when he learned that another accident happened in Ryugu Castle while he was away, Neptune is furious.

Just when Straw Hat Crew confused and didn't know what is going on, what they didn't notice is that Luffy started his own adventure in Ryugu Palace at this time.

During his expedition, he smelled the food and came to Princess Shirahoshi's hard-shell tower.

Although this is the princess's room, the outside is indeed a mess, with weapons everywhere outside the door and on the walls.

As soon as the screen turned, a dilapidated ship appeared in the image, which is the Flying Pirates who had just almost fought the Straw Hat Crew.

they saw a four-legged fishman holding an axe in his hand.

Talk to the giant bald fishman.

"Hey, haven't you gotten a reply yet? Did Princess Shirahoshi reply?""

"Captain, I haven't received a reply yet," said the bald fishman."

Hearing his words, people suddenly realized that this four-legged fishman is the legendary Van Der Decken, and it is he who cooperated with Hody Jones to get Poseidon.

"I've been waiting for a reply for a few years?" Van Der Decken asked.

"Huh? It's been about ten years. But it hasn't come yet, it's probably coming soon." The bald fishman said, looking up into the distance.

Van der Deaken said angrily: "All this is done by Neptune of Damn it! He did not accept my proposal, The best proof is that he had kept the Princess in the tower for ten years! What a pity! We are in love with each other! Give her an axe with a rose pattern today."

Speaking of which, Van Der Decken threw the axe in his hand at will, the axe flew several times in the air, then stopped in surprise, reversed the direction and flew away.

Van der Deaken smiled morbidly: "Princess Shirahoshi! No matter how long i wander around the vast ocean floor, i will never find a woman as big and beautiful as you! If it is possible for us to be together then there is no problem! But if we can't be together, and then I'll kill you! Shirahoshi! Are you going to swear my love or die?!"

People who saw this scene immediately understood where the famage and weapons outside Shirahoshi's room came from.

It turned out to be caused by this guy Van Der Decken.

Originally heard what Van Der Decken said before, about politics, getting married, and being locked up in a tower for ten years. They thought that this guy and Shirahoshi were in love with each other. Locked up and not allowed to meet.

As a result, they saw that Van Der Decken gave Shirahoshi a gift, an axe. No one would give something like this to someone they like.

Thinking of the scene outside the house and Neptune's anger, people immediately understood what was going on.

This guy found out the truth that Shirahoshi is Poseidon ten years ago, so he wanted to get Shirahoshi ten years ago, but was stopped by Neptune, so this guy kept giving these "gifts"

Neptune had to let Shirahoshi hide in that hard-shell tower for his daughter's safety.

What a lunatic, to throw these things like a day for ten years, and also call it love and mutual affection, this is so sick.

Shirahoshi is pitiful to be targeted by such a lunatic.

And Neptune is even more furious when he saw this scene.

It's this guy, and because of this madman, his daughter Shirahoshi hasn't even dared to leave the room for years.

Every day they don't know when a weapon will fall from the sky.

Every day is at risk.

A girl of Shirahoshi's age should be innocent and carefree, but because of this lunatic, Shirahoshi has been hiding in a hard shell tower for years.

Shirahoshi is only fourteen now, and she spends the rest of her life in that house, which makes his father's heart pierce like a sword.

Van Der Decken!!!

Neptune's eyes were splitting, and the two people he hated most in his life were them.

Hody Jones took away his beloved wife.

And van der Deaken took away his daughter's freedom.

After this incident, they must be eliminated!... Neptune thought while holding his trident.

But what he didn't know is that at this time, because of Luke, Van der Deaken is now lying in bed with a broken bone and is being rescued.

As soon as the video turned to the hard shell tower, Luffy is eating a lot. At this time, because the door was not closed tightly, an axe flew in from the door. It is the axe with a rose pattern just now.

Luffy jumped up and stopped the axe, which also alerted the guards outside the door.

It is learned from the guards outside the door that because of the sudden increase in suspicion of the disappearance of the mermaid Straw Hat Crew, Straw Hat Crew has been arrested for investigation, but their captain Luffy has disappeared.

Because of Luffy's life-saving grace just now, Shirahoshi did not expose Luffy, and even gave him cover.

After knowing that Luffy saved Megalo and saved her, Shirahoshi also felt relieved to Luffy and told him what happened to him. It has been ten years since she could not leave because of Van Der Decken.

Hearing that Shirahoshi had been trapped for ten years and has not left, Luffy, who has always advocated freedom, immediately proposed to take Shirahoshi out to see the outside world.

So Shirahoshi and Luffy hid in Megallo's mouth and slipped out openly.

On the other side, Zoro, Brook and the others who stayed in the hall fought with the Ryugu Palace guards who suddenly wanted to arrest them.

And then... Neptune was caught.

The person watching is speechless.

What is this all about?!

Apparently the Straw Hat Crew just didn't act at all, just got defend out and resisted, and Captain Luffy wasn't there.

As a result, Neptune and the others were caught just like that.

The strength of Neptune and his army is too weak.

Originally, they saw that Shirahoshi was so weak, and he had no way to protect herself.

They also hoped that Neptune, the king, and Neptune's army would come in handy to protect Shirahoshi, the world-destroying Poseidon.

Don't let this power be held hostage by others to do evil.

As a result, Neptune was captured by a few members of the Straw Hat Pirates in a few seconds, and there is no one who could fight them.

With this kind of power, you can protect Shirahoshi?!

Not to mention protecting Shirahoshi, even protecting this country is a problem.

They now understand why the fishmans have been oppressed for so many years.

With such strength, that it is safer in the sea. They even doubt that if Princess Otohime's plan is successful eight years ago, it will not bring any good future to the fishmans.

On the contrary, the fishmans and mermaid who have migrated to the land will give those traffickers and pirates more opportunities.

At that time, it will be the real disaster.

It is the sea that protected them.

And now, what can Neptune, who is so vulnerable, do to protect Shirahoshi and protect Poseidon?

People are starting to worry about the future of the world.


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]
