
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

GarudaTranslation · Anime und Comics
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581 Chs

Chapter 195

The appearance of the blueprint caused people to exclaim. They didn't expect such an important thing to be on Franky, so that no one cared about Franky's situation just now.

On the contrary, the eyes were all taken away by Pluton's blueprint.

Through the live broadcast, people can see that the cover of the top sheet of the stack of paper that Franky took out says PLUTON, which is Pluton blueprint.

Upon seeing this, Five Elders straightened up and stared at the live broadcast.

This is what they want, Pluton's blueprint. With it, the world government can produce Ancient Weapon like Pluton.

As long as they have absolute power in their hands, even if the Revolutionary Army, NEO Marine, and even the whole world turn away from them, they will not be afraid.

If the soft one doesn't work, then the hard one.

Since the plan to slowly annex the world cannot succeed, then use force to deter and conquer.

In any case, they can't let this thing fall into the hands of other people, especially the Revolutionary Army and NEO Marine in their eyes.

They must not be given the same power as them.

At this moment, careerists from all over the world looked at the blueprint in Franky's hands with greedy and longing eyes.

Big Mom stared at the blueprint, not even eating the cake.

Kaido stopped drinking, his eyes fixed on the blueprint drawing.

The eyes under Doflamingo's sunglasses are shining brightly. If he can get this thing, he will be able to upset the world controlled by Tenryuubito, and no longer need to be like a JOKER like he is now.

People all over the world were attracted by the blueprint that contains the power of terror, and they couldn't help but swallow.

Such a terrifying thing is also exposed to the eyes of the world, who will this thing fall into, and what will happen in the future?

People can't help but start worrying about the future.

Only then did they suddenly discover that the participant Luke chose this time is an ordinary person, and can ordinary people have Pluton Blueprints in their hands?

But who is this guy?

How could Iceburg entrust him with the blueprint of this guy?

At this moment, Spandam received a call from Jabra who was going to investigate the whereabouts of Franky's family, and his face changed drastically.

Jabra and they found the whereabouts of Franky's family in the city.

They have now opened and operated a bar in the city.

They learned Franky's current whereabouts from them with some means. It is said that Franky left Water 7 a long time ago and they asked to go to the city to start a business. They have not seen him since that day.

they heard that Franky left to find the shipbuilding materials.

They confirmed this information after verification, Franky never showed up, and the shipbreaking yard has not been in business since then.

And there is a more worrying situation is that Franky disappeared just after the video of the last Buster Call.

They suspected that Franky became vigilant after seeing the blueprint mentioned in the video burned down, and then fled Water 7.

This information shocked Spandam.

It's over!

Everything is over now!

If Franky is not in the Water 7, where is he going to find Franky again?

And if the Revolutionary Army and NEO Marine find Franky first and get the Pluton Blueprint, then he will be killed by Five Elders.

Because Franky would escape because of the phrase he mentioned in the video, the Pluton Blueprint was burned by that fool.

If it weren't for this sentence, Franky would never realize that CP9 was looking for a blueprint, and would not run away.

Spandam's legs softened and fell to the ground, his reputation becoming paler.

What should he do?!

Spandam looked up at Franky in the mid-air live broadcast. The only way now is to know where this guy is now.

"The answer is correct." Luke said, "Tom other apprentice Cutty Flam thought he killed Master Tom, so when Tom was escorted to Enies Lobby by the sea train, Cutty Flam tried to block the sea train with his body. However, he was knocked into the air, and his body was also dilapidated. Fortunately, he was still able to move, so he used the machine to replace the broken part of his body, turning himself into a half robot. After four years, he returned to Water 7 to meet with Iceburg.

And as Iceburg's business grew bigger and bigger, he became more and more noticeable. He worried that he could not keep the Pluton Blueprint when he caught the attention of the World government, so he handed the blueprint drawing to Cutty Flam asked him to leave with the blueprint. Leave Water 7

But Cutty Flam didn't have the same idea as Iceburg. He stayed in the Water Capital under the pseudonym Franky and opened a shipbreaking plant.

Luke's words made Spandam regret a lot. It turned out that Iceburg handed over the blueprint to Franky four years ago.

And he knew the news at the time, when Kalifa reported that a strange guy had come to meet Iceburg, and their relationship was extraordinary.

However, out of prudence and the idea of ​​​​taking a bite to gain wisdom, he did not act rashly, knowing now, he should have taken Franky down in the first place.

Now Franky is nowhere to be found, where is he going to find the Pluton blueprints.

Spandam now only hopes that the next question will give him information on Franky and tell him where he's going to get the guy.

In the live broadcast, Luke continued:

Since "the first eight years Spandam didn't knock the whereabouts of the Pluton blueprints out of Tom's mouth, and Tom was dead. Spandam didn't give up his search for a Pluton Blueprint. Soon, there was a person in Water 7 that attracted the attention of Spandam. This person was named Iceburg. Five years ago, he merged seven shipbuilding companies into one with his excellent shipbuilding technology and outstanding management ability. He became the president of Galley-la, the largest shipyard in Water 7. After Spandam's investigation, he discovers that Iceburg was one of Tom's two apprentices. He suspected that the Pluton Blueprint was in the hands of Iceburg.

6thQuestion: After the last failure, what did Spandam do to get the Pluton blueprint again?

Time limit of one minute, start the time. "

This information shocked people.

Spandam even had his eye on Iceburg five years ago, and he's still doing it.

This is what they didn't expect.

Even Iceburg himself was taken aback.

Although he realized that he should be targeted, otherwise he would not have handed over the blueprint to Franky, but he did not expect to be targeted five years ago.

But after realizing this, Iceburg was instantly horrified.

That is to say, for the past five years, he has been living under the surveillance of the World government.

Then he thought about something that made his back sweat.

That was the first four years Franky came to him, and he gave Franky the blueprints.

And the World government has been eyeing him five years ago, doesn't it mean that his meeting with Franky four years ago has been discovered by Spandam.

They were almost exposed.

Thankfully, however, Spandam was more cautious due to his failure with Mr Tom, so he didn't take a shot at him and Franky when he wasn't sure.

Otherwise he and Franky would have followed in Mr Tom's footsteps.

This made Iceburg feel like he had escaped death, and it was Mr. Tom who was blessing them.

But Iceburg soon returned to the subject. Since Spandam had been eyeing him five years ago, it was impossible for him to have no action for so long, but now he can't see any action.

Iceburg squinted his eyes, maybe not because he didn't act, but he didn't notice when he acted.

And if he has been observing him, then the most likely action is to arrange people around him.

It can be said that undercover is Cipher Pol's old skill. If he guessed correctly, he should have CP9 undercover by his side.

Who is it?

Iceburg looked at the people beside him. There was mainly a secretary beside him, the foreman, who was his confidant.

He doesn't want to suspect them if he can, but if he wants to monitor him, he must arrange someone by his side, so as to have a chance to investigate the whereabouts of the blueprints.

Secretary Kalifa, 5 Foreman: Paulie, Lucci, Kaku, Peepley, Tilestone, which one of them is it?

Iceburg's gaze naturally caught the attention of the foreman and secretary.

They immediately realized what Iceburg had in mind.

They subconsciously do not believe that there will be undercover agents. For so many years, they have been close to each other, like brothers.

But Luke's questions were never in vain, and his words proved correct.

Paulie's face sank, he didn't expect that among them would be an undercover agent sent by Spandam!

This made him a little bit furious. He always regarded them as brothers. He didn't expect that after getting along for so many years, there would be an undercover agent in the brothers who came to harm Mr. Iceburg, and he didn't notice it for so many years.

Who is it?!

Paulie and the others looked around, trying to find out who the traitor was.

However, in the next second, they could easily find out who the traitor was.

Because when everyone in this shipyard was looking around to find the trace of the traitor, three of them didn't respond at all. They looked indifferent and watched the live broadcast very calmly.


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda, support me and read up to ch270 ]
