
Exploration of space; a love story

NexusTV · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Part 2: On the mysterious Planet

Emma and John set off for space with the group after repairing the spacecraft. During the trip, the group was studying a map of newly discovered planets. On the one hand, they were continuing their research.

Emma: "Are there no life forms on any of these planets?"

Adam: "Yes, we have not seen life forms on the planets we have detected so far." John: "But it looks like there is the life form mentioned in the note here. How do you explain this?"

Adam: "We don't know. We need to do more research on this issue."

The group began to make their way to the specified location with the spacecraft. However, when they got close to the planet, they realized that something had gone wrong. The control of the spacecraft had been lost and it was falling uncontrollably at the place where they were going to land.

John: "What's going on here?"

Adam: "I don't know. Something's going wrong."

Emma: "We have to try to stop the spacecraft!"

However, the spacecraft continued to fall uncontrollably to the planet. Eventually, the vehicle was able to land before breaking down. Emma and John found themselves stuck in the vehicle.

John: "Emma, are you okay?"

Emma: "Yes, I'm fine. How are you?"

John: "There are a few injuries but I'm fine. What was that?"

Adam: "I don't know. But we need to find a solution to this as soon as possible."

The group started working to repair the vehicle. However, over time, strange events began to happen. The atmosphere of the planet was gradually changing, and the group was becoming more anxious by the minute.

Adam: "There is something on this planet. But I don't know what it is."

John: "What are we going to do now?"

Emma: "We need to get out of here as soon as possible."

However, just then an image of a strange presence was captured from the vehicle's outside camera. The being looked like a gigantic creature and was approaching towards the spacecraft.

Emma: "What is this?! There really is a life form on this planet!"

Adam: "We need to get out of here right now. Prepare the spacecraft!"

The group quickly repaired the spacecraft and prepared escape plans. However, the creature was continuing to approach towards the spacecraft. With a final move, the group jumped into the spacecraft and began to quickly escape towards space.

John: "What was that? Where did this creature come from?"

Emma: "I don't know. But we need to visit this planet never again."

Adam: "Yes, absolutely. But we need to understand what this creature is. We need to continue our research."

The group continued to travel to other planets by spacecraft. However, what happened on the mysterious planet had a profound effect on everyone. Now they realized that they had to be vigilant about the fact that space travel could be much more dangerous.The spacecraft, after days of traveling, reached another distant planet. It was like a planet full of life again. However, it seemed to have been occupied and abandoned by life forms in the past.

Adam: "What do you think about the state of this planet?"

John: "Something needs to happen here. The fact that life forms were here in the past should be an explanation for the current situation."

Emma: "But what could it be? Is it possible that the people who live here have contracted a disease?"

The man: "Maybe. But we need to do more research to say anything for sure. Come on, let's start the research."

While the group was building the spacecraft, they slowly began to explore the planet. However, they encountered unexpected things at every step. In some places there were traces of creatures, and in some places there were signs and old technologies. All this pointed to the fact that a big war had taken place here in the past.

John: "How dangerous can it be here?"

Emma: "I don't know. But everyone should be on alert. We need to collect more data to understand what is happening here."

Adam: "We have to complete all our research and return to the spacecraft. We need to get to a safe place before we waste any more time here."

However, although the group was prepared, they came under an unexpected attack. In the face of the attack of the creatures, the group put up a tough fight. However, in the face of the number and strength of the creatures, the group remained powerless.

However, although the group was prepared, they came under an unexpected attack. In the face of the attack of the creatures, the group put up a tough fight. However, in the face of the number and strength of the creatures, the group remained powerless.

Emma: "We wouldn't have come here if we had known it would be so difficult."

Adam: "Since we are expected to encounter dangerous situations like this, we must always be prepared."

John: "But what can we do? The number of creatures is too many. Staying here will condemn us to death."

Adam: "We have to make a good plan. If we stay here, we will die. However, we can't get away with fighting either."

As a result of a difficult struggle, the group managed to get rid of the creatures. However, they decided that it didn't make much sense for them to stay here. As we headed towards the spacecraft, the attack of the creatures began again. However, this time the group was more prepared. Using the tactics they had learned in the previous attack, they successfully repelled the creatures. As we ran rapidly towards the spacecraft, the number of creatures was increasing steadily.

Emma: "How long is this going to take?"

John: "I don't know, but whatever happens, we have to get to the spacecraft. We'll be safer there."

Man: "Okay, speed up. There are a lot of creatures and they can come out of anywhere at any time."

The group eventually reached the spacecraft and quickly got into it. As the doors were closing, the creatures began to attack the spacecraft. However, their attacks were repelled thanks to the spacecraft's powerful shields.

Man: "Prepare for departure soon. We need to get out of here."

Emma: "But how can we leave without learning the secret of this planet?"

John: "Right, we need to understand what's happening here. But we can do it safely."

Adam: "Okay, we will complete our research and prepare for takeoff in a safe place. However, it may be dangerous for us to stay here much longer."

The group waited for the spacecraft to prepare for liftoff in a safe place. Meanwhile, they studied the events that happened in the past and tried to solve the secret of the planet. Eventually, they discovered that the planet had been occupied by an alien race in the past and that this race had built a secret laboratory here. However, during their work in the laboratory, they were caught in a virus outbreak and almost all living things perished.

While the spacecraft was moving away from the planet, the group was immersed in thoughts. Emma, Adam and John found themselves in the middle of a dangerous adventure. However, despite everything, their discoveries had taught them many things. They had solved the secret of the planet, and this knowledge would also help them against other dangers they might face on their space journey.