
No home to wreck..

While Intalru guided the raft where Yail Voct pointed he watched as the suns and day moon set.. "slow down and take us to the fallen tree on the left." Yail Voct whispered in a cautious tone. Noticing the tree Intalru's mouth hung open for just a second, it was as if someone took a Giant Sequoia tree and fed it fertilizer and steroids all its life.. It was easily a thousand foot long and almost a hundred foot radius, he couldn't be exactly sure though because as it laid across the swamp the water line seemed to reach halfway up the side of its trunk. "Are you going to tell me what this test is about or am I going in blind?" Intalru asked in a quiet yet accusatory way. "Please child even with my old failing eyes I can see perfectly fine in the dark, so I know you're far from blind... I do not know exactly what the tests are, the God Queen has been whispering them to me as we go." That's creepy.. Intalru thought before changing the question. " Ok well What can you tell me about our 'Inheritance'?"

"It has been a very long time since the last to Inherit died but the stories tell that one bite from those that pass the tests can cure or kill, one breath can alter reality, and they become masters of poison" "is it safe to assume that the powers are listed in order of the tests?, Because I'm almost positive that I have the cure/kill bite right now." "I know not and it is time for you to embark upon the second test." Yail Voct replied before taking the stick from Intalru and pointing to the stump of the broken old tree.

Jumping from the raft Intalru landed on the side of the tree's trunk and began climbing to the top. Once there he stood up and made his way to the stump only to see it was hollow with yet another pitch black hole.. "Hey just letting who ever is in there know, I'm coming down!" Intalru shouted into the hole before waiting a moment to give them ample time to move before jumping in. After Intalru hopped inside he braced himself for the unpleasant phasing feeling of falling through worlds. Instead he landed abruptly on his *ss before sliding down the worlds largest natural waterslide.. As he slid down the massive swirling path that he 'assumed' to be the hollowed out tap root, Intalru raised his hands and began woooing all the way down..

Thud.. "why do I keep landing on my *ss lately.. then again beats landing on my head." Intalru mumbled as he began rubbing his *ss in the dark, A blue light started glowing overhead and Intalru noticed the same moss that grew in his hatching cave. "Hello? is anyone there?" Intalru cupped around his mouth before shouting out to find his 'Test giver'. "we are here.." A loud and jovial old voice popped into Intalru's head, Why does everyone here that isn't a Draconian sound like actors from my past life.. Intalru thought before a gentle laughter filled his mind. "Tell me something will ya kid, do I really sound like this 'Dangerfield' fellow?" "you don't have anything to say about the rest of my thoughts?" Intalru asked aloud still not used to talking with telepaths..

"Don't worry my boy us Myconid's are true neutral down to the mycelium, hahaha! Made myself laugh there.. Anyways you're secret's safe with us." "Us?" As Intalru voiced his question the glow from the moss grew brighter and before his eyes was a small village of.. Mushroom like humanoids. "So what brings a young Draconian to our parts of the swamp?" the Dangerfield voice rang through Intalru's head as a rather large Myconid made its way towards him. "uhm I'm here for you guys to give me the test of inheritance?" Intalru said as he started to have a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"Say what now? Hold on for a second.." As the Myconid turned back to his own people Intalru tried appraising him only to see more skulls and question marks... I should have went with Valiant vision. "You ever try just asking for a name kid? I tell ya people these days never wanna sit down and talk anymore always on the go.. Call me Rodney hehe" ..... ..... "Are you f*ck*ng with me?!?!" Intalru blurted as the old Myconid started shaking with laughter. "Yes and no kid, ya see us Myconids don't really have names so you can just call me Rodney since that's how you think of me."

"okay.. So about the test?" Intalru tried steering the conversation back on track, afraid to think of anything 'Rodney" would find interesting and go off on another tangent. "That's kinda hurtful kid but no worries our tribes apothecary is going to get you set up.. Just keep your claws to yerself she's my granddaughter.." Rodney said the first serious thing yet, before a slender much more human looking Myconid with an obviously feminine outline and bright blue gills beneath the orange cap on her head walked forward.. "Please shut up.." "Ouch! my poor old heart I may die.." Rodney started moaning before his granddaughter spoke up once more "... our species doesn't have hearts.. Just let me get this over with and LEAVE!!!"

Her voice sounds somewhat familiar as well.. Wait! don't think the name noooooo!!!!. "I honestly don't care.." The young female Myconid spoke into his mind while gesturing for Intalru to follow her into a large ring of white and red toadstools.. "Do you mind if I use appraise so I don't stick you with a name in my head?" Intalru asked politely which only resulted in her laughing.. "Go ahead but the old spore was serious we don't have names.." "Appraise"



Race:Myconid (Psylocybe cubensis variant)



Age:3 months


Sub-class: apothecary

Description: Myconid are a highly intelligent humanoid race of fungus.

(Past knowledge)

Description: Myconid are one of the few races of the underdark that lay claim to the 'True neutral' alignment.

Racial tendencies: Like most fungus Myconid have an aversion to sunlight. Most Myconid live in small 'Circles' of twenty or less and tend to spend most of their lives 'Melding' a form of group meditation. During a 'Meld' Myconid release controlled hallucinogenic spores as a way to bring themselves to a higher concious state and explore the imaginative realm. Most scholars have written that there is no real benefit to this state and believe that Myconid use this as a way to pass the time in the bleary underdark that they call home.

Racial talents: Myconid having soft fungal bodies generally shy away from physical altercations and tend to fall toward the path of Druids, mages, and healers, with the odd necromancer to 'sprout up' from time to time. All Myconid have a natural talent in poisons and herbal medicine (most likely due to their fungal biology)


"Huh.. really no name then.." Intalru said as he read the description in his mind. "That's a pretty unique description.. what do you mean by past knowledge?" Sh!t!! I forgot their mind readers.. "Umm apparently I've been reincarnated a few times and when I brought my appraisal skill to level 5 it gave me the option to choose 'Eidetic soul' as a skill upgrade." The young Myconid merely stared at intalru "...." "Did you just use telepathy to be quiet?" "Yes.. you just told me that you lived multiple times how else should I respond?" .... "that's what I said.." the two stared at each other for a moment in silence before the Myconid began 'Speaking' again.. "Sooo who do I sound like? what is she like? how famous was she?" The Myconid asked rapid fire in telepathy. "Amanda Bynes.. she was extremely famous when I was a kid in my most recent life, Very funny and pretty every guy I knew had a crush on her, Beautiful green eyes, perfect smile, great body.." ".. Did you?" As Intalru was describing one of his first celebrity crushes the Myconid leaned closer, then Intalru realized she had green eyes and was smiling shyly... "uh yeah I did." After Intalru answered 'Amanda' the Myconid she shook her head and laughed awkwardly in his mind. "The only thing we share in common is eye color." Well the smile is kinda cute, and you're kinda curvy.. Amanda stood up abruptly. F*ck!! why did I think that! "I'm sorry.. so sorry please don't be upset..."

While Intalru was getting ready to take his second test the young Daphnaie was hot on his trail.. "I wonder if he will even recognize me.. what if he only found my flowers to be beautiful!" If anyone could see her say this they would assume she is being sarcastic, with her pristine pale skin, long slender legs, gracefully thin build, emerald green eyes, and long purple hair the Daphnaie looked like she came straight out of an adult fairytale.. as she talked to herself a fluffy tailed rat chittered at her from the tree tops.. "Leave me alone d*mn*t!!!" Fwoosh.. shlick! silence.. "Great.. now I need to grow a new one." Reaching her hand to a nearby hickory tree she began to grow another javelin before she heard a strange noise, similar to thunder but somehow it also sounded like rocks crushing? Suddenly a MASSIVE snake flew past her laughing maniacally..

"I should be more careful.." the Daphnaie decided to grow multiple javelins this time. After some careful consideration she decided having more range would be a good idea as well and found an old yew tree to grow an ornate short bow and arrows. After securing them to the back of her armor with a nearby vine she walked towards the waters edge, and asked a Lilly pad for a lift..

Yail Voct was sleeping on the raft waiting for Intalru to return when suddenly a beautiful voice sounded behind her. "Are you the brood keeper Yail Voct?" Jumping up Yail Voct was greeted to the sight of a strange creature floating above water. "Are you a swamp siren?" worried she was about to be drowned in the fetid waters below Yail Voct made her way to the far side of the raft while eyeing the strange spirit before her..

The Daphnaie was taken back by the question before she realized that the armor she wore made her completely undistinguishable as a dryad. she lifted her helmet and replied. "No I am a Daphnaie and I was asked to find a Draconian called intalru.." "Under who's order are you here by?" Yail Voct asked concerned that Tiamat thought it was taking to long for Intalru to finish his tests. "A young shaman who claimed to be his sister ASKED me to find him.. I don't take orders" After the confusion was cleared Yail Voct informed the young spirit of his location and politely asked her to wait for him to come back. Seeing no harm in waiting a little longer to see him she agreed and waited silently as she removed the wooden armor she made so as to have a good 'First' impression. As the two sat patiently the Daphnaie realized she was close enough to feel the plant Intalru kept on his neck. Deciding to take a quick peek she used her Mana to connect to the plant and was given a very unpleasant surprise..

Amanda was leaning over Intalru with a strange smile on her face and her Blue gills turned a slight shade of violet. Oh.. not angry.. "nope.. let's start the ritual, sit down and breath deep." As Amanda 'Spoke' she started to release a purplish blue cloud of spores and the world became more vibrant. " I'm going to show you how the 'world' looks through our eyes." Before Intalru could say anything the world began swirling and suddenly he was outside. "Normally I should be trying to trick you into leaving the circle but I know that you know this isn't real so I'm just going to show you what you will be able to do when we're done here.." this time it wasn't the Myconid Amanda speaking but the Amanda Bynes he knew from earth.. "She is very pretty.. you really think I'm similar to her?" Intalru jumped as he realized that the 'real' Amanda was behind him. "You remind me of her yes.." he replied while thinking mushroom Amanda was actually a little curvier in a good way.. "You should learn how to keep your thoughts to yourself.." She sounded a little embarrassed. "Am not!.. You could actually kiss her now instead of a screen though.. it would even feel real." "Is that because your really there and the 'Real' you is an illusion?" Intalru asked the 'human' Amanda before he got thumped by a spongy fist from behind.. "I'm not that desperate to kiss a lizard!" "Hmmm" Intalru hummed as if in thought before turning around and kissing the Myconid on her 'Cheek'. "Sorry but I'm not into illusions." Intalru said while feeling like that was a cool line. The Myconid stood still as he watched her for a reaction not noticing that the 'Human' Amanda was squirming in place looking kind of mad. I did it to myself.. the young Myconid thought, in reality she did change her shape in his eyes and was the Amanda Bynes from earth... Making the illusion Myconid blush so he wouldn't catch on to the trick. "While were here think of something from your world and we can see it like a 'Movie'.." Sounds like a date.. Intalru thought before remembering his thoughts aren't sacred around her. "Sorry I didn't mean it like.." "It's part of the ritual!!!" as the Myconid defended herself they heard a scream from a distance so she cut the trance and... Poof they were back in the cave.

"I'm going in!" The Daphnaie shouted to Yail Voct before jumping on to the fallen tree with a javelin in hand. "Wait he has to do this on his own!!" Yail Voct shouted as the Daphnaie jumped into the stump... "Tiamat I swear I tried to follow your orders.." Yail mumbled hoping the dragon goddess would understand. After the Daphnaie landed in the stump she began sliding down into the dark and screamed in terror and rage.

"Get away from him you fungal hussie!!" A beautiful voice screamed from the slide before a young wild woman with purple hair appeared. "Home wrecker! using your spores to seduce my man before he could lay eyes on my beauty!!" The wild woman stomped towards Intalru and Amanda before a giant mushroom stopped her. "Little lady if you don't cool your heels and apologize to my granddaughter you'll regret it.." An extremely angry voice reverberated through the Daphnaie's head while the mushroom man crossed his arms. "Try me spore brain! you might be a higher level but nature magic, poison, and your spores can't affect me!" The woman took up a fighting stance and pointed her spear at him.

Intalru had no clue as to what was going on so he ran over to defend Rodney. "He might not be able to stop you but I have a few skills that will work!" Intalru willed the javelin to wrap around the woman's wrist and stab into the ground like a shackle.. only to have it revert back to it prior shape the moment he retracted his mana! "You be quiet and let me save you!!" The two began fighting instantly with Intalru on the defensive seeing as he was with out a weapon of his own. "I'm here for a test why are you trying to stop it!" he shouted getting a little angry but wondering why this woman was here in the first place. "She loves you.." Amanda spoke into his mind quietly while trying to search the Daphnaie and his thoughts simultaneously to figure out what's going on. "She is the Daphnaie you saved.." Hearing that Intalru stopped fighting.. Sadly the Daphnaie couldn't hear what Amanda was saying and struck out thinking he would defend himself. Puchi! The javelin pierced Intalru's shoulder, seeing his blood on her spear the young Daphnaie instantly dropped her weapon and began crying. "Why don't you recognize me!! I thought you wanted to see me bloom?" Intalru's legs gave out and he fell to the ground stunned he couldn't even think. The Daphnaie and young Myconid became worried due to his silence and thought he was gravely injured. The two bent over him worried before Amanda raised her hand over his shoulder "Heal!" a light blue glow surrounded his wound as it began to close back not even leaving a scar.

"I'm sorry.." was all Intalru could say or think.

no harems here.. no siree just a couple of kids figuring things out

Sum12hatecreators' thoughts