

Information about the missions given by the webnovel to get prizes in the form of EXP, Fast Pass, Energy Stones and others. To get exp you complete the mission given by the webnovel such as comments, reply to comments, reviews and after completing the mission you can claim on the daily mission. If you want to get 3 likes for exp, I hope you comment on the latest chapter so we can see the comment update. I made this exp book just to provide information and get exp to level up my account, so I don't expect anything here (power stones, like for comments, review and save books in the library). If there are readers who give or support (power stones, like for coment, review and save books in the library) I thank you for their support. Just for information sometimes the latest chapter updates are often late or sometimes don't update.

Hero_MT · Andere
Zu wenig Bewertungen
113 Chs

DAY 66

To get likes (3 likes for exp) you have to comment on the latest chapter so we can see your comments. If you want to get exp, you have to review the novel or fanfic on webnovel at 00.00 - 22.59 (UTC+8). Leave comments and reply to comments and give power stones then you can claim these prizes in webnovel missions.


Suggestion: Use webnovel on google (another search tool) and the webnovel app itself, there the mission of webnovel is different so I use both.


To allocate energy stone to get fast pass: change the reading for female lead stories because male lead stories is not yet available.


Points is a feature designed by webnovel to provide better benefits to readers. To get points you have to read on the webnovel application or follow the events held by webnovel. The use of points is to exchange fast passes or frames at the webnovel application store with the nominal stated in the store and there is a predetermined time (expired date).


*Upgrade missions:

Fire a Bulletag:

Get 5 EXP

Complete Profile:

Get 5 EXP

Add a book to a library for the first time:

Get 5 EXP

Read 3 chapters of a book for the first time: Get 5 EXP

Read 7 chapters of a book for the first time: Get 5 EXP

Purchase Coins once:

Get 5 EXP


*Daily missions:

1. Check-in:

Get 1 Fast Pass (All-works FP)

2. watch the video by clicking at the bottom of the check-in box that says "watch video":

Get 5 EXP

3. Post a review:

Get 5 EXP

4. Post a chapter comment (3 likes for exp) :

Get 5 EXP

5. Post a reply:

Get 5 EXP

6. Gift 2 books:

Get 5 EXP

7. Invite a new friend

Get 5 EXP

8. Vote with Power Stones:

Get 1 Fast Pass (All-works FP)

9. Vote with Energy Stones:

Get 1 Fast Pass (All-works FP)

10. (Old version webnovel before update by watching video in box mission you get 1 Fast Pass. Sometimes reappear after events or when events take place).

*Only validated from Webnovel app version 4.2.0 and above.


Post a comment and obtain more than 2 Likes: Get 15 Exp

Invite a new reader: Get 5 Exp

*Only validated from Webnovel app version 4.10.0 and above. There are many surprise tasks will appear from time to time, you have to check your task page often!



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