
Exodia: Last Encore

(This is the re-uploaded version. I'll do daily uploads here.) (Disclaimer: There are swear words.) A century ago, the world was blessed with special abilities which came from sources in seven spots all across the world, in different continents. Not only this, a new species of monsters came along with the special abilities. The species which hate humanity and want to wipe them off the face of the Earth; Imperi. This entire event was called the Grand Impact. Those blessed with special abilities and superhuman physique were called Streia and those who were Streia and swore to protect people for a profession were called Magi. 8 years ago, East Asia was affected by yet another impact. This one mainly destroyed Tokyo and a few other places in East Asia. This was caused by an entity given the codename of Alpha. Thanks to one Magia, Alpha was stopped and vanished, never to be seen after that day. On that day, Kazuya Shiba's mother was killed. He swore to take revenge on Alpha and attended Interblade Academy as, now, a second-year. At Interblade Academy, his friends stand out more than he does as they are Silver ranked. Meanwhile, Kazuya is... Porcelain ranked?! Even being Porcelain ranked, that does not stop him from killing Imperi and defeating enemies. Will Kazuya be able to achieve his revenge or die trying? (I do not own the cover.)

VoidEX · Urban
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85 Chs

Encore 6 — Right on Time (II)


"We were just in Kyoto, right?"

"It's like a whole different world..."

The three of us each gave an opinion as we entered the dungeon.

It was a cave, lit by azure crystals, beautifully gleaming. There were ice mirrors around, engraved into the floor, wall and ceilings of the cave.

The cave was big enough for a whale to enter.

It was our team's first time inside a dungeon. We knew things about dungeons but have never actually entered one until today.

"You guys should be careful. Seems to be an ice dungeon."

Ms Kin said.

We've now confirmed what affinity the dungeon possesses meaning we can predict what type of monsters will appear.

"Ice... That's not good for me."

Isla said, shivering slightly.

"Why not?"

I asked.

"My Singularity, Sakura Hysteria, is more powerful the warmer it is. Since I summon cherry blossoms, they'll freeze and have no effect here."

Isla explained.

"Well, that's no good, is it?"

Ms Kin muttered.

"Let's go, guys."

Yuichi prompted us.

"Proceed with caution."

The woman warned.

We started to walk further into the cave.

I'm not exactly that worried about the bet I made with the old man since I'm sure we can clear this. Isla's Sakura Hysteria may be out of commission, but she can still use spells.

Ms Kin will help but not significantly. She'll only help seriously if we're in mortal danger.


Yuichi told us.

He sniffed the cold air.

"It's hard to tell but... I smell something slightly warmer than the air in that direction."

Yuichi has a good sense of smell, even among Streia. It must be difficult and painful to be using his sense of smell to detect things. The cold air must be piercing his nose.

As I thought that, Yuichi's nose began bleeding.


Isla ran over to him.

"I'm fine! It's just a nosebleed... I can continue scouting."

"You shouldn't. If you do, you'll do permanent damage to your nose."

I told him.


"I'll do the scouting from now on. It'll be better than having you out of commission."

My friend stared at me before holding his nose.


"They're here."

Ms Kin, who was creating light via fire, said.

From the darkness, in the cave, skeletons, with armour, came out with ice swords, bows and axes.

"Undead infantry?"

This means the boss has to be a Lich, someone who summons and controls undead.


Yuichi's attitude took a 180. He wanted to fight the undead infantry by himself.

He unsheathed his katana and charged toward them. The blade of his katana became consumed by a shroud of flames.

There he goes again with his incantationless casting.

"Ms Kin! Stay here with Isla! Isla, you support us from afar with magic! Make sure to not hit us!"

And I rushed toward the infantry too.

Yuichi was mowing down the skeletons, one by one. The undead spellcasters and archers aimed for them.

"True Flame!"

I shot the three spellcasters in the head and I used Dusk to cancel the Icicles that the archers were aiming at Yuichi.

I shot those three in the head too.

"Take this!"

Yuichi dashed in front of those archers and sliced their heads and arms off.

There was still a group of skeletal soldiers, walking toward us.

"And for the finale! Sacred Lightning!"

Yuichi unleashed his Singularity's wrath upon the soldiers. The soldiers were fired in an instant and the blue light in their eyes faded as they dropped, motionless, onto the ground.


"Looks like you didn't need our support."

Ms Kin said.

"More like Yuichi didn't."

I saved him from being attacked by those spellcasters and archers.

Ice Magic may be solid but he can't cut four ice spells with a single katana.

I want to be appreciated more in this team!

Isla picked up one of the motionless skeleton's bones and tossed it ahead, far in front of Yuichi.

As it landed, the sound echoed.

She picked up another and dropped it slightly in front of her. The sound was different from the first. It echoed less.

"There's an open space in front of us, just like I thought."

Isla said.

"You can tell?"

"My experience in the countryside is helping me here. There's more room for the sound to travel and it bounces back into the empty space and back, repeatedly, making an echo."

I guess it does make sense.

"Let's go and check it out, then."

Ms Kin suggested.

It was only half a minute or so from the motionless skeletal bodies, we made it to the empty space.

From here, the cave ended and it separated into two paths. One had multiple footprints and the other seemed clear of any clues.

"Let's go through the left path."

Isla said.

"There are footprints and they seem recent."


"I agree."

They said.

For some reason, I didn't. It seemed slightly too obvious. Lichs may be bosses but they're not beasts. I've read that they can be quite calculative and sly. Though this is an ice dungeon, he may have found a way to make footprints.

I went over to the other tunnel, the one on the right, and inspected it.


"I think we should go through this one."

I said to them.

They all looked at me strangely.

"What? But this is the way to the boss room?"

Yuichi told me.

"I know, that's why I want to go this way."

"Eh, but that's the wrong way."

Isla commented.

"I'm just saying, but the tracks are too suspicious. I've read about Lichs. The books say that some possess human-level intelligence. If so, then even they will know how suspicious those tracks are. Bosses don't want to be found either. They're probably forged."

"Why don't we go down this way, and if you're right, we'll go down the other path?"

Ms Kin asked.

"Lichs with human intelligence are rare."

She asserted.

"Something just isn't right though. If this Lich is as smart as I say he is, then that place will most likely have a booby trap of some sort. Or one of the Lich's stronger summons."

"Just come, Kazuya. You're outvoted."

Maybe but I'm doing this because of the uneasiness in the air.

Perhaps if Yuichi could use his nose, we'd know if what I was saying was true but it's plugged since it'll be torn apart if he sniffs the cold air for too long.

"No, I won't."

"I'm the team leader, Kazuya. We're going this way."

He said, a little irritated.

"I say what I think and that's it. I'm not changing my opinion."


Yuichi roared.

Mana began to leak from him slightly as he glared at me. I stay calm and prepared myself.

He stuck his hand out.

"Come. Now."

"I said no."


Ms Kin put her hand on Tatsuya's shoulder. He looked back at her.

"It's fine. I'll go with him."

The boy looked downward as Ms Kin walked toward me.

"Stop there."

He ordered her.

She turned.

"Come with us, Ms Kin. Kazuya can go by himself."

"Yuichi! That's stupid! Going into a C+ dungeon boss room by himself is practically suicide!"

"What? Didn't you say to us, when we first formed Team Synthesis, that everyone would obey the leader's responsibility, including you?"

Even if I'm not agreeing with you, that's dirty. You shouldn't do that to your teacher.

"As your overseer, I can interrupt--"

"Should I put in a word with my grandmother?"

Next, Isla began talking. Ms Kin became silent.

She put her head down and walked toward them.

"I'm sorry, Kazuya."

I didn't reply.

I merely stared at their group as they went into the left tunnel.

I sighed.

"What did I cause?"

I looked at the right tunnel.

"Well, let's see if my instincts are correct."